Issue a Tender

A tender output is separated by supplier. If a tender includes multiple suppliers, you must create multiple PDF outputs.

To issue a tender, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Menu > Purchasing > Tenders.
  2. Use the filters to search for the tender.
  3. Double-click on the tender to display the tender details.
  4. Click Issue Tender.
  5. In the Issue Tender pop-up, select the supplier, tendering template, and document format.
  6. Click Send and save using correspondence (optional).
  7. Click Issue Button to view the tender output.
  8. Use the Save As dialog box to save the file.
  9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for each supplier to whom you are issuing a tender.

After the tender has been sent, the Supplier Tender Status on the Suppliers tab is automatically updated to Sent and the Sent column is updated with today's date. You can change both columns manually if needed.