Taxes Tab of the Add/Edit Expense Screen

The Taxes tab displays tax information for this expense type. Based on how the tax schedule selected for this expense type is configured, it may be a one-tier tax or a two-tier tax. Also, if the system is so configured, the user can edit the tax amounts. This tab displays only if the system is configured to calculate taxes on this expense type.

Screen Fields

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the type of tax used for this expense type.


Use the drop-down to select the tax schedule to be used for this expense. The valid values are those tax schedules that have the same tax type that was linked to the expense type in the Expense Types tab of the Expense Report Types screen.


Use the drop-down box to select the location where the expense occurred. The values are the locations that were set up for the tax schedule linked to the expense type.

This field displays only if the tax schedule linked to the expense type requires that a location be entered.

Tax ID

Enter the tax id for this expense. If a provider has been supplied and that provider contains a tax ID, that ID displays. Otherwise, you will be required to enter one.

This field displays only if the tax schedule linked to the expense type requires that a tax ID be entered.

Tax Rate 1 Amount

This field displays the tax amount for the first tier tax of this expense. The system calculates this value by multiplying the expense incurred amount entered in the Expense Amount screen by the tax rate entered for the tax schedule or location (if one is required). You can change the rate if both the expense report type and the expense class allow you to do so.

If you change the tax amount, the system validates this new amount to make sure that it falls within the tolerance limit set up in the Tax Schedules screen.

Tax Rate 2 Amount

This field displays the tax amount for the second tier tax of this expense. The system calculates this value by multiplying the expense incurred amount entered in the Expense Amount screen by the tax rate entered for the tax schedule or location (if one is required). You can change the rate if both the expense report type and the expense class allow them to do so.

This field displays only if the tax schedule for this expense type contains a second tier tax rate. If you change the tax amount, the system validates this new amount to make sure that it falls within the tolerance limit set up in the Tax Schedules screen.

Total Tax

This field displays the total amount of taxes for this expense. The system adds the first tier and the second tier tax amounts for the total.


Click Cancel to exit and return to the Claimed Expense(s) screen. This button does not display in the View mode.


This button only displays in the Add mode. Click Back to return to the previous tab.


This button only displays in the Edit mode. Click Reset to clear any modifications you have made and return to the original data.


After completing fields on this tab, click Continue to advance to the next tab of the Add/Edit Expense screen. This button does not display in the View mode.