Wage Schedules Edit Rate Dialog Box

Use the Edit Rate dialog box to modify an existing wage schedule.

Location Edit Rate Dialog Box

To display the screen, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Time Entry module, click Settings > Wage Schedules.  
  2. On the Wage Schedules screen, select the record in the rate table you want to modify and click Edit Rate.

Contents Edit Rate Dialog Box

Dialog Box Fields

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the selected UDT07 you are editing.


This non-editable field displays the description of the selected UDT07.


This non-editable field displays the UDT06 code for the row you are editing.

Note: The UDT06 field only appears if you selected "Enhanced" when you turned on Wage Determination in the Time Configuration screen.
Costpoint Company

This field will display if you selected the Costpoint Multicompany check box in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen.

This non-editable column displays the Costpoint company associated with the selected UDT07.

Rate 1

This field will display if you selected the Use check box for Rate 1 in the User-Defined Rates table in the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Configuration screen. The label that displays for Rate 1 is the label set up in the same User-Defined Rates table.

Enter the rate to be used for this wage schedule.

Fringe Rate

Enter the fringe rate to be used for this wage schedule.

Use the drop-down box to select the value that indicates when this rate will apply. The available options are:
  • Always - The rate always applies.

  • If higher than employee rate - The rate applies only if it is higher than the rate supplied in the employee's history record.