Job Overview Fields and Buttons

Use the fields and buttons on the Job Overview page to view high-level job information.

Field Description
Click to zoom in and out of the view.
Click to expand all folders in the Client Jobs pane.
Click to collapse all folders in the Client Jobs pane.
Click to view a 5-week period surrounding today's date.
Click to view today's date close up.
Filter by: System Status, Job Owner, User Status Use the drop-downs to filter the jobs based on system status, job owner, or user-defined status.

Filters are cumulative. For example, if you select a Progress system status and select John Smith in the Job Owner filter, the system only displays the jobs where John Smith is the owner and the system status is Progress.

Filter by Job Owner Use the drop-down to filter the jobs based on job owner.
Filter by User Status Use the drop-down to filter the jobs based on the user-defined status.

Grid Color Markers and Symbols

Color Marker / Symbol Description
This line indicates today's date.
This line is the internal deadline set for the job.
This line is the external deadline set for the job.
Progress bar

The green shading on the progress bar indicates the amount of progress to date on the job.

The numbers display how many hours out of the total hours have been completed.

The entire gray area indicates the time span for the job as set up on the Job Schedule page.

The bar begins on the start date of the first task in the job. The bar ends on the deadline set for the last task in the job.

If a job has no gray progress bar in the grid, the job schedule task deadlines have not yet been set.