Other Lodging Expenses Section of the Amount Tab

The Other Lodging Expense section allows you to expense additional charges to the appropriate General Ledger accounts.

These additional charges typically appear on the hotel bill but must charged to a General Ledger account other than lodging. These additional charges may or may not be reimbursed to the employee.

Note: The Other Expense page displays only if the expense type is configured to allow other lodging expenses.

In some cases, the amount in Other Expenses in the Expense Amount screen results from a small difference between the amount calculated from the daily room rate plus tax and the total amount of the lodging as billed by the lodging vendor. If the additional amount is .05 or less, Time & Expense with ESS displays a message asking if the amount actually represents another lodging expense. If you indicate that it is not an additional lodging-related charge, the amount is added to the last day's lodging amount, and the Other Expense page does not display.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Add Other Lodging Expenses

Click Add Other Lodging Expenses to add an additional lodging expense that appears on a hotel bill.

Delete Other Lodging Expenses

To delete an existing expense, select the check box next to the expense you want to delete and click Delete Other Lodging Expense.

Expense Date

Click to select the date on which you are entering this expense.

Misc. Expense Type

Use the drop-down box to select the expense type that applies to this other lodging expense. Valid values are those "Other" expense types that are linked to the lodging Expense Type in the Other Lodging section of the Amounts tab.


Select the Personal check box if this other lodging expense is personal. Personal expenses are not reimbursed to the employee. If this check box is checked, the amount is deducted from the reimbursable amount of the expense.


Enter the amount of this other lodging expense in this required field.


Enter any notes regarding this other expense in this optional field.

Remaining Unallocated

This field displays the amount of other expenses that have not yet been allocated. This amount must be zero before you can proceed to the next screen.