
Terminal Off Policy

The Terminal Off Policy determines the Operating Mode of terminals assigned to this policy. The Operating Mode defined in this policy determines how the terminal will collect and process offline data.

Currently the only available Operating Mode is COMPLETE_OFFLINE. If a terminal is in COMPLETE_OFFLINE Operating Mode, the terminal will operate in offline mode regardless of whether it can communicate with the application server. The terminal will collect transactions and store them locally, without attempting to transmit this data to the application server. The terminal will not send these transactions until its Operating State is changed (via the Operating State form or the COMPLETE_OFFLINE_STATE_CONTROLLER service).

You can use the Terminal Off Policy to configure large groups of terminals to operate in a permanent offline mode even when the terminals are able to connect to the application server. When the terminals operate in this mode, all transactions are collected and stored locally on the terminal. The terminal will not attempt to send any transactions to the application server until their operating state changes (manually or by a scheduled service). This configuration is designed to accelerate the data collection process by eliminating or reducing database queries and data processing time. The offline data will be sent to the application server only during scheduled times, via a service instance. See Permanent Offline Data Collection with Scheduled Data Pull for more information.

The Terminal Off Policy is assigned to a group of terminals via the Terminal Profile Setting form.

See Also:

Terminal Off Policy Field Descriptions

Find a Terminal Off Policy

Add a Terminal Off Policy

Modify a Terminal Off Policy

Delete a Terminal Off Policy


Terminal Off Policy Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Name of the Terminal Off Policy. This Policy Name will be assigned to a Terminal Profile via the Terminal Profile Setting form.


Description of the Terminal Off Policy.

Operating Mode

Determines the operating mode for terminals assigned to this policy.

Currently the only available option is COMPLETE_OFFLINE.

If a terminal is assigned a Terminal Off Policy that has the COMPLETE_OFFLINE Operating Mode, the terminal will operate in offline mode regardless of whether it can communicate with the application server. The terminal will collect transactions and store them locally, without transmitting this data to the application server.

When you want to send the data to the application server, you can use the Operating State form or the COMPLETE_OFFLINE_STATE_CONTROLLER service instance.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Terminal Off Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Off Policy.

    All the available policies will display in the grid.

  2. To narrow your search, select a Policy Name or Operating Mode and click Find.

    The updated search results will display in the grid.


Add a Terminal Off Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Off Policy.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter the Policy Name and Description.

  4. Select the Operating Mode. Currently the only available option is COMPLETE_OFFLINE.

  5. Click Save.

When you create a new Terminal Off Policy, a new record will be created for this policy on the Operating State form; its default Operating State will be ONLINE.


Modify a Terminal Off Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Off Policy.

  2. Find the Policy Name you want to edit and click Modify.

  3. You can change the policy’s Description and Operating Mode.

  4. Click Save when you are done.


Delete a Terminal Off Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Off Policy.

  2. Find the Policy Name you want to remove and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.

If the policy has been assigned to a Terminal Profile, you will not be able to delete it.