SS Status Criteria Tab

Use the Criteria Tab of the Self Service Status screen to specify the criteria that you want to use to review your employees' incomplete Life Events and Benefits Enrollment tasks.

Screen Fields

Field Description

Select the process for which you want to see information:

  • Benefits Enrollment
  • Life Events

Priority Filter

Field Description
Low Priority

Select this check box to include low-priority tasks in your results.

Medium Priority

Select this check box to include medium-priority tasks in your results.

High Priority

Select this check box to include high-priority tasks in your results.


Field Description

Select the functional role for which you want to view groups. For example, if you select Administrator, the window will display the groups for which you are an administrator.

Select All

Click Select All to select all the groups in the Group list.

If you use the Select All button and save the settings as a parameter, the system will store all of the groups that were presented in the Group list. This is an excellent way to automatically pick up any new groups over which you have the functional role when the system is executing the status via the Scheduling process.

Life Events

Field Description
List Box

If you select Life Events in the Filter field, this box will be populated with all of the life event types set up for your company. Select one or more life events on which you want to report.

Select All

Click Select All to report on all life events.


Select the criterion by which you want to sort the life events:

  • Employee Name
  • Due Date

Click Execute to search for incomplete tasks that meet the criteria you specified. They will be displayed on the Results tab.


Click Save to save the current set of parameters.


Enter a code for the parameter that you are setting up.


Enter a description for the parameter that you are setting up.


Field Description

If you select this check box, anybody who has rights to this screen can view the parameters you set up. If you do not select this check box, only you can access your parameters.

Print Report

Select this check box to save the Print Report parameter.

Send Notification

Select this check box to save the Send Notification parameter.


Click OK to save your parameters and close this dialog box.