Expense Sheets

You use this page to work with expense sheets and add expense line items to an expense sheet.

Using this page, you can:
  • Create an expense sheet.
  • Add an expense line item to an expense sheet.
  • Submit an expense sheet.
  • Print an expense sheet.
  • Review, approve, and decline an expense sheet, depending on your access privileges.

Understanding Expenses

In TrafficLIVE, an expense is an item that does not have a purchase order and that is bought for or charged to a job. Expense items might be bought with petty cash or a company credit card, or an employee might pay for an item and request reimbursement.

You should enter all expenses into an expense sheet, regardless of whether an employee is seeking reimbursement, so that all costs that are associated with a job are recorded.
  • Expenses show on a job immediately after you add them. If an expense is later denied, the amount is removed from the job.
  • TrafficLIVE handles markup and similar concepts based on job and/or system settings; you do not need to make any settings or entries.
  • TrafficLIVE's standard expense form is a generic claim form. You can modify it in Templates to tailor it to your organization's needs.

You can think of an expense sheet as a container. You create expense sheet line items that are related to an expense sheet to list the individual expense items for that expense sheet.

Working with expenses involves the use of two pages in TrafficLIVE:
  • To view, enter, or edit expenses at the expense sheet level, you use the Expense Sheets page. When the expense sheet has been saved, it appears as a row on the Expense Sheets page. If you have the correct privileges, you can approve, pay, and deny expense sheets.
    Note: Most users create and manage their expense sheets using the functionality in My Traffic. The Expense Sheets page is intended for use by manager-level users because they can view expenses from all employees there, which might include sensitive information.
  • To view, enter, or edit expense line item information, you double-click on the related expense sheet's name on the Expense Sheets page to navigate to an expense sheet detail page whose title is the same as the expense sheet's name. (You can also click one of the icons at the end of an expense line item row.) On the detail page you create, submit, and edit expense line items; and if you have the correct privileges you can approve, pay, and deny expense line items.
    Note: The TrafficLIVE administrator assigns privileges that enable users to approve, pay, and deny expense sheets and expense line items.

Display the Expense Sheets Page

Click Menu > Manage Agency > Expense Sheets.