Use this dialog box to view the list of manual changes for a change request.
When you display the Change Log dialog box through the Change Details view, the dialog box stays on the screen and is accessible for use anytime while you are performing activities in the Change Details view. When you make changes in the Change Details view and click the Save button, changes are reflected in the Change Log dialog box.
By using the button at the top-right corner of this dialog box, you can toggle between the following change log views:
Cost Change Log
Schedule Change Log
Changing the duration of an activity creates a schedule change log entry. Changing the duration typically causes the work package dates to be updated during integration. When the work package date change is based on integration, no change log entry is created. If you want to see all the changes, you must run the BCR Analysis report.
Similar to the schedule change log, the cost change log displays the control accounts and work packages that have a manual change.
If you add a new work package or activity, subsequent changes are not captured in the change log. For example, if the CAM adds an activity, and then the scheduler changes the duration for that activity, the update made by the scheduler does not display in the schedule change log. Also, when the CAM adds an activity and then the scheduler deletes it, there is no change log entry.
The columns in the grid, sorted by Last Updated Data (default), are described in the following table.
Column |
Description |
Activity ID (Schedule Change Log only) |
This column displays the changed activity. If the table is a relationship, this column displays the predecessor activity. The activity is a hyperlink that will take you to the activity in the Change Details view. If the action is deleted, the hyperlink will take you to the parent work package. |
CA/WP (Cost Change Log only) |
This column displays the changed control account or work package.
CA/WP/MS (Schedule Change Log only) |
This column displays the control account, work package, or milestone linked to the changed activity in the schedule. This is useful because if you change an activity linked to a work package, the integration will most likely change the work package. Changes to a work package made by the integration are not in the change log. To see how the work package was changed by the integration, view the BCR Analysis report. |
Table |
This column displays the table affected by the change. This is helpful at identifying what has changed.
Action |
This column displays the action: if the record was added, deleted, updated, moved, or if it was a replan. If you modify a resource or a relationship, you will see a deleted action to represent the original value, and then an added action for the new value. |
Resource ID / Step ID / Successor ID (Schedule Change Log only) |
This column displays the resource ID/step ID/successor ID of the child record. |
Resource ID / Milestone Name (Cost Change Log only) |
This column displays the resource ID or milestone name that has changed. |
Field |
This column displays the specific field that has changed.
Original Value |
This column displays the value of the code assignment, resource assignment, cost, and so on, before the change request is started. When you add a new resource assignment to an activity or new costs to a work package, this column displays 0.
New Value |
This column displays the new or changed value for the field.
User |
This column displays the name of the user who made the latest update. The name in this column may not be the last user who changed a particular field value because the summary shows all changes for the record. For example, assume the originator has a user ID of CAM, and the scheduler is the first person who approves the change request and has a user ID of Scheduler. The CAM changes the resource assignment quantity from 100 to 200. Then in the next step of the workflow, the scheduler changes the curve type from linear to back loaded and does not change the quantity. When you access the Change Summary dialog box, it will appear as if the scheduler changed both the quantity from 100 to 200 and changed the curve from linear to back loaded. This is because the last update for the resource assignment row was performed by the scheduler. |
Last Updated |
This column displays the date when the action was performed. |
Processed |
During the Complete step, a checkmark is added to each row after the change is processed successfully. When executing the Apply Cost Changes step action or the Apply Schedule Changes step action, PM Compass populates this column as each row is successfully applied. If an error occurs, PM Compass adds a comment about why the row was not processed (for example, Work Package no longer exists) and continues processing the rest of the rows. If the change is not successful, a comment is added to the Process Comment column. For related cost and schedule examples, see Omit below. |
Process Comment |
This column includes comments for any rows where the process is not completed successfully. For related cost and schedule examples, see Omit below. |
Omit |
During the Complete step, if a record in the change log cannot be processed, the workflow action will be Continue Complete or Continue Approve. The Omit column will then be enabled for rows that have not yet been processed. When you omit an entry, all entries associated with that activity/work package and table are also marked as omitted after you click Save.
Click to save your selections in the Omit column and close the dialog box. This button is only available when the workflow action is Continue Complete or Continue Approve and the Omit column is editable.
Click to close the dialog box without saving any changes. This button is only available when the workflow action is Continue Complete or Continue Approve and the Omit column is editable.
Click to close the dialog box. This button is available when the workflow action is anything other than Continue Complete or Continue Approve.
Click to display the help topic for this dialog box.