Charge Allocations Tab of the Add/Edit Expense Screen

The Charge Allocation tab displays information regarding how the expense is allocated and allows you to change the percentage or the amount that is allocated to each of the charges.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Allocate By

Use the drop-down box to select how you want the expense allocated. The valid values are "Percentage" and "Amount." If you select "Percentage," you can edit the Percent field of the allocation table. If you select "Amount," you can edit the Amount field of the allocation table. The default is "Percentage."

The percentage must total 100%, and the amount must add to the total amount of that portion of the expense.

Expense Portion

On the amount tab, if you entered an amount that is over the ceiling amount or is unallowable, this field is a drop-down box from which you can select Under Ceiling, Over Ceiling, or Unallowable. Otherwise, this field is non-editable and displays the default value, "Under Ceiling." If you change the value in this drop-down box, the values in the table change accordingly.

Allocation Table

Use this table to select the charge type(s) used for this expense. All fields in this table can be configured to default in automatically, or you may be required to select a value for one or more of the fields.

Field Name Description
ID This field displays the expense category of the expense.
Percent This field displays the transaction ID that was imported or entered on the Maintain Expenses screen for this expense.
Amount This field displays the merchant name used for this expense. If it is blank, the merchant name was unknown at the time the outstanding expense was posted.
Charge Type This field displays the expense date that was imported or entered on the Maintain Expenses screen for this expense.
UDT02 ( Project) This field displays the amount of the outstanding expense.
Description This field displays the provider used for this expense. If it is blank, the provider was not known at the time the outstanding expense was posted.
User-Defined Tables (UDT)

Deltek Time & Expense contains 15 UDTs. Because UDTs are defined by the user, the values that display (for example, Project) vary by company.

For the purpose of this discussion, the values are referred to as UDT01 – UDT15, but the values that display in your version of Time & Expense depend on configuration settings enabled by your system administrator.

Additionally, the UDTs available for a particular type of expense are determined by the type of charge you select in the Charge Type field.

Learn more about the UDTs that may display on the Charge Allocation screen.


After completing fields on this tab, click Continue to advance to the next tab. This button does not display in the View mode.


Click Back to return to the previous tab.


This button only displays in the Edit mode. Click Reset to clear any modifications you have made and return to the original data.


Click Save to save your modifications to this expense and return to the Claimed Expenses screen. This button only displays in the Edit mode.