Monster Power Résumé Search Screen

This screen lets you run a power search from the Monster.Com résumé database if your company purchased the Monster integration feature.

To run a Power Résumé Search:

  1. Click Recruiting > Monster > Power Résumé Search.
  2. Complete the fields in the search form.
    On the Search Results Screen, you will see a score scale. This indicates how closely the candidate matches your search criteria as compared to other candidates in the résumé database.

    A summary of top skills displays for each candidate, along with total years of experience information for each skill.

    Some of the skills may be flagged with green dots. These dots indicate that the skill matches one or more of the keywords that you entered as search criteria.

  3. Click the candidate’s name or résumé title to view a résumé.
  4. If needed, narrow down your search further by adding, removing, or revising the search criteria on the left sidebar.