New Quote Page Fields and Buttons

You use this page to create a quote, then you add line items to the quote.

Attention: When you first access this page, its title is New Quote. The Create Quote pop-up immediately overlays the page. After you provide the required information on the Create Quote pop-up and click Next, the pop-up closes, and the underlying page's title changes to Add/Edit Quote. You provide the remaining information about the quote on that page.
Note: Columns that contain a currency symbol, such as Cost £ , display the symbol for the currency that your agency has selected as its base currency. In the following descriptions, the £ symbol is just used as an example.

The columns in the data grid are the default columns. You can select the columns that you want to display using the Column Selector Profiles pop-up.

Top of Page

Field Description
Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs indicate where in the quote hierarchy you are creating this quote. The first level (at the left) is the client name, the second level is the project name, and the third level will show the name of the quote when you have completed creating it.
When you are creating a quote it is unlocked, and this icon appears to the right of the breadcrumbs. When you version a quote, or when the quote is final, it is locked, and this icon changes to . You can also use the locking feature manually, if you need to.

Above the Data Grid

Field Description
Quote Number TrafficLIVE automatically assigns the quote number when you provide the required information and click to create the quote.
You can click this button to open the Notes dialog and enter any additional information about the quote.
Description You can enter a description if appropriate. This is the client-facing description when you print the quote.
Edit Free Tags… You can enter tags to categorize and help you when searching for the quote.
Type Choose the quote type from the drop-down, such as Design for Print. This is a user-defined set of values that you use to set a category for the quote, which normally describes the type of work that the quote represents. The TrafficLIVE administrator defines this list of possible values.
Owner Choose the name of the quote owner from the drop-down. The list contains the names of all employees of your agency who are enabled within TrafficLIVE.
Client Contact Use the drop-down to choose the name of the person at the client company who requested the quote.
Related Job # This field displays the number of the job to which the quote is related, if the job has been opened as a stand-alone job and then linked to the quote, or if the quote has been created from a job You can click the job name to view the Jobs page for that job. If there is no related job, "N/A" appears in this field.
Show Tax Select this check box to display tax amounts on the quote.
Click to use the foreign currency functionality if the client uses a different currency than your agency's base currency. Client-facing figures then appear in their currency, but internal figures appear in your agency's base currency.
Order Anticipated Enter the date when you expect to win the job that this quote represents.
Job Deadline Enter the projected date of finishing the job or use the icon to choose a date.
Client Ref Enter any reference information if the client provided it.
Rate Card Choose the name of a client-specific rate card from the drop-down if you are not using the default rate card for the quote.
Realization Threshold Choose the appropriate threshold percentage for this quote from the drop-down. This is the percentage of the recoverable value of work that your TrafficLIVE administrator has defined as the minimum requirement to proceed. The actual realization percentage of the quote is always measured against the values of the default rate card. The realization threshold is provided only for guidance.
System Status Choose the quote status from the drop-down. The default value is Progress.
  • Draft — The quote is not yet ready to issue.
  • Progress — The quote is ready to show to the client.
  • Complete — You have won the quote. (Note that when you convert a quote to a job, the quote's system status changes to Complete automatically.)
  • Declined — You did not win the quote.
User Status Choose the client-defined status from the drop-down, such as For Approval. The TrafficLIVE administrator defines this status
Sales Stage Choose the sales stage from the drop-down, such as Lead. This field is linked to the Prob of Proceeding % field. These values and how they are linked are set up by the TrafficLIVE administrator. For example, if one value of the Sales Stage field is Hot, the corresponding Prob of Proceeding % field value might be 75%. If you change a value in the Sales Stage field, the value in the Prob of Proceeding % field changes to the associated value as set up by the administrator.
Prob of Proceeding % Enter a percentage for the likelihood that the quote will proceed, or use the buttons to choose the percentage. This field is linked to the Sales Stage field; see its description for more information.

Data Grid

Field Description
Click to access the Column Selector Profiles pop-up, where you can select to display or not display columns and then save your selections as a Column Selector profile.
Click, hold, and drag to move a quote line item up or down in the list, or to move it into or out of a stage. Release it when the line item is in the appropriate location.
Field Description
# This column displays the line number of any quote line item that is added to the quote.
Type This column displays the default line item type, Fee, but you can choose another type from the drop-down: Purchase, Expenses, or Time. Each type has its own associated charge band, which fills in default values in the Cost, Markup %, and Rate columns. You can accept those default values or edit them.
Description Click in this column to enter a description.
Tender ID This column displays a tender ID after you have created a tender and saved it by using the button at the bottom of the page to access the Tenders page.
Note Click to access the Notes dialog to enter any additional information.
Charge Band This column displays the default charge band for the type that you selected in the Type column. The default charge band is the first charge band, alphabetically, in the list of charge bands. You can choose another charge band from the drop-down.
Realization % This column displays the percentage that the rate is worth at the default rate, versus the rate that was sold.
Qty This column displays the number of units being quoted, such as the number of hours, the number of posters being printed, and so on. The value of this column defaults to 1. You can click in the column to change the value.
Cost £ This column displays the cost per unit to your agency in your agency's base currency. This is the default cost from the associated charge band. You can click in the column to enter a different value.
Markup % This column displays a default percentage for markup. This is the default markup from the associated charge band. You can click in the column to enter a different percentage.
Rate £ This column displays the cost plus the markup, which is essentially the selling price per unit of the item that is being quoted. This is a default rate in your agency's base currency from the default charge band. You can click in the column to enter a different value.
Total £ This column displays the total that is derived by multiplying the value of the Qty column by the value of the Rate column. However, you can click in the column to enter a different value.
Ex. From Quote Select this check box to omit the line item from being printed when you print the quote. The value is not excluded from the total at the bottom of the page, and any excluded lines are included in the job if you convert the quote to a job later.
Optional Select this check box to group this line item with other optional line items in a separate section when you print the quote, so that their figures are calculated together and they are printed together, rather than being included in the main quote. The actual appearance of optional lines on the printed PDF of the quote may vary according to your company's quote design.

Below the Data Grid

Field Description
Total Realization % (unlabeled) This figure at the bottom of the Realization % column provides the total of the Realization % column values for the quote.
Total Cost £ (unlabeled) This figure at the bottom of the Cost £ column provides the total of the Cost £ values for the quote.
Total £ (unlabeled) This figure at the bottom of the Total £ column provides the total of the Total £ values for the quote.
Click to add a line item to the quote.
Click to remove a line item from the quote.
Click to add a stage to the quote. You can group task-based activities within a stage; using stages is optional. A stage aggregates the totals of all of the task hours and corresponding prices within the stage, giving a stage total. Stages can have sub-stages-that is, stages within stages. Using stages is optional.
Click to remove a stage from the quote. Note that to remove a stage you must first delete all of the tasks that are linked to the stage.
Margin This field displays the total margin percentage for the quote. TrafficLIVE calculates this value; you cannot edit it.
Profit This field displays the total profit for the quote in your agency's base currency. TrafficLIVE calculates this value; you cannot edit it.
Tax This field displays the total tax for the quote in your agency's base currency, based on the system's default tax code setting. TrafficLIVE calculates this value; you cannot edit it.
Grand Total This field displays the grand total value of the quote in your agency's base currency. TrafficLIVE calculates this value; you cannot edit it.
Click to create another quote.
Click to create a job from this quote
Click to move the quote to a different client or project. If a job is linked to the quote, the job also moves.
Click to access the Issue Quote dialog so that you can save and print the quote and/or send it to the client using Correspondence.
Click to create a tender for any estimated purchase line items this quote.
Click to version this quote. TrafficLIVE copies this quote and appends :1 to the quote name for the first additional version; for example, an original quote named Q1 becomes Q1:1. The original quote (Q1) is locked and cannot be edited unless you have the correct permission to unlock it. Each additional version number is incremented by 1; a second version's name would be Q1:2.
Use the options available via this pull-up to delete a quote, copy a quote, or export a quote.
Click to access the Templates dialog to apply a template, save a view as a template, or modify a template.
Click to save the information that you have entered.