
PVE Plugin

The PVE (Prompting and Validation Engine) Plugin form is used to enable/disable certain plugin features and services. If the Enabled box is checked, the plugin is enabled. If you modify a record, you must restart the application server in order for the changes to take effect.

See Also:

PVE Plugin Field Descriptions

Enabling/Disabling a PVE Plugin


PVE Plugin Field Descriptions


The identifying name of the plugin.

Plugin Type

This field represents at what stage the plugin action takes place.


If the box is checked, the plugin is enabled.


A description of the plugin.

Update Date

The date  on which the record was updated last.

Updated By

Identifies who updated the record.


Enable/Disable a PVE Plugin Setting

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > PVE Plugin.

  2. Select the record you want to enable/disable and click Modify.

  3. To disable a plugin, ensure that the Enabled box is unchecked. To enable a plugin, ensure that the Enabled box is checked.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Restart the application server.

    Note: You must restart the application server anytime you make changes on the PVE Plugin form.