My Expenses Page Fields and Buttons

You use the fields and buttons on the My Expenses page to work with your expense sheets.

My Expenses (Expense Sheet) Page

This page provides a summary view of the expense sheets that you own. When you create an expense sheet, it is added at the top of the list of your expense sheets.

The search filters that the following table describes are the default search fields. You can select the fields that you want to use as search filters using the Search Filter Profiles pop-up. The grid columns that the following table describes are the default columns. You can select the columns that you want to see on the grid using the Column Selector Profiles pop-up.

Field Description
Click to access the Search Filter Profiles pop-up, where you can select to display/not display columns in the grid and then save your selections as a Search Filter profile.
Click to create a link to this page on your Home page for easy access.

Search Filter Fields

Field Description
Expense Sheet Number Enter or search for an expense sheet number to use in search criteria.
Expense Sheet Name Enter or search for an expense sheet name to use in search criteria.
Submitted by This column displays your name.
Approver Choose an approver name from the drop-down list to use in search criteria, or use the Showing All default.
Expense Sheet Status Choose an expense sheet status from the drop-down list to use in search criteria, or use the Showing All default.

Above the Search Results Grid

Field Description
Click to clear search criteria.
Click to search using specified criteria.

Search Results Grid

Field Description
Click to access the Column Selector Profiles dialog, where you can select to display/not display columns and then save your selections as a Column Selector profile.
Expense Sheet Number This column displays the expense sheet number.
Date Created This column displays the date when you created the expense sheet.
Name This column displays your name.
Claim Amount This column displays the amount of the expense.
Tax Amount This column displays the amount of tax on the expense.
Total Amount inc. Tax This column displays the total amount of the expense, including tax.
Status This column displays the status of the expense sheet, such as DRAFT.
User Category This column displays a user-defined category assigned to the expense sheet. The TrafficLIVE admin defines these categories.
Submitted by This column displays your name.
Approved Value For approved expense sheets, this column displays the amount that was approved.
Paid Value For paid expense sheets, this column displays the amount that was paid.
Approver For approved expense sheets, this column displays the name of the person who approved the expense sheet.
Date Submitted This column displays the date when you submitted the expense sheet.
Date Approved For approved expense sheets, this column displays the date when the expense sheet was approved.
Date Denied For denied expense sheets, this column displays the date when the expense sheet was denied.
Date Paid For paid expense sheets, this column displays the date when the expense sheet was paid.
Exported This check box is selected if the expense sheet has been exported. Otherwise, it is not selected.
Click to open the expense sheet in another window.
Click to open the expense sheet in the same window.

Below the Search Results Grid

Field Description
Page navigation buttons Click Previous or < to move backward one page; click Next or > to move forward one page.
Click to display the new expense sheet page so that you can create an expense sheet. After you create an expense sheet, this page name changes to the name of the expense sheet.
Click to export the data that the current view is displaying to a CSV file.
Click to output the data that the current view is displaying to a report that your TrafficLIVE administrator has defined.