Create a Requisition from the Job Profile Library

One method for creating a requisition is to use the Job Profile Library. The selections that you make determine which Recruiting workflow is used to expedite the creation process and define the entire application-to-hire process.

To create requisitions from the Job Profile Library:

  1. On the Main Menu, click Recruiting > Requisitions > Create Requisition.
  2. Select Associations Step: Complete the section, paying special attention to the following fields:
    1. In Organizational Unit, select the appropriate company.
      This activates additional business unit levels for you to select and refines the locations, job families, and job titles that are available in succeeding fields.

      If you see the (All levels are required) annotation, then you must select the final organizational level of the branch that you selected. For example, if you select a company that has three levels beneath it, you must select values for all three levels; you cannot simply select the parent organization level.

    2. In the Job Type, Location, and Job Family fields, select the appropriate values.
    3. If you want the Job Title field to list only those titles marked as applicable to the Hourly Portal, select the Show only Job Titles marked for Hourly Portal(s) check box.
    4. In Job Title, select from a list of options based on the job profiles maintained by your administrator; if none of the job titles listed meet your needs and you have the access rights to do so, click Create a New Job Profile to create the appropriate job profile.
      When you select a value, many related fields such as Description and Responsibilities are automatically populated.

      By default, the options are filtered according to the first organizational level but your company's configuration may differ.

      As you select associations, the Matching Workflow Found field populates with the appropriate workflow.
    5. Click the workflow name to view the details and confirm that it is the one you need.
    6. Click Continue.
  3. Define Requisitions Step: Complete the section, paying close attention to the following fields.
    Some fields populate automatically based on the associations that you specified in step 2.
    1. In Job Description, enter descriptive text about the job; simple text formatting is available.
    2. In Job Requirements, specify any requirements that candidates should meet; simple text formatting is available.
    3. In Locations, select from a list of active locations created by your administrator.
      Your selection in the Organizational Unit field determines which locations are available in this field.
    4. If you need to add ad-hoc locations and have access rights to do so, in Enter a Location select the country, state or province, city, and ZIP code (or postal code) and then click .
    5. If you added multiple locations, use the Primary field to specify the primary location, which is always displayed first.
      If the job is cross-posted, the primary location becomes the default location.
  4. If additional sections are displayed on the form, complete the sections as described in the following table:
    Section Description
    Front End Requisition Posting Options In this section, choose the Front End to which the requisition will be posted. “Front End” refers to an external job seeker portal.

    This section displays only if your organization purchased the Multiple Front End Portals integration feature.

    Route To In this section, select the name to whom you want to route requisitions for completion.
    Requisition Status Changes In this section, set status change options.

    When you create a new requisition, the Status defined in Workflow field denotes what the status will be after the requisition is posted or given final approval.

    To change the status, select a new status from the Change Status drop-down list and enter any related comments in the Comments field.

    If the status should change on a specific date and time, enter those details in the fields provided.

    The Scheduled Status Changes section reflects any status changes that were scheduled, by whom, when the change will take place, and any comments entered. Scheduled items can be edited or deleted.

    Talent Management runs an hourly cycle to process any scheduled changes.

    Things to remember pertaining to status changes:

    • When you create a Template Only requisition, the section to schedule requisition status changes is not displayed.
    • When you copy a requisition, any scheduled status changes information is also copied.
    • If the requisition is still pending approval, then the requisition's status change does not take effect.
    • If final approval is reached after the Scheduled Status Change date, then the status changes to what is defined in the workflow.
    • When you edit a requisition, the Edit Mode screen displays the Current Status rather than the Status defined in Workflow.
    Employee Referral Program (ERS) In this section, select the Referral Program (ERP) check box if the requisition is eligible for referral bonuses.
    Evergreen In this section, “evergreen” is defined as an ongoing or sourcing requisition.

    Selecting the Evergreen check box sets the # of Hires Needed field to hidden.

    This also enables the Show Only Evergreens filter on the Manage Requisitions screen. Use this filter to track evergreen requisitions.

    The Exclude Evergreens option is available on many reports so that you can exclude evergreen requisitions in report results.

    Translation Visibility In this section, select the appropriate option from the drop-down list to restrict the visibility of job postings from job seekers if no translation is available for the applicant’s selected language.

    For example, let's say that an applicant viewing a job posting in French changes the language setting to Spanish. If Spanish translation is not available for that job, the screen displays the following message: “We're sorry, but this job is not available in the language you selected.”

    Notifications In this section, you can view and manage the notifications that are automatically sent to applicants. Click the section heading to expand the section.

    Recipients of email notifications do not have to be Talent Management users.

    If your user account does not have permissions to edit content in this section, you can only view what has been defined in the workflow.

    Job Seeker Should Apply Online In this section, you can disable the Apply Online option and enter an alternate method if the Allow Alternate Application Method check box is selected in the Recruiting workflow.

    The Job Seeker Should Apply Online check box is selected by default. If you clear this check box, then the Enter Alternate Apply Method field displays, allowing you to indicate an alternate application method. If you specify an alternate application method, the Job Details screen displays that method instead of the Apply Online button.

  5. Review your selections and then click one of the following buttons:
    Button Description
    Click Previous to return to the previous screen and edit your selections.
    Click Save as Draft to save your current selections as a draft record in your My Drafts section of the Create Requisitions screen.
    Click Next to proceed to the next step in the wizard. The recruiting workflow used by the job profile determines the number of steps in the wizard.
  6. Select Approver(s) Step: If the workflow requires an approval chain, you may need to complete this step.
    Complete the fields as needed, paying close attention to the following required fields:
    • Available Approval Chains: Depending on the workflow, an approval chain may be associated with the requisition. If so, the individuals designated as approvers are automatically part of the approval process and listed as Default Approvers. Use this field to add new members from an existing approval chain. Select the chain from the Available Approval Chains drop-down list and click Select. The members of the selected chain are then displayed in the Select Approver(s) section.
    • Approval Chain Type: Select Serial to make the chain follow a specific sequence or select Parallel so approvers can approve in any sequence.
  7. To add more approvers, click Internal Approvers and select approvers from the User list or enter External Approvers email addresses in the text box provided.
    Enter multiple addresses separated by a comma or enter one address per line.
  8. Approval Order Step: To change the approval sequence among the selected approvers, drag and drop the names in the correct positions.
  9. Review your selections and then click Previous, Save as Draft, or Next.
  10. Screening Options Step: Select a screening questionnaire for internal and external applicants and set additional assessment options, if applicable:
    • Locate the questionnaire in the list and click the title to view its content and confirm that it is what you need.
    • Select the External option, the Internal option, or both, to associate the questionnaire with the appropriate applicant type(s).
    After you assign a Screening Questionnaire to a Requisition, a check mark is displayed in the SQ column on the Manage Requisitions screen.
  11. If your company purchased the Assessment Integration feature, use the Assessment section to specify one or more assessment packages that your company has purchased.
    The instructions that follow are for a multiple assessment option, but not all providers allow multiple selections.
    1. In the Assessment Category list, select the initial assessment and then click the name of the questionnaire to view its details.
    2. Select the assessments.
      Additional fields are activated when you do this.
    3. For each Assessment Category drop-down list, select the appropriate assessment.
  12. Review your selections and then click Previous, Save as Draft, or Next.
  13. Attachments Step: You can attach documents to a requisition, using the following tabs:
    Tab Description
    Upload Click this tab to upload a document.
    Select from Document Library Click this tab to select a file from the Document Library. The list of available documents from the Document Library includes only the files shared to your user group or are set to Public.
  14. In the Shared document(s) with field, specify who has access to the file attachment by selecting any of the following: Internal Job Seekers, External Job Seekers, or Approvers.
    The attached files are displayed on the Job Details screen as hyperlinks for applicants to view.
  15. Review your selections and then click Previous, Save as Draft, or Next.
  16. Preview Step: This is the last step in the Requisition Creation Wizard.
    Here, you can preview the details of the requisition as they will appear to the approver, the external applicant, and the internal applicant. To change any of the details, click Edit.

    If you did not select any approvers in the Select Approver(s) step, the screen does not display the Approver tab.

    If you translated the requisition into languages other than English, you can preview the translation under the Requisition Details Preview section. For translation instructions, see Translate a Requisition into Different Languages.

  17. Review your selections and then click Previous, Save as Draft, or Next.