Job Details Tab Grid Fields and Descriptions

Use the fields and descriptions in the Job Details tab grid to view and set job details.

The columns described in the following table are the default columns. You can select the columns that you want to see on the grid using the Column Selector Profiles pop-up.

Field Description
Job Number This field displays the system-generated job number.
Job Name This field displays the name of the job.
Description This field displays the job description or longer brief. Type in the field to add or edit information.
Type This field displays the job type. Use the drop-down to change the job type. You can set possible job types in Admin > List Management. They are unique to your implementation of TrafficLIVE and are useful to filter searches and reporting.
Owner's Location This field displays the home location of the staff member. This is auto-populated based on the owner.
Client Contact This field displays the client point of contact. Use the drop-down to change the name.
Rate Card This field displays the rate card for the job. Use the drop-down to add/edit the rate card for the job. This always reverts to the default rate card unless the client has a specific rate card assigned.

You set rate cards in the Admin area. You can set a client's contact record to default all of that client's jobs to a chosen rate card.

Client PO This is a free text field and allows you to enter a client purchase order (PO) reference (the PO that the client gave you).
Client PO Value This field displays the value on the client's purchase order. Enter the amount on the purchase order for reference.
External Job Code This field displays the external job code. You only use external job codes when integrating TrafficLIVE with other systems. You can use external job codes to communicate the job number with the other system(s) so that data can be matched between systems.

Click in the field to enter/edit the external job code.

External Job Code 2 This field displays the second external job code. In rare cases two external job codes are needed.

Click in the field to enter/edit the second external job code.

Retainer Job Select this option to assign the current job as a parent job in a retainer situation. If you want this job to be the child of a parent job, do not select this option and use the Link to Parent Retainer field instead.

One reason that you might want to link jobs as parents and children is if you want to assign all of the billing to the parent job and use the child jobs only for resourcing and time sheet purposes.

Link to Parent Retainer Use this option to link the current job to a parent. Click the Edit button to select a parent retainer. See the preceding description of the Retainer Job field for more information.
Start Date This field displays the start date of the job. Click in the field, then use the calendar that is displayed to enter/edit the date.
External Deadline This field displays the deadline to which you and the client have agreed. Click in the field, then use the calendar that is displayed to enter/edit the date.
Internal Deadline This field displays the deadline toward which you are working internally. This is the date that is used for the project and for resourcing. Click in the field, then use the pop-up calendar to enter/edit the date.
In-House Job Select this option if the job is an in-house job. The selection here determines whether the job will be billable. For in-house jobs, all job lines and submitted time sheets are marked as non-billable.
Related Quote This field displays the quote number if the job is linked to a quote. You can click this link to display the related quote. If there is no related quote, this field displays N/A.
Free Tags Use this text field to add any tag(s) that you have assigned to the job. These are defined in Admin > Tags. These are used to add additional job information to filter searches and reporting.
Job Costing Type Use the drop-down to choose the job costing type. You can cost jobs using either Charge Band or Allocated Resources.
  • Choose Charge Band when the job cost is calculated using tasks and the associated charge bands.
  • Choose Allocated Resources when the job cost is calculated using the assigned resources rate. If you choose this option, additional columns are displayed on the additional columns are displayed on the Time tab.

    You set the default job costing type in the Admin area. This is usually identified and agreed to at the start of your implementation.

    You set employees' rates in the employee record within Admin.

Specify % Complete TrafficLIVE calculates the percentage complete of a job automatically; however, that automated calculation is not suitable for all jobs. You can override the automated calculation and enter your own value. This field, together with the % Complete Value field, specifies the percentage that is used to mark a job complete.
% Complete Value TrafficLIVE calculates the percentage complete of a job automatically; however, that automated calculation is not suitable for all jobs. You can override the automated calculation and enter your own value. This field, together with the Specify % Complete field, specifies the percentage that is used to mark a job complete.
Realization Threshold Use this drop-down to set a realization threshold. When you set a realization threshold, jobs and tasks are colored red in a Job Search when they fall below that threshold.