

Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the functional role for which to query employee expense authorizations. All of the functional roles that are set up in your system and that are linked on the Employee Groups screen display in alphabetical order, with Self being the default.


Once you have selected the functional role, the groups to which the role is linked populate the Group section in alphabetical order. Highlight the group or groups that you want to query.

Last Name

Use this field to filter the results to include employees that belong to the group whose last name begins with a certain letter or letters.

For example, if you enter "S" in this field, those employees that belong to the group selected whose last name begins with "S" are included in the results set. If you enter "ST," only those employees who belong to the group selected whose last name begins with "St" are included.

Authorization ID

Use this field to filter the results to include those authorizations that begin with a certain character or characters.

For example, if you enter "EA00001" in this field, those expense authorizations that begin with "EA00001" are included in the results set. Those that begin with a different sequence, such as "EA00002," are not included.


Use this drop-down list to select the expense authorization types you want to query. If you selected Self for Function, the list includes all expense authorization types where expense authorizations are either Required or Optional and have been used by you. If the Function selected is not Self, the list includes expense authorization types where expense authorizations are either Required or Optional.


Use this drop-down list to filter the search based on whether the expense authorization is a blanket authorization. Options include:

  • All — Search for all expense authorization, blanket and non-blanket.
  • Open — Limit search to blanket authorizations that have an open status.
  • Closed — Limit search to blanket authorizations with a closed status.
  • Blanket — Limit search to blanket authorizations.
  • Non Blanket — Limit search to non-blanket authorizations.
Start Date

Select the starting date of the expense authorizations you wish to view. This date is derived from the expense authorization date. This field is required.

End Date

Select the ending date of the expense authorizations you wish to view. This date also is derived from the expense authorization date. This field is required.

Sort By

Select the order in which the employee expense authorizations should appear in the Results table after you click the Execute button.

The available options are Employee Name, Authorization ID, and Status. The default is Employee Name.

If you select Employee Name, the employees are listed in alphabetical order in the Results table. If you select Expense Authorization ID, the employees are listed in expense authorization ID order. If you select Status, the employees are listed in alphabetical order; however, they will be additionally grouped by their status. The order of the status grouping follows the order of the check boxes in the Criteria group box.

Status and Count

The Status check boxes work in conjunction with the Counts fields. If you click the Execute button, the system displays the number of expense authorizations for each check box that is selected. For example, if you selected the Approved check box, the system displays the number of approved expense authorizations found in the selected group(s). As the default, all check boxes are selected.

If you leave all the check boxes unselected, the system displays an error message.


Select this check box to display employees whose expense authorizations have a status of Draft. The number of draft expense authorizations displays in the Counts field.

Draft status means the employee has an expense authorization that has not yet been submitted.


Select this check box to display employees whose expense authorizations have a submitted status. The number of submitted expense authorizations displays in the Counts field.

Submitted status means the expense authorization has been signed but not approved.

Under Review

Select this check box to display employees whose expense authorizations are under review. The number of expense authorizations under review displays in the Counts field.

Under Review status means some of the supervisors have approved the expense authorizations, but not all.


Select this check box to display employees whose expense authorizations have an approved status. The number of approved expense authorizations displays in the Counts field.

Approved status means all supervisors have approved the expense authorizations.


Select this check box to display employees whose expense authorizations have a rejected status. The number of rejected expense authorizations displays in the Counts field.

Rejected status means one supervisor has rejected the expense authorizations.


Select this check box to display employees whose expense authorizations have a processed status. The number of processed expense authorizations displays in the Counts field.

Processed status means the expense authorization has been successfully exported.


Select this check box to display employees whose expense authorizations have a voided status. The number of voided expense authorizations displays in the Counts field.

Voided status means an employee or a supervisor has voided the expense authorizations.


Click this button to display the selected counts and to display the list of employees within the selected group or groups.

If no employees exist in the selected group with the selected statuses, the system displays an error message.

The number of employees that can display is determined by the number entered by the System Administrator in the Max Search Rows field on the General Options tab of the General Configuration screen.


The employees that display in the Results table meet the selection criteria and are displayed after you click the Execute button. They display by your Sort By option.

Field Description

This non-editable column displays the expense authorization numbers of the employees who meet the selection criteria.

Employee Name

This non-editable column displays the names of the employees who meet the selection criteria. If the System Administrator selected the Show Employee ID check box on the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen, the IDs display within parentheses after the names.


This non-editable column displays the statuses of the employees who meet the selection criteria.

Select All

To select all of the expense authorizations, select the check box to the left of the row in the header of the table. The check boxes in all of the rows in the table will automatically become selected. To deselect all of the expense authorizations, clear the same check box and all of the check boxes will become unselected.