Step 6: Configuration

Follow these steps to select which actions are available in each phase.

To select which actions are available in each phase:

  1. Check the actions you want to include from the following sections:
    • Achievements

    • Competencies and Skills

    • Goals

    • Performance Journal

    • Scoring: You can configure appraisals based on the current workflow without a scoring phase by unchecking the Allow Scoring option in the Assessment and Review phases.

    Note: Each section (Achievements, Competencies and Skills, etc.) displays on the Configuration step even if it was not selected in a previous step.

    Within each section are columns associated with the phases selected in Step 5: Phases. The column headers display the name given to each phase.

    Check boxes indicate that more than one option can be selected. Radio buttons indicate that only one option can be selected for that item.

    When a section applies to the manager and the employee, the same actions to Add, Edit, or Delete display for both user groups.

    If you select an action check box for a user, the cell is highlighted green. If an action check box is not selected for a user, the cell is highlighted red. If an action is not available for a phase or category, N/A displays in a white cell.

  2. Click Next.