Preview Form

At any time during the forms creation, you can preview how the form will appear to the recipient by clicking the Preview Form button.

Hovering over any information icons will show the help text that displays to the user.

Click Return to return to the form workspace.

When you have finished creating the form or have reached a point in its creation when you need to stop, you have three options available for saving your work:

  • Save Draft: This option allows you to save the form in its current state, but does not allow others to use the form yet. In the table of forms, the status of that form shows Pending Completion and the options available for that form include the ability to edit, copy, and delete. Because the form is not completed and is not available for use, the option to deactivate the form does not display in the Actions column.
  • Save and Continue Editing: This option allows you to save the form and continue entering your changes. Clicking this button saves the form in its current state, but the workspace remains in edit mode.
  • Save: This option saves the form and returns you to the Dynamic Forms table populated with the previously created dynamic forms. The new form is added to the table and bears the Ready status. Options available for the form include the ability to edit, copy, deactivate, and delete.