Contents of the Session Meeting Reasons Screen

Use fields and actions to create pre-defined meeting reasons that managers and employees can select when creating continuous feedback sessions.


Field Description
Meeting Reason The options that will display for selection from the Meeting Reason field on the Create New Continuous Feedback Session screen.
Employee Discussion Points A check mark displays in this column if employee discussion points have been saved for this meeting reason. If no check mark displays, click the Edit icon to add discussion points that the employee can use to help facilitate the conversation.
Manager Discussion Points A check mark display in this column if manager discussion points have been saved for this meeting reason. If no check mark displays, click the Edit icon to add discussion points that the manager can use to help facilitate the conversation.
New Session Meeting Reason Click to create a new reason, which employees and managers can then select when creating a session.
Edit Click to modify details of the session meeting reason.
Default/Not Default A grey check mark indicates the option is not set as the default. A black check mark indicates the option is the default. The default meeting reason will display in the Meeting Reason drop-down on the Create New Continuous Feedback Session screen.
Activated/Deactivated The Activated icon, an unlocked icon, indicates the option is Active, which means it is available for selection from the Meeting Reason drop-down on the Create New Continuous Feedback Session screen. The Deactivated icon, a locked icon, indicates the option is deactivated, which means it will no longer be available for selection from the Meeting Reason drop-down.
Delete Click to remove the reason from the list.