Staff Scheduler Sidebar

Use this sidebar to allocate tasks and booked time to employees.

Task Search Tab

If the sidebar is not visible, click on the right side of the calendar grid. To hide the sidebar, click on the left side of the sidebar.

This tab enables you to filter tasks listed by selected criteria, such as client, job number, under-allocated, and so on.

Click on a column header to sort by that column.

Field Description
Filter Options (for example, Job #) This area displays the default filter field options. You can specify the filters that are displayed here by clicking in the top-left corner of the Task Search tab to display the Search Filter Profiles pop-up.

Click in one or more of these fields and enter information to filter the task list, then click Search. For example, you may want to filter by Client, so select Client in the Search Filter Profiles pop-up, then enter a client name in the filter field.

Showing Use this field to filter the tasks based on their allocation status. Choose an option from the drop-down, then click Search. The default option in the Showing field is Showing all, which displays all jobs tasks, regardless of whether any or all of their hours have already been allocated.
Other options are:
  • Choose Under Allocated Task to display tasks that have some or all of their hours still unallocated.
  • Choose Fully Allocated Task to display tasks that have all of their hours allocated.
  • Choose Over Allocated Tasks to display tasks where the number of hours allocated exceeds the number of work hours in the job. This can make a good "housekeeping" check because under normal conditions, over-allocation of hours is seen as a problem.
  • Choose Pending Allocation to display tasks that are allocated but awaiting approval. This can be a good review list to quickly find all allocations to be approved.
Click to clear selected search criteria or to perform a search.
Filter Options for Columns (for example, Job #...) You can specify the columns that are displayed here by clicking in the top-right corner of the task list to display the Column Selector Profiles pop-up.
Job # This column displays the job number of the task. Click a number to display the Financials page on a new tab.
Task This column displays the name of the task.
Scheduled This column displays the number of allocated resource hours versus the total number of task hours budgeted.
Days Left This field displays the number of days remaining before the task deadline (as set in Job Schedule). A negative value in red shows that the deadline date is in the past.
In-House This column specifies whether the task is from an in-house job, which is non-billable.
Info Click on any task to display additional information in this panel. Note that you can click the panel header again to hide it.
  • Click the Next Allocation Length up or down arrows (or manually type a value) to change the allocation duration length for the selected task. You can still drag an allocation onto an employee's calendar even if there are no available hours left in the task. In this case, the Next Allocation Length value is set at 30 minutes and cannot be edited in this window. You can edit it after dropping the 30-minute length onto the calendar.
  • The Task Allocations grid (Who, Duration, Status) displays details about the employees who are already allocated to the task (if any).
  • Total work hours displays the total number of allocated resource hours for the selected task.

  • Click to display the calendar page of the employee so that you can see the booking in the calendar. You must select an employee booking in the list of allocations before you can click this button.
  • Select an allocation in the grid, then click to remove the selected allocation from the schedule.
  • Select an allocation in the Info grid, then click to approve or unapprove it. The button label changes depending on whether the selected allocation is approved or unapproved.

All Tasks Tab

This tab includes a folder tree of all clients, projects, jobs, and tasks. It provides an alternative to filtering to find a task; however, the information that is displayed is limited.

Booked Time Tab

Use this tab to schedule non-job/task-related allocations, such as a client meeting. These allocations are displayed in yellow on the calendar grid. When enabled on, calendar synchronization pushes these entries to Google Calendar or Exchange.

Field Description
Type Select the type of allocation, such as Client Meeting. This list can be edited in Admin > List Management.
Description Enter a description for the allocation. For example, you might enter an address or details about a presentation.
Duration (Days/Hours) Specify the allocation duration in days and hours.
Editable by Everyone Select this option if you want everyone with access to the calendar to have the ability to edit the information.
Update When you select an existing allocation, you can edit the information, then click this button to update the allocation.

This button is disabled until you select an existing allocation.

Delete Select an existing allocation, then click this button to delete it.

This button is disabled until you select an existing allocation.

Reset Forms Click to reset the Booked Time tab fields.
Drag to Reschedule When you select an existing allocation on the calendar, you can edit it, then click and hold this button and drag it onto the calendar to reschedule the allocation.

This button is only enabled when you have existing booked time allocations on your calendar.

Drag to Create New When you create an allocation, you can click and hold this button, then drag it onto the calendar to add the allocation to the calendar.