Process Queue Detail Dialog Box

Use the Process Queue Detail dialog box to view information about processes that are in queue.

For more information, see Process Server Overview.

Process ID

This field displays the process ID of the process you selected in the Process Queue Manager form. This field is read-only.


This field displays the date and time when the process was submitted to the queue. This field is read-only.

Start After

Use this field to change the date and time when you want the process to run.

Send Process Status Email Alert to Submitter

Select this option to send an email to the submitter that will show the status of the process to indicate whether it was completed or whether an error was encountered. The email displays the process number and a detailed status of the process.

This can also be set in the Schedule dialog box.

This option is not selected by default.

Recurrence Pattern

This field displays how often the process is ran. This process recurrence description is read-only and is set in the Schedule dialog box.

Process Detail Grid

Grid Toolbar



Process Detail

Click the arrow to display the following options:

  • Print: Select this option to open the Print Preview form with the grid's contents displayed.

  • Export to Excel: Select this option to open the Microsoft Excel application with the grid's contents displayed.

Termination Message

Click to display the termination message for the selected process.


Use this to reload the Process Detail Grid information.

Status Log

Click to display a dialog box listing all of the job status messages up to this point for the selected job.

Status messages are not generated for all workflow types.

Grid Columns

Field Name



This grid column displays the process sequence number, which is determined when the process was submitted. Processes that were submitted earlier shall have a higher sequence number. This field is read-only.


This grid column displays the status of the process. This field is read-only.


This grid column displays the process description. This description was entered when the process was submitted using the Schedule dialog box. This field is read-only.


This grid column displays the date and time when process commenced. This field is read-only.


This grid column displays the date and time when process ended. This field is read-only.

Status Date

This field displays the date and time of the status message.


This field displays a status message indicating the workflow process stage. It is updated throughout the run process. Click Refresh to display the most recent status message.

The status messages vary, depending on the workflow type. See Process Queue Status Messages for more information.


This grid column displays the server where the queued process ran. The system administrator can assign a dedicated server to a process queue in Systems Settings in the EPM Security Administrator. When a dedicated server was not assigned, the process is ran using any available server. This field is read-only.

Process Parameters Grid Columns

The Name and Value grid columns are parameter values that are passed when the process is ran. All processes, report, or alerts have sets of parameters that will be used when they are started.

These information is used for troubleshooting purposes only.

What do you want to do?

Learn about the Recurrence tab of the Schedule dialog box

Learn about the Parameters tab of the Schedule dialog box

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