Ending a Project and Assigning Skills and Competencies

When a user ends a project by clicking the End Project button on the Summary tab of a project’s Project Team screen, or by clicking the End icon for a project on the My Project Teams screen, if Skills and Competencies are associated with the project, the user ending the project can assign these metrics to team members from the Project Team Skills and Competencies screen.

To end a project and assign Skills and Competencies to team members:

  1. Click Career Center.
  2. Click Career Development.
  3. Click Project Teams.
  4. From the My Project list, find the project you want to end and click the End icon in the Actions menu.

    The names of team members or team member roles and the names of the Skills and Competencies defined for the project are listed in a grid on this screen

  5. Do one of the following to assign metrics to team members:
    • Click Check All to assign all Skills and Competencies to all team to all team members, including team lead, but not the team owner.

    • Click the box next to each individual team member or team role in each metric column to assign only particular Skills and Competencies to specific team members or team member roles. To assign a particular metric to every team member, check the box next to the metric name at the top of the column.

  6. When finished, click the End Project button at the bottom of the screen.

    The project is marked as Ended and the selected metrics are assigned to the selected team members, without the need of manager approval.

    The source of the user metrics is marked as Project.