The Link Center feature allows you to associate links to project documents, web pages, and other files with areas, such as projects, control accounts, activities, and workflows.
After you associate the link with any of those mentioned, other users can click it, allowing Deltek PM Compass to display the file, web page, or location.
If your organization uses SharePoint or another document management system that supports the use of links to view documents, you can use the Links tab on workflows, control accounts, and other areas to access these documents easily.
If your organization does not have a document management system, you can utilize a shared UNC folder to store documents that can be linked to projects, workflows, and so on.
The Link Center allows you to perform the following tasks:
In opening a link, it is assumed that your organization has external applications or viewers installed properly. Here are some examples of the applications:
Word processors
Spreadsheet applications
Report Viewers
Chart Viewers
Image Viewers
PM Compass provides two methods of creating and associating links to areas:
Link-centric: This method allows you to create the links and then create associations to the areas or create area associations in existing links. You perform this method in the Link Center form.
Area-centric: This method allows you to associate, or create and associate, a link in an area form. You perform this method on the Links tab in Project, Schedule Analysis, Cost Analysis, and Change Management forms.
The association of a link to an area (or an area to a link) can be one of two types:
Primary association: A link association to an area (or vice-versa) is intended and not the result of another association. For example, you associates a link to a project.
Secondary and tertiary associations: The link association to an area (or vice-versa) is not primary and is the result of another association. For example, when you associate a link to a control account and you save the association, the link also becomes associated to the project where the control account belongs.
When users upload files to the Links tab, there is a danger that a user may upload a harmful file or enable a command injection attack. To minimize this risk, you can use the FileExtensions.xml file to prevent users from uploading certain file types (for example, .bat, .ps1, .dll).
Use the Link Center Form to create links to files. View the Link Center form in the List View or Form View.
Each tab of the Link Center form shares a common toolbar.
The Link Center Form View includes the following tabs:
General: This tab allows you to enter or update the name, path, and description of a link.
Projects: This tab allows you to associate a link with a project.
Control Accounts: This tab allows you to associate a link with a control account.
Activities: This tab allows you to associate a link with an activity.
Workflows: This tab allows you to associate a link with a workflow.
Learn about the Link Center form toolbar
Export a document link record to Excel
Group records in the Link Center grid