
You use this page to work with importing data sets.

TrafficLIVE enables you to import data sets that have been saved in CSV files.
  • The data import is hierarchical; thus, if you are importing time sheets, the jobs to which the time sheets are related must already exist in TrafficLIVE.
  • If you need to edit the import file, first save it to an .xls file, edit the .xls file, then save it back to CSV format. If you edit the CSV file it will become corrupt, and you will not be able to import it into TrafficLIVE.
Tip: Ensure that your data is correct before you import it, or import a few records first and then check them before you continue. Deltek Support cannot delete your data if, for example, you import 5,000 erroneous time sheets.

Display the Import Page

Click Menu > Admin > Import to access the Import page.