Amex Record 1 Common Mapping

The Amex KR-1025 Record 1 Common file layout identifies detail information for each expense.  Each detail row's layout is the same with the following exceptions:

(*) - Redefine Area - The group of characters starting with 614 and going through 819 can be used for different things depending on the MIS industry code. For example, the fields may be used for one thing for Car Rental expenses and another thing for Lodging expenses. See details regarding this section in the table below.

Field Picture Location Length Notes
Record Type X(01) 1 1 1 = Detail Billing Data
Requesting Control Account Number X(19) 2-20 19 The account number requesting the report.
Requesting Control Account Name X(35) 21-55 35 The name associated with the account requesting the report.
Billing Basic Control Acct Number X(19) 56-74 19 Billed BCA for the billed account number.
Billing Basic Control Account Name X(35) 75-109 35 The name associated with the billed BCA for billed account number.
FIPS Code X(04) 110-113 4 Internal US Federal Agency grouping,
Billing Account Number X(19) 114-132 19 Billed Account Number - Can be CM or a Diverted Account.
Cardmember Embossed Name X(26) 133-158 26 Name of the card member incurring the charge.
Employee ID X(10) 159-168 10 A textual field assigned by the user.
Cost Center X(10) 169-178 10 A textual field assigned by the user.
Universal Number X(25) 179-203 25 A textual field assigned by the user.
Social Security Number X(10) 204-213 10 A textual field assigned by the user.
Language Preference Code X(01) 214 1 Space - US

0 - English

1 - French

2 - Spanish

3 - Portuguese

Corporate Identifier Number X(19) 215-233 19 A number used to represent a corporate client.
Supplier Reference Number X(11) 234-244 11 Provided by the service establishment at the point of sale.
Sign Indicator (+ or -) X(01) 245 1 Indicates where amounts are positive or negative. Valid values are + and -.
Billed Amount Decimal (15,0) 246-260 15 The amount of the billed charge.
Billed Tax Amount Decimal (15,0) 261-275 15 The amount of the billed tax.
Billed Currency Code X(03) 276-278 3 The ISO code for the billed currency.
Billed Decimal Place Number X(01) 279 1 The number of decimal places needed to display currency.
Local Charge Amount Decimal (15,0) 280-294 15 The amount of the charge in local currency
Local Tax Amount Decimal (15,0) 295-309 15 The amount of the tax in local currency.
Local Currency Code X(03) 310-312 3 The ISO code for the local currency.
Local Decimal Place Number X(01) 313 1 The number of decimal places needed to display currency.
Currency Exchange Rate Decimal (15,8) 314-328 15 The exchange rate from the local currency to US Dollars.
Transaction Type Code X(02) 329-330 2 The type of charge or credit for a transaction.
Financial Category Code X(01) 331 1 Indicates financial category of transaction

1 = New Charge

2 = Other Credits

3 = Debit Remittance

4 = Payment

5 = Other Credit

Account Type X(05) 332-336 5 The type of account for this card member (CM, BTA, BTBA, ACB, FCB, CRCB)
Originating Basic Control Account Number X(19) 337-355 19 This will be the originating BCA for the originating CM account number if this is a diverted transaction.
Originating CM Account Number X(19) 356-374 19 This will be the originating CM account number for the actual charge if this is a diverted transaction.
Transaction Number X(15) 375-389 15 Sequence Number (375-381)

Julian Date (YYDDD) (382-386)

Batch Number (387-389)

Charge Date (CCYYMMDD format) X(08) 390-397 8 Actual date on which the transaction was incurred.
Business Process Date (CCYYMMDD format) X(08) 398-405 8 The date on which the transaction was processed by American express.
Bill Date (CCYYMMDD format) X(08) 406-413 8 Billing Date or Cycle Cut Date.
CM Reference Number X(17) 414-430 17 The field that the CM at the point of sale.
MIS Industry Code X(02) 431-432 2 This is the MIS industry code for the transaction:

01 = Airline

02 = Rail

03 = Lodging

04 = Car Rental

05 = Restaurant

06 = Retail

07 = Car Misc.

08 = All Other

CA, DC, FE, IN, NG, OA, OI, PA, TC, NF, SP, DS, CT = Misc

ROC ID X(13) 433-445 13 Uniquely identifies a record of charge.
Charge Description Line 1 X(42) 446-487 42 First line of description for the record of charge.
Charge Description Line 2 X(42) 488-529 42 Second line of description for the record of charge.
Charge Description Line 3 X(42) 530-571 42 Third line of description for the record of charge.
Charge Description Line 4 X(42) 572-613 42 Fourth line of description for the record of charge.
Redefine Area (*) X(206) 614-819 206 This area is redefined based on the MIS industry code. See Details on other sheets.
SE Number X(10) 820-829 10 The Establishment Services account number for the SE where the charge was incurred.
SE Chain Code X(10) 830-839 10 The parent company code for the Service Establishment where the charge was incurred.
SE Name 1 X(40) 840-879 40 The first SE name field.
SE Name 2 X(40) 880-919 40 Second SE name field.
SE Street 1 X(40) 920-959 40 First SE address line.
SE Street 2 X(40) 960-999 40 Second SE address line.
SE City X(40) 1000-1039 40 SE city name.
SE State X(06) 1040-1045 6 SE state code.
SE Zip Code X(15) 1046-1060 15 SE ZIP code.
SE Country Name X(35) 1061-1095 35 SE country name.
SE Country Code X(03) 1096-1098 3 The ISO country code.
SE Corporate Status Code X(01) 1099 1 Identifies the corporate status.
SE Purchasing Card Code X(02) 1100-1101 2 Defines the different Purchasing Card/Non-Purchasing Card SEs.
SE Purchasing Card Owner Type Code X(02) 1102-1103 2 Defines the minority status of the SE's owner.
SIC Code X(04) 1104-1107 4 The Standard Industry Code.
SE Sales Tax Collected Flag X(01) 1108 1 Indicates whether sales tax has been collected.
Ship To Postal Code X(15) 1109-1123 15 Postal code shipped to.
Ship To City X(30) 1124-1153 30 City name shipped to.
Ship To Country * X(30) 1154-1183 30 Country name shipped to.
Ship To State X(06) 1184-1189 6 State name shipped to.
DDA Number X(22) 1190-1121 22 Funds Access checking account number.
Bank Routing Number X(04) 1212-1215 4 Routing number for the bank.
US CM ABA Number X(04) 1216-1219 4 Number that identifies the domestic bank used.
Spool Number * X(22) 1220-1241 22 Internal number assigned by AMEX that identifies the order in which the transaction was spooled.
Funds Access Log Date X(08) 1242-1249 8 Date on which the transaction was logged by AMEX.
Funds Access Log Time X(08) 1250-1257 8 Time the transaction was logged by AMEX.
Machine Number X(08) 1258-1265 8 Unique number that identifies the ATM from which a transaction originated.
Terminal Location X(40) 1266-1305 40 Location of the ATM.
Network Route and Transit Number X(10) 1306-1315 10  
Terminal Route and Transit Number X(10) 1316-1325 10  
Cash Batch Number X(06) 1326-1331 6 Internal number assigned to identify type of transaction for cash transactions.
MIS Sub-Industry Code X(03) 1332-1334 3 11,51 - General

12,52 - Airline

13,53 - Car Rental

14,54 - Hotel

15,55 - Retail

16,56 - Restaurant

17 - Mail Order

18 - Insurance

19, 59 - Oil

20 - Telephone

21 - Event

62 - Rail

VAT Tax Percent Decimal (5,3) 1335-1339 5 Percentage of VAT tax collected.
Capture Center Code X(1) 1340 1 Need Codes.
Mercator Key X(21) 1341-1361 21 For Internal AMEX CPCIS use only.
Transaction Fee Indicator X(3) 1362-1364 3 001= Paper Tix




005=Interactive Tix

 006=Reconciliation Fee

Filler X(582) 1365-1946 582 Spaces
Note: The Redefine Area of the AMEX KF1025 file is used to compile specific information based on the type of expense. The purpose of the fields will vary depending on the expense. The Redefine Area begins at location 614 and ends at location 819. The layout of each field is detailed below.