Charge Type

The Charge Type tab on the Process Policy form is used to associate a Sender Name with a particular Charge Type. This record is used to determine the Charge Types to which employees assigned to this policy can post events. When an employee posts an event with a Charge Type defined in this tab, the system checks to see if the Charge Type’s Sender Name matches the Sender Name on the Charge Element form. If the Sender Names do not match, the employee cannot post the event.

The Charge Types in the Process Policy determine which charge elements will display in the Charge Element quick link when an employee posts an event.

If an employee’s Process Policy has Charge Type records, the Charge Element quick link will only display charge elements with the same Sender Name as the Charge Types in the Process Policy.

If an employee’s Process Policy does not have any Charge Type records, then the Charge Element quick link will display all available charge elements regardless of their Sender Name.

If an employee is not assigned a Process Policy, then the Charge Element quick link will not display any charge elements.

See Also:

Charge Type Field Descriptions

Add a Charge Type Record

Modify a Charge Type Record

Delete a Charge Type Record


Charge Type Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Name of the Process Policy that is selected on the Process Policy form.

Charge Type

Charge Type associated with the specified Sender Name. Used to determine the Charge Types to which employees assigned to this policy can post events. Available options are defined on the Charge Type form.

Sender Name

Sender Name associated with the specified Charge Type. The Sender Name identifies the external system that will receive attendance or labor transactions generated by the specified Charge Type. Available options are defined as Senders on the Interface Host form.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Charge Type Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Process Policy.

  2. Select the Process Policy to which you want to add a Charge Type record and click the Charge Type tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Select the Charge Type and Sender Name.

  5. If you want to add more than one Charge Type record, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the pop-up window open. Or click Save to save your Charge Type record and return to the Charge Type tab.


Modify a Charge Type Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Process Policy.

  2. Select the Process Policy for which you want to modify a Charge Type record and click the Charge Type tab.

  3. Select the Charge Type you want to change and click Modify.

  4. Change the Sender Name and click Save.


Delete a Charge Type Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Process Policy.

  2. Select the Process Policy from which you want to delete a Charge Type record and click the Charge Type tab.

  3. Select the Charge Type you want to remove and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.