Contents of the 360s Administration Screen

Administrators or HRBP users with proper permissions use this screen to launch 360 assessments one at a time, or in bulk, for any active employee. HRBP users see only those employees to which they are associated.


Field Description
Employee Name The name of an active employee. If a 360s assessment exists for an employee an arrow displays to the left of the name. Click the arrow to expand a list of active assessments. Click the assessment name to open the 360 Assessment.
Employee ID A unique numeric identifier for a given employee.
Manager The manager of the selected or specified employee.
Job Title An employee's title.
Company/Division The company or division associated with an employee.
Location The office location to which an employee is assigned.
Actions Click the Launch a New 360 icon to create an assessment for just the selected individual.
Buttons Click the Bulk 360 Actions button to open the Bulk 360 Actions Screen, where you bulk launch assessments for a group of users.