Contents of the Tuition Assistance Preferences Screen

The Tuition Assistance Preferences screen displays the following fields and columns.

Tuition Assistance Caps

Field Description
Job Family

If you are setting tuition caps based on job families, select a job family (such as Administrative or Sales) from the drop-down list.

If you are setting one cap for the whole organization, select Company from the drop-down list.


Enter the total amount of tuition assistance that an employee can receive in a fiscal year.

Job Family

When you add a tuition assistance cap, the job family displays in the table below. You must click the to activate the cap.


When you add a tuition assistance cap, the amount displays in the table below. You must click the to activate the cap.

Tuition Assistance Dispositions

Field Description
Disposition Name

Enter the name of a new disposition.

For example, you may want more information about why tuition requests are being rejected. In addition to the Denied disposition, you may add the dispositions Not Relevant to Job and Unqualified Trainer.

Parent Disposition

Select Approved, Denied, or Cancelled. The new type will be based on this standard type.

For example, Cancelled by Student would be based on Cancelled.


This column lists all of your dispositions.


You cannot edit or delete the three default dispositions: Approved, Denied, and Cancelled. Therefore these are considered protected and identified by a Yes in the Protected column. All other dispositions have a No.

Parent Disposition

This is the standard disposition (Approved, Denied, or Cancelled) on which a new disposition is based.

For standard dispositions (Approved, Denied, or Cancelled), the parent disposition is Self.


This column displays the actions that can be taken for each item in the table.

Tuition Assistance Types

Field Description
Type Name

Enter the name of a new tuition assistance type (for example, Online University).

Sort Order

Enter a number to specify the order in which the new tuition assistance type displays in lists. For example, if you enter 3, the type displays as the third type in any list of types.

Parent Type

Select Internal or External. The new type is based on this standard type.

For example, Online University would be based on External.

Admin Only?

Designate a tuition assistance type as Admin Only if you want only administrators to see and use it.

Type Name

This column lists all of your tuition assistance types.

Sort Order

This column shows the order in which tuition assistance types display in lists.


You cannot edit or delete the two types: Internal and External. Therefore these are considered protected and identified by a Yes in the Protected column. All other dispositions have a No.

Admin Only?

A Yes in this column means that only administrators can see and use the tuition assistance type.


This column displays the actions that can be taken for each item in the table.


The buttons and icons on the Tuition Assistance Preferences screen perform the following functions.

Icon/Button Action Description
Tuition Assistance Administration Click this button to display the Tuition Assistance screen, where you can view open and closed tuition assistance requests and assign dispositions to open requests.
Add Click this button to add a new tuition assistance cap, disposition, or type.
Activate Click this icon to put a tuition assistance cap into use.
Deactivate Click this icon to take a tuition assistance cap out of use.
Edit Click this icon to edit the information for a tuition assistance disposition or type. You cannot edit the default dispositions (Approved, Denied, and Cancelled).
Delete Click this icon to delete a tuition assistance disposition or type. You cannot edit the default dispositions (Approved, Denied, and Cancelled) or types (Internal and External).