Expense Checks Checks Tab

Use the Checks tab of the Expense Checks screen to display and print your expense check information.

You cannot make changes on this tab.


Field Description
Check Date

Use this drop-down list to select the date of the expense check that you would like to view. When you select a value, the page is refreshed using the selected check date and check number.

Identification Table

Field Description

This field displays your name and employee ID number.

Payment Address

This field displays your current address.

Check Date

This field displays the date of the expense check.

Check/Advice #

This field displays the check number of the expense check.

Total Paid

This field displays the total dollar amount of the expense check.

Check Details

This table displays the detailed expense report information for the expense check.

Field Description
Our Ref No

This field displays a reference number or invoice number that has been assigned by your company and attached to your expense.

Your Ref No

This field displays a reference number that has been provided by you for your expense.

Invoice Date

This field displays the date of the expense.

Invoice Amount

This field displays the amount of the expense.

Amount Paid

This field displays the total amount of the expenses you reported.

Discount Taken

This field displays the amount of any discount taken on the expenses.

Net Check Amount

This field displays the amount of the check that your company has issued to you.

Expense Check Print

To print one expense check or a range of expense checks (for example, all expense checks for the quarter), click Print at the top left of the page.

Field Description
Start Expense Check Date

Use this drop-down box to select the date of an expense check.

  • If you want to print a range of expense checks, this date is the beginning of the range.
  • If you only want  to print one check, select the same Start > Expense Check Date and End Expense Check Date.
End Expense Check Date

Use this drop-down list to select the date of an expense check.

  • If you want to print a range of expense checks, this date is the end of the range.
  • If you only want  to print one check, select the same Start > Expense Check Date and End Expense Check Date.

Click Submit to print the expense checks.


Select Cancel to stop printing.