Notification Subtask

Use the Notification Subtask screen to maintain the notifications given to employees of a certain timesheet class.

You can add the notifications to the timesheet class in the Manage Events screen in the Time Controls menu. You can notify employees when certain defined events occur. The notification can be an external e-mail, an internal alert, or an actual "To Do" list item

Notifications Table

Field Description

This non-editable column displays the current event.


This non-editable column displays the current event description.


Select the task that needs to be performed for this event. Which tasks display in this drop-down depend on the type of event. The available options for a timesheet type event are:

  • None
  • Review Timesheet
  • Update Timesheet
  • Sign Timesheet
  • Approve Timesheet

The available option for a work schedule event is "None."


Select this check box to send an e-mail notification when the event occurs.