Select 360 Participants Step (360 Bulk Launch)

Choose the internal and external participants who should be included in rating the employee as part of this 360 assessment. You can add participants to this list later up to the point of when you finalize the planning phase of the 360 assessment.

Before performing these steps, open the Bulk Launch 360 Screen.

To select 360 participants for the bulk launch:

  1. On the Select 360 Participants Step, click Select Employees to open a dialog and search for employees to include as participants in the 360 bulk launch.
  2. To add external participants to the 360 assessment, enter the contact information in the text area in this format: e-mail address, first name, last name. Add the information for each rater on a separate line. For example:, Jane, Doe, Bob, Smith

  1. Click Next to proceed to the next step in the wizard.