Benefits Summary

The Summary screen displays after you navigate through all of the screens in the Benefits Enrollment process. It provides a summary of all of the benefit elections you made. Use it to review and confirm your choices.

You must click the Save button on each Benefits Enrollment screen before you can confirm your benefit elections on the Summary screen.

Even after you confirm your benefit elections, you can go back and change them, as long as the benefit enrollment period is still open.

Screen Fields

Field Description

This column displays the plans available to you.

Coverage Level

This field displays the level of coverage that you have chosen (for example, Employee or Family).


This field displays the premium amount per pay period (for example, the premium per month if you are paid monthly).


This field displays a status (No Change, Saved, Come Back Later, and so on) to describe where you are in the Benefits Enrollment process for this plan.


This field displays Yes or No to indicate whether you have confirmed the election. The Status field must display No Change or Saved before you can confirm a benefit election.

TotaDependent Lifel

This field displays the total premium amount per pay period for each benefit plan listed in the table.


Select this button to complete your Benefits Enrollment process.