Step Notification Defaults Form

Use this form to set up the default text used in the email and dashboard alerts. See the Step Notification Defaults Overview for more information about default notifications.

Notification Alert Type

Select the type of notification for which you want to set the default text. For more information, see Step Actions on the Workflow Steps tab of Workflow Type Configuration.

Tip: Create the default notifications before setting up the workflow. Changing the defaults after the workflow is created does not change the text in the existing notifications.

Notification Method

Use this to indicate if the default text for the selected alert type is for an e-mail or dashboard.

There are two notification types:

Show Alert Content

Select this check box to indicate the default for the same check box on the Dashboard Configuration dialog box.

This check box is only enabled when the Dashboard alert radio button is selected.

Default Text Group Box

This group box allows you to view and edit workflow notification alert.


Use this to view the subject or summary title of the alert.

Insert Field

Use this button to display the Select Field dialog box where you can select fields to incorporate into the subject. For example, a workflow needing approval can contain the control account, the approval due date, and so on in the notification subject field.


Use this to view the body of the notification.

Body Toolbar



Insert Field

Use this to display the Select Field dialog box where you can select fields to incorporate into the notification body. For example, a workflow needing approval can contain the control account, the approval due date, and so on in the notification body.

Insert Link

In addition to text in the notification, links can be added to the notification. When you receive a notification, you can click on the hyperlink in the email, PM Compass opens, and the workflow associated with the notification is displayed.

Use this to insert a record link to the workflow at the focus point in the body or alert content. Insert a link into the notification to open the specific workflow needing approval. Inserting a link provides the benefit of making it easy for the user to be taken directly to where the action is required.


Use this to display the Text Editor dialog box where you can assign and format text. It also provides you with spell check and formatting options.

Clear All Text

Use this to clear the Subject and Body fields of all of their entries.

View location

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