Job Seeker Delete Own Account

If the Allow Account Deletion feature is enabled, the job seeker must still meet the following criteria to be eligible for deletion.

  1. The job seeker’s primary residence must be in a country selected to allow account deletions. Country selection is completed by the CSAM.
  2. The job seeker cannot be a current or former employee of the organization. Former employees are recognized by the system when they use the same login they were given when they were off-boarded.

    If the job seeker meets both of these criteria, there is a link available on his or her Career Center menu labeled Delete my account.

    Clicking the link displays a confirmation message to the job seeker allowing him or her to approve or reject the action and advises the job seeker the action is permanent. Clicking the button to confirm the deletion of the account automatically logs out the job seeker from the application.

    If the job seeker completes this action, all of his or her information is removed from the system. Any location in the application where the job seeker previously displayed to recruiting users will show a message indicating the job seeker was removed from the system.