Manage Job Details

You can configure different fields to display for employees and for external job seekers.

If the Hourly Portal is enabled, there will be an option to manage the Hourly Job Details Fields.

To manage the fields on the Job Details page:

Click in the appropriate row.

  1. Complete the fields on the page.
    • Fields to Display: This allows you to select which fields to display to the job seeker.

      To add a field, drag the field from the Available Fields area to the Selected Fields area. Repeat this with all the fields you want to include.

      To place the fields in the order that you want them to appear in the form, drag them up or down to the desired position.

      To remove a field, drag it back into the Available Fields area.

    • Salary Display Format: If you opted to display the salary, this option allows you to designate the display format:

      Show Salary Range: For example, 45,000 to 57,000

      Show Salary Grade Name Only: For example, EX-100

      Show Salary Range and Name: For example, 45,000 to 57,000 (EX-100)

  2. Click Submit.