

The Favorites menu is used to quickly access the forms and events you use frequently.

To view the Favorites menu, click the Favorites menu button.

Form Favorites

Event Favorites

Disabling Event  Favorites


Form Favorites

Form favorites are used to quickly access the forms you use most often. You can select the form from the Favorites menu instead of navigating through the Main Menu.

To add a form favorite:

  1. Go to the form you want to add as a favorite.

  2. Click the Favorites menu button.

  3. Click Add Favorite.

    Add Favorite will be grayed out if the form is already a favorite.


To delete a form favorite:

  1. Click the Favorites menu button.

  2. Click the trash can button next to the form favorite you want to delete.


To rearrange the form favorites:

  1. Click the Favorites menu button to open the Favorites menu.

  2. Drag the favorite to a new location in the menu.


Event Favorites

You can also save elapsed events that you post frequently as event favorites in the Favorites menu. The events will be preceded by Time Card – and followed by  in the Favorites menu. Note that you can only save elapsed events as favorites. You cannot save punch events as favorites.

Event favorites can only be saved and posted by the logged-in employee in their own timecard. If you save an event favorite in the web timecard, it will also be available in the mobile timecard and vice versa. Supervisors cannot save or post event favorites for their employees.

When you select an event favorite from the Favorites menu, the Self Service Time Card form will display and the Event Prompts – Elapsed form will open with the configuration of the event favorite you saved.

You can create an event favorite when you post an event in the Self Service Time Card using the Add Elapsed button.


Create an Event Favorite

  1. In the Self Service Time Card, click Add Elapsed.

  2. Select the Event name and enter values in the other prompts for the event favorite.

    The Post Date and Hours prompt values will not be saved.

    If there are any other event prompt values you do not want to save (for example, Labor Type or Quantities), leave these event prompts blank.

    If the event has any other prompts that are not yet visible, these prompt values will not be saved with the event favorite either.

  3. Click the Favorites button at the bottom of the form.

    The Event Favorite pop-up form will display.

  4. Enter a name for this favorite and click OK.

    The Event Prompts – Elapsed form will remain open and the new event favorite will display in the Favorite Name field.

  5. If you want to post the event, click Save or Save and Add on the Event Prompts – Elapsed form. Otherwise, click Cancel.

    If you only want to post this event, click Save. The event will post and you will exit the Event Prompts - Elapsed form. If you want to post additional events, click Save and Add. The event you just selected will post and the Event Prompts - Elapsed form will stay open so you can select another event

  6. The new event favorite will display in the Favorites menu preceded by Time Card – and followed by .


Modify or Copy an Event Favorite

  1. Select the event favorite from the Favorites menu.

    The Self Service Time Card opens with the event favorite in the Event Prompts – Elapsed box.

  2. Change the event prompts as necessary.

  3. Click the Favorites button at the bottom of the form.

    The Event Favorite pop-up form displays.

  4. If you are modifying the event favorite, click OK without changing the Favorite Name.

  5. If you are duplicating an event favorite, change the Favorite Name and click OK.


Post an Event Favorite

  1. Select the event favorite from the Favorites menu.

    The Self Service Time Card opens with the event favorite in the Event Prompts – Elapsed box.

  2. You will need to enter the Post Date and Hours.

  3. If the event has any other prompts that were not yet visible when the event favorite was saved, you will need to enter values for those prompts as well.

  4. Click Save or Save and Add to post the event. If you only want to post this event, click Save. The event will post and you will exit the Event Prompts - Elapsed form. If you want to post additional events, click Save and Add. The event you just selected will post and the Event Prompts - Elapsed form will stay open so you can select another event.


Delete or Rearrange the Event Favorites

The procedures for deleting and rearranging event favorites are the same for deleting and rearranging form favorites.

To delete an event favorite:

  1. Click the Favorites menu button.

  2. Click the trash can button next to the event favorite you want to delete.


To rearrange the event favorites:

  1. Click the Favorites menu button to open the Favorites menu.

  2. Drag the favorite to a new location in the menu.


Disabling Event Favorites

You can disable the Favorites button on the Event Prompts – Elapsed form to prevent employees from saving, modifying, or copying event favorites. The employee will still be able to select existing event favorites from the Favorites menu.

On the Security Roles form (Main Menu > Configuration > Security > Security Roles), select the employee’s Security Role Name. The Event Favorite button is located under Self Service > Time Card > Period > Event Prompts. When this box is selected, the Favorites button will display on the Event Prompts – Elapsed form. If this box is not selected, the Favorites button will not display on the Event Prompts – Elapsed form.