
The timesheet header displays information such as your name, timesheet status, revision number, timesheet class, and timesheet period ending date. Most filelds in the header are non-editable.

Basic Information Tab

Field Description

This field displays your last name, first name, and middle initial, as you submitted your name to your human resources department.


This field displays your employee identification code.


This field displays the status of the current timesheet:

  • Missing - A timesheet is considered missing if you have not started working on it and you are required to submit a timesheet for the current timesheet period.
  • Open - You started a timesheet but have not signed it.
  • Signed  - You signed the timesheet but it has not been approved.
  • Approved  - All necessary supervisors approved the timesheet, but it has not been processed.
  • Rejected - A supervisor rejected the timesheet, but you have not corrected it.  Rejected cells are displayed with a red foreground.
  • Processed - The timesheet was successfully exported. All cells are marked as either Processed or Sent. (Processed cells have blue text and sent cells have green text. These cells cannot be edited.)

This field displays the current revision number of the timesheet. The revision displays as 1 for a new timesheet. The revision number increments by one every time you save auditable changes.

To review previous revisions, click Audit and the Revision drop-down box to select and review previous revisions.


This field displays the timesheet class to which you are assigned. The timesheet class determines the business rules that will be in effect during timesheet entry.

Period Ending

This field displays the period ending date, based on the company's timesheet schedules and the schedule that is assigned to you.

The field label also provides a description of the schedule (for example, Semi-Monthly Period Ending).

Additional text may follow the period ending date in parentheses. For example, if you are paid biweekly but your timesheet periods are weekly, you may see a message like this: 07/14/2016 (Week 1).


If the timesheet has a status of Signed, this field displays the name of the signer and a time/date stamp. Normally, you sign your own timesheet. However, employees with the necessary access rights can sign another employee's timesheet with an interim signature.

The Signature button is disabled when:

  • The employee who last signed the timesheet is viewing the timesheet.
  • A supervisor is viewing the timesheet and does not have modification rights.
  • The timesheet does not have any lines, or it has lines without any hour cells or cell comments entered.
  • A supervisor is viewing the timesheet and the status is Signed, Approved, Processed, or Rejected.

If there are unsaved changes when you click the Sign button, the following message displays: Unsaved changes, do you want to save? You cannot sign the timesheet until you save.

A number of validations are performed during the signing process. See the Validations Performed help topic for more information.

When you save or sign your timesheet, errors or warnings may initially display in a pop-up message window. After you click OK, the message is saved in read-only format to the Warnings tab. In the case of warnings, you can close the pop-up window and sign your timesheet. Errors must be resolved before you can sign.

If no warnings or errors display after you click the Sign button, or you close the warning pop-up window, your name and the time/date stamp display in the Signature field.


Click this button to sign your timesheet. A pop-up message confirms the action.


If the timesheet has a status of Approved, this field displays information about the person who approved it, along with a time/date stamp.

Header UDT

The Basic Information tab may contain an additional field, perhaps identifying your department. Your system administrator sets up this extra information.


Use Correct to enter corrections to a processed timesheet.

When you click Correct, the timesheet becomes editable. After you sign the corrected timesheet, your supervisor is notified that the timesheet is awaiting approval.

If the period is Closed, this button changes to Request Correction. When you click Request Correction, a window displays where you can enter an explanation for the correction. If your supervisor approves your request, the Correct button is enabled when you next open the timesheet.

Note: If Correct does not appear on your timesheet form, use the Reverse Line function to make selected charge rows editable.

Use the Entered/Prorated options to toggle between two different hour views of your timesheet:

  • Select Entered to view the hours as you actually entered them. This is the default.
  • Select Prorated to view prorated hours, which are determined by the proration routine when you sign the timesheet. See the Special Topic: Hours Proration help topic for more information.

Notes Tab

Select the Notes tab in the timesheet head to view notes associated with the timesheet. This Notes tab is read-only and displays text added to the timesheet by your supervisor or administrator.

Warnings Tab

This tab is read-only and stores all Save, Sign, and Approve warnings associated with the timesheet.

Revision Explanation Tab

This tab displays automatically when you click or after you have made a revision that requires an explanation. The explanation field is outlined in red. Enter your explanation in the field. If displays next to the field, you can use Lookup to select from a list of standardized revision explanations preset by your company. Select an explanation from the table or Query to search for one. Depending on your company's configuration settings, selection of preset explanations may be required. After you enter your revision explanation in the field, you can close the error message pop-up window. To view the revision history of the timesheet, click the Revision Audit subtask