Upgrade Guide

The following sections list the steps required to migrate web client extensions between different Maconomy versions. These steps are manual and require an extension consultant with access to the Maconomy Extender tool.

From 2.5.2 to 2.5.3

CSS Class option removed from Layout Columns Options

CSS classes are no longer applied directly to column components. The class property should therefore be removed from element, conversation and layout columns.

"columns": [
      "span": 2,
      "class": "heading",
      "elements": [
          "text": {
            "T$template": "Credit Memo ^{InvoiceNumber}",
            "class": "heading"


From 2.5.3 to 2.5.4

Preferred Authentication Type Setting is Deprecated

The setting preferred will be removed in the next major Maconomy version. It is related to the preferred method of performing login, and determines the entry route when arriving from the bare, default '/' URL. In 2.5.4 it becomes an optional setting.


    "preferred": "maconomy",
    "methods": {
      "maconomy": {
        "enabled": true
      "domain": {
        "enabled": true
      "sso": {
        "enabled": true
      "oauth": {
        "enabled": true


Status Indicator Settings Changed Within Elements

The css property has been deprecated, and will be removed in Maconomy version 2.6. And an optional color property, which contains either a palette item name or palette item reference has been introduced.

An example of these changes, in this case a mask map, can be seen in the examples below.

E.g., JobEForms_Record.json


"status": {
    "source": "WorkflowStatusVar",
    "mask": {
      "closed": {
        "T$title": "Job Closed",
        "css": "workflowStatusClosed",
        "info": {
          "position": "left",



"status": {
    "source": "WorkflowStatusVar",
    "mask": {
      "closed": {
        "T$title": "Job Closed",
        "color": "WorkflowStatusClosed",
        "info": {
          "position": "left",


A similar change has been undertaken with form elements: The css property deprecated, and the introduction of the optional color property.

The color example below uses a palette item reference; 'Alert' being the palette, and 'Danger' identifying the specific palette item.

"color": {
  "palette": "Alert",
  "item": "Danger"

From 2.5.4 to 2.5.5

Changes To Input Blocks

The default widget for overrding an input block is set using the optional property widget. It is now, no longer possible to override with type check-dropdown. For example;

"rows": [
     "elements": [
         "field": {
           "source": "EmployeeNumber",
           "shadowTitle": "Blank for default employee no.",
           "appearance": "maximized",
           "widget": "check-dropdown"



The configuration of a workspace wizard no longer has the optional variables property.

From 2.5.5 to 2.6

The authentication configuration property has been removed from the configuration file application.json.

Color, CSS and Class properties

The color property used throughout the configuration is now no longer a palette item reference, or an object containing the palette name and the palette item reference. In 2.6 it is either a reference to a palette item, e.g., 'palette1.item2', or a standard web color such as a hex triplet, an RGB value or a named HTML color.

"status": {
  "T$title": "Status",
  "source": "LineCurrentStatusVar",
  "mask": {
    "submitted": {
      "T$title": "Submitted",
      "color": "black",
      "info": {


The color property of a styled status element mask is now no longer a palette item reference, or an object containing the palette name and the palette item reference. In 2.6 it is now a reference to a palette item, e.g., "palette1.item2". Moreover, the default palette property has been deprecated, and is no longer an option within Palettes.json: full references to a palette item should be used always.

E.g., ApprovalCenter_Customers_Tab.json

"mask": {
  "submitted": {
    "T$title": "Submitted",
    "color": "WorkflowStatus.Submitted",
    "info": {


The css property has also been removed. And any references to css propery keys or css styles.

The class property has been removed from form elements.


Further information: palettes

Global Definitions

The css property has been removed from global definitions.

Further information: Global Definitions


Some breaking changes are applied to the grid definitions. Previously, the level property was used to indicate a hierarchy in the grid lines. This property has been removed and replaced by the use of grid sections. In addition the subtotal lineType has been removed. Instead use a line with lineType of 'total' within a grid section, to represent a subtotal.

Heading Calendars

The calendar in a header area of a workspace no longer uses the optional property selectionBackgroundColor.


The configuration of the layout for a page in a workspace wizard no longer has the optional rendering property.