Print Dialog Box

Use the Print dialog box to select the export report(s) that you wish to review and/or print.


To display the Print dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Expense menu, click Process > Export ERs/Advances.
  2. On the Export ERs/Advances screen, click Preview/Print.



Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the report that you wish to print. The available options are as follows:

  • Expense Report — Select this check box to print all expense reports selected for export. If you select this option, you can use the Type drop-down list to select the type of export.
  • Charge Allocation — Select this check box to print a report that is sorted by vendor ID with breaks by expense report. This report displays the charge allocation information in the system's base currency. If you select this option, the Type drop-down list is not available.
  • Advance Report — Select this check box to print all advances selected for export.

    When you print expense reports that you have selected for export, the cover page displays the types of reports you exported, either regular, correcting, or both. If you have printed any correcting expense reports, the Correction No of the report displays in the header area.

Note: Expense types marked with an asterisk are not exported to your financial system because Export is not selected on the Pay Methods screen.

Use this drop-down list to select which parts of the expense report you want to print. The available options are Summary, Detail, and Both. These same options are available on the Expense Report screen less the Receipt Traveler.

Note: The Type option does not display for the Advance Report.

Click Submit to preview the report in Adobe Acrobat format. Click the printer icon in Acrobat to print the report.