
Pay Level

The Pay Level tab on the Pay Class form is used to define Pay Levels for a specific Pay Class.

A Pay Class includes rules regarding Minimum and Maximum Payroll and Labor Rates. A Pay Class will have one or more Pay Levels, and each level can have different Payroll and Labor Rates. For example, an employee in the "Welder" Pay Class could earn a Payroll Rate of 15.25 at Pay Level 1 and a Payroll Rate of 18.50 at Pay Level 2.

See Also:

Pay Level Field Descriptions

Find a Pay Level

Add a Pay Level

Modify a Pay Level

Delete a Pay Level


Pay Level Field Descriptions

Effective Date

Use the Effective Date field in the Filter area of the form to find Pay Level records that are in effect on a specific date. When you click Find, only the Pay Levels which have a Start Date and End Date range that includes the Effective Date will be displayed.

Pay Scale Name

Displays the name of the Pay Scale record you selected at the top of the Pay Class form.

Pay Class Name

Displays the name of the Pay Class you selected at the top of the Pay Class form.

Pay Level

Identifies a Pay Level for this Pay Class. Each Pay Level has a corresponding Payroll Rate and Labor Rate.

Payroll Rate

Payroll rate paid per hour at this Pay Level. The payroll rate is the employee’s rate of pay for performing the labor. The Payroll Rate must be within Minimum and Maximum Payroll Rate specified for this Pay Class.

Labor Rate

Labor rate paid per hour at this Pay Level. The labor rate is the rate that is billed when the employee performs the labor. The Labor Rate must be within Minimum and Maximum Labor Rate specified for this Pay Class.

Start Date, End Date

The Start and End Dates indicate when the specified Pay Level, Payroll Rate, and Labor Rate are in effect.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Pay Level

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Payroll > Pay Class.

  2. Select the Pay Scale Name and Pay Class Name for which you want to view the Pay Levels.

    On the Pay Level tab, the pay levels (if any) will appear.

  3. You can use the Effective Date field in the Filter area of the Pay Level tab to display only the pay levels with a Start Date and End Date range that includes the Effective Date.


Add a Pay Level

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Payroll > Pay Class.

  2. Select the Pay Scale Name and Pay Class Name to which you want to add the Pay Levels.

  3. On the Pay Level tab, click Add.

  4. Select the Pay Level.

  5. Enter the Payroll Rate and (if required) the Labor Rate. If the Pay Class has Labor Rate Required checked, then you will have to enter a Labor Rate.

  6. Enter the Start Date and End Date when this Pay Level is in effect.

  7. If you want to add more than one Pay Level, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Pay Level window open. Or click Save to save your Pay Level and return to the main form.


Modify a Pay Level

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Payroll > Pay Class.

  2. Select the Pay Scale Name and Pay Class Name for which you want to modify a Pay Level.

  3. On the Pay Level tab, select the Pay Level you want to change.

  4. You can change the Payroll Rate, Labor Rate, Start Date, and End Date.

  5. Click Save when you are done.


Delete a Pay Level

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Payroll > Pay Class.

  2. Select the Pay Scale Name and Pay Class Name from which you want to delete a Pay Level.

  3. On the Pay Level tab, select the Pay Level you want to remove and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.

Note: If the Pay Level has already been assigned to a person record, you will not be able to delete it.