Perform the Conversion on the Fly

Use this method to perform a conversion to foreign currency one time, on the fly.

To perform a conversion on the fly, complete the following steps:

  1. Display a quote on the Add/Edit Quote page (for a new quote) or the Quotes page (for an existing quote).
  2. Click . This button turns green to indicate that it is active, and the following items are added to the Quotes page:
    • Currency drop-down, which defaults to Euro.
    • Get Rate pull-up.
    • Rate text box.
    • Apply pull-up.
    • Conversion button, which defaults to .
    • A second Rate (hourly) column, which defaults to Euro. (This changes appropriately when you apply the conversion.)
    • A second Total column, which defaults to Euro. (This changes appropriately when you apply the conversion.)
  3. Choose the currency from the Currency drop-down, such as US dollar. A dialog prompts you to confirm the choice.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Choose one of the following from the Get Rate pull-up to get the conversion rate:
    • Get Actual Rate to get the current rate from the Internet.
    • Get Company's Rate if your TrafficLIVE administrator has set a standard default conversion rate.
    The rate is displayed in the Rate text box. You can overtype it if appropriate.
  6. Click the conversion button until it shows the correct currencies and direction of conversion. Using the example of converting from British Pound Sterling to US dollar, the correct appearance of the conversion button is .
  7. Choose Apply to All from the Apply pull-up.
  8. Click .