Deltek for Professional Services 1.1.13 Release Notes
Last Updated: July 27, 2018

Welcome to the Deltek for Professional Services 1.1.13 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.

Important Notes

Contents of Release Notes
These release notes address all of the modules associated with DPS 1.1.13, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of DPS.


Connect for Microsoft Outlook

Support for International English

The Microsoft Outlook add-in now supports international English. A language drop-down list has been added to the Deltek login screen in Outlook.

Resource Management

Enhanced Resource Management Reporting

To enhance the usability and performance of Resource Management reporting, this DPS release includes the following changes:


Updated PHP Version

The installer for Deltek Touch for Professional Services installs PHP 7.2.7 in this release.

Utilities >> Backup Database

The Backup Database utility was added to the Utilities menu in the desktop application. It displays only if you use the DPS on-premises product. It does not apply for the cloud product.

Use this utility to make a full backup of the DPS database and FILESTREAM database.

This utility is not a substitute for a comprehensive backup plan. For more information, see the "Database Maintenance Activities" section of the Deltek DPS Technical Installation Guide for the on-premises product.

Software Issues Resolved

Accounting >> Gains/Losses and Revaluations and Reporting

Defect 961797: When you ran Gains/Losses and Revaluations, it took a long time to complete (in some cases, minutes instead of seconds). In addition, if you ran the AR Aged Report with the Retainage option selected, it timed out and you were unable to print it.


Defect 951817: When your security role did not have access right to a user-defined hub, you should have been able to select a value in a user-defined field for that hub when the field was added to another hub that you had access to. Instead, you incorrectly received an error message saying that you did not have access.

Hubs >> Employees

Defect 965905: On the Accounting tab in the Employees hub, the Direct Deposit grid and the ADP Rate Code field (if you use ADP) or the Paychex Rate Number field (if you use Paychex) were visible even when they were set to be hidden via Screen Designer.

Hubs >> Firms

Defect 968193: When you tried to save a change to an existing vendor type firm, you received an error message saying that the vendor is required. This occurred when the Vendor tab in the Firms hub was hidden from all security roles via Screen Designer.

Hubs >> Opportunities

Defect 964263:  You were unable to create new opportunities if the Opportunities Activities tab was hidden from all security roles via Screen Designer.

Defect 961983: When you used list view and you changed the Stage field to Closed for more than one opportunity, when you returned to the detail view, you could see that the changes were not saved.

Hubs >> Projects

Defect 965871: When you scroll through the list of projects in List View in the Projects hub, DPS periodically pauses to load a new set of records into the grid. In some cases, each of those pauses was several seconds long, making scrolling slow and inefficient.

Defect 968785: When you tried to save changes to a project that was either created in a DPS version prior to 1.1.12 or converted from Vision, and that project had firm associations on the Team tab with no firm type specified, you received an error and were forced to assign firm types before you could save. This was caused by a change in version 1.1.12 that made firm type a required entry. Prior to that version, and in Vision, firm type was optional. Version 1.1.13 continues to require firm types when you add new firm associations, but it also allows you to update projects for which firm types are missing without triggering an error message. To do that, DPS defaults in a firm type if one has not been assigned in order to satisfy the data validation process, but that firm type is not actually saved in your database.

Defect 943386: If certain fields in the Projects hub were locked for your role, you received errors when you tried to add either a new project or a new element at a lower level of the work breakdown structure for an existing project.


A second problem was also resolved under this defect number. In some cases, the Copy Plan check box was not available when you were adding a new project based on an existing project.

Defect 969738: If you changed the organization for a project, you received a system error message the next time that you tried to display that project in the Projects hub. Thereafter, a blank Error message box displayed each time that you tried to display the project.

Defect 951009: If a project had more than one contract listed on the Contract Management tab of the Projects hub in the desktop application, in some cases when you tried to correct an error condition for one contract, contract detail rows were removed, added, or duplicated for one or more of that project's contracts.

Defect 931160: If your database contains older projects that do not conform to the currently valid number formats for project, phase, or task numbers, you received a validation error if you tried to save a change to one of those projects. To eliminate this problem, DPS will still validate and enforce number formats when you create new records, but it will no longer validate formats when you update existing records.

Defect 954393: If the Long Name field in the Projects hub was locked for you through Screen Designer, and you created a new project by copying an existing one that had no work breakdown structure (WBS) levels below the project level, you received the following error when you tried to save the new project: “The given key was not present in the dictionary.” That error occurred because you were not allowed to change the default long name from the copied project, and that default name was then incorrectly excluded from the data sent to the server for validation.

With this fix, a user who is normally locked out of the Long Name field can, when copying a project, either change or keep the default long name. Once the new project is saved, that field is then locked for them going forward. Whether they change the default name or not, the error will no longer occur when they save the new project.

Note: This defect was fixed in version 1.1.12 for the scenario in which you create a new project by copying an existing project that has WBS levels below the project level. This 1.1.13 fix is for copying a project with no lower WBS levels.

Hubs >> Projects >> Planning

Defect 973111: In certain rare cases, when you changed the number of planned hours in a calendar period for a resource, DPS changed the number of hours to a different value. This occurred because of a defect in the rounding and spreading process.

Defect 967832: When you tried to reassign all planned hours from an employee resource assignment to a generic resource using the Reassign dialog box, and job-to-date hours or plan baseline hours existed for the employee resource assignment, you received a confirmation message when you saved, but no reassignment occurred. The hours remained with the original resource, and the generic resource was not added to the plan.

My Stuff >> Expense Report

Defect 971920: You received an error when you tried to save an expense report that had a supporting document attached to one line item and you copied that line item to enter a new line item in the expense report.

Defect 952719: When an expense line item was rejected, the employee could not see who rejected the expense line item.

Defect 955933: This issue applies for employees who have rights to use more than one credit card to pay for company expenses. These employees have two secondary credit cards for the same primary credit card, or they have secondary credit cards that are assigned to different primary cards and the secondary cards have the same ID. When these employees selected a credit card in the Credit Card field for an expense report line item, and they chose a credit card that was not the first one displayed in the drop-down list, when they saved the expense report, the selection in the Credit Card field was automatically changed to the first credit card in the drop-down list.

Defect 971958: If the first row on an expense report did not have a credit card selected in the Credit Card field, but any rows after the first row did have a credit card entered for them, you received an error message when you tried to save the expense report.

My Stuff >> Timesheet

Defect 969865: This issue applies if you use approval workflows for timesheets. If employees had entered 10 or more rows in a timesheet and they clicked Save or Submit more than once, it created duplicate timesheet line items that did not display in the Approval Center to be approved.

Defect 956501: It was possible to receive an error when you opened a timesheet and did the following:

  1. Deleted every row in the timesheet.

  2. Clicked Other Actions » Copy Previous Timesheet, and selected a previous timesheet.

  3. Added hours to each row, and saved the timesheet.

Defect 963288: After you created a new timesheet and added several line items to it, when you saved and submitted the timesheet, the Line Status column did not display the status icon for line items.

Defect 972992: This issue applies if you use absence accruals, you have Check Hours Against Earned set to a warning in Settings » Time » Options, and you use timesheet approvals. When you tried to save or submit a timesheet, but an absence accrual balance was exceeded, you received errors and could not save or submit the timesheet.

Defect 963533: The row for the last day of a timesheet did not display in the timesheet in the Approval Center when the following occurred:

  1. You created a new timesheet for yourself, added a row for a project, and saved the timesheet.

  2. You later opened the timesheet and added hours, including the hours for the last day of the period, which you added in the row that you previously added and saved.

  3. You submitted the timesheet, and then someone viewed the timesheet in the Approval Center (set to Timesheet Lines).

Resource Management

Defect 969229: In some cases, utilization percentages and scheduled percentages for employees in Resource View were not calculated correctly.

Screen Designer

Defect 961296: Currency formatting was missing from user-defined currency fields if the fields were in grids in either of the following scenarios:


Settings >> Labels and Lists

Defect 966936: You can use the Lists form (Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists) to specify a master list of employee skills and disciplines that you can then select from to specify skill sets for individual employees. In that master list, you should have had the option to associate each skill/discipline with a corresponding SF330 code, but that option was not available. This release adds an SF330 Code field to make this association possible.

Settings >> Security >> Users

Defect 954498: In the List View of User Security, if you removed the Disabled selection for all logins except your own, when you saved the form and re-opened it, different accounts then had the Disabled option selected.

Settings >> Workflow >> User Initiated Workflows

Defect 954194: This applies if you have the Maconomy integration enabled in Utilities » Integrations. On the User Initiated Workflow form in Settings » Workflow » User Initiated Workflows, when you tried to change the order of the existing workflows for opportunities, you received the following error: "Data must be entered in this required field."


Defect 953137: If your user role had access rights to the Projects Hub and a Record Level View condition other than Not In Use, you would not be able to change the Labor Code value in the mobile application for Deltek Time & Expense for Professional Services. 

Utilities >> Key Conversions

Defect 965955: Key Formats and Key Conversions for employees did not update the employee ID on approval items for timesheets, and affected timesheets could not be submitted.

Known Issues

Screen Designer

This applies if you use Touch CRM. You cannot add the following types of user-defined fields to a Touch CRM section for the Contacts, Firms, or Opportunities hubs:

Database Changes

Database Changes (1.0 to 1.1)

Database Changes (Vision/Ajera CRM/GovWin Capture Management 7.6 to Deltek for Professional Services 1.0)

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