
Terminal Event Image

The Terminal Event Image form is used to configure the images that represent events a user can select on a terminal (Agree, Acknowledge, Clock In, etc.).

The available images depend on which Terminal Type you are using. To view these images, use the Terminal Image form. Images are kept inside the XMLLCE folder, which is located inside the app folder in the location where you installed the application.

See Also:

Terminal Event Image Field Descriptions

Find a Terminal Event Image

Add a Terminal Event Image

Modify a Terminal Event Image

Delete a Terminal Event Image

Copy a Terminal Event Image


Terminal Event Image Field Descriptions

Terminal Type

The Terminal Type identifies the terminal the event is used on. The options are Motorola MC75, Web Time Clock, Pocket PC, InTeract Client, Kaba Terminal 9700, and InTouch.


This is the event the terminal image applies to.

Start Image

Displays the image that is used to Start the event.

System Required

If this box is checked, the record cannot be deleted or modified.

Stop Image

Displays the image that is used to Stop the event.

Start Disabled Image

Displays the image that is used when Start is disabled.

Stop Disabled Image

Displays the image that is used when Stop is disabled.

Border Painted

Determines if a border will be shown around the box that contains the image.

TRUE = A border will display around the box that contains the image.

FALSE = There is no border around the box.

Vertical Position

Defines where the image text will be placed vertically within the box that contains the image on the client terminal. The options are CENTER, TOP, and BOTTOM

Horizontal Position

Defines where the image text will be placed horizontally within the box that contains the image on the client terminal. The options are CENTER, TOP and BOTTOM.


Defines the margin space located between the image and the edge of the image box that contains the image on the client terminal. Units are in PIXELS.


Represents how the image is aligned within the box that contains the image. The options are CENTER, TOP, and BOTTOM.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Terminal Event Image

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Event Image.

  2. To narrow your search, select the Terminal Type and/or the Event for the records you want to view. You may have to click the Filter button to display these fields.

  3. Click Find to view the applicable records.


Add a Terminal Event Image

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Event Image.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select the Terminal Type on which the image will appear.

  4. Select the Event for which the image will appear on the terminal.

  5. Select the Start Image, Stop Image, Start Disabled Image, and Stop Disabled Image for the Event. Click the button next to the field and select the image from the pop-up form.

  6. If you want a border around the image select TRUE in the Border Painted field. If you don't want a border, select FALSE.

  7. Select the Vertical Position of the image text.

  8. Select the Horizontal Position of the image text.

  9. Enter a Margin value (in pixels). The value determines the margin space located between the image and the edge of the image box.

  10. Select the Alignment of the image.

  11. Click Save to save this image and close the Add form. Or click Save and Add to assign another event image.


Modify a Terminal Event Image

You cannot modify a System Required event image record.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Event Image.

  2. Select the record you want to change and click Modify.

  3. Modify the necessary fields.

  4. Click Save.


Delete a Terminal Event Image

You cannot delete a System Required event image record.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Event Image.

  2. Select the record you want to remove and click Delete.

  3. Click OK in the pop-up box to confirm the action.


Copy a Terminal Event Image

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Event Image.

  2. Select the record you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  3. Modify the necessary fields.

  4. Click Save.