
Effectivity tab (Leave Policy form)

The Effectivity tab of the Leave Policy form defines when the balance/leave period starts and ends. It also defines the effectivity period when the balance/leave can be drawn from.

The Leave Policy will have a balance period of one year (shown by the Period Length and Period Unit fields on the main Balance Policy form). The balance period is based on the Calendar Year. The Effectivity tab specifies the start date of this year and any offset from the start of this year. Within the balance period you can also define an effectivity period when employees can draw from this balance.

See Also:

Effectivity Field Descriptions

Adding an Effectivity Record to a Leave Policy

Modifying the Effectivity Settings in a Leave Policy


Effectivity Field Descriptions

Effectivity Basis

Indicates that the balance period will be based on the Calendar Year.

Initial Start

Initial Start is an optional setting that will be used to determine the start of the employee’s first balance period when the employee’s hire, rehire, or service date is different from the start of the balance period. Select Hire Date, Net Hire Date, Service Date, or Year Start.

When the ACCRUAL service calculates the employee’s first record for this Leave Type Code, if the Initial Start is later than the calculated start date for the balance period, the Initial Start becomes the start of that first balance period.

Start Type

Specifies the date within the calendar year when the balance period begins.

Calendar Start: January 1.

Hire Date: Date the employee was hired. Defined in the employee’s Person record.

Net Hire Date: If the employee was re-hired, the Net Hire Date will be the re-hire date. Otherwise, the employee’s hire date will be used. The Rehire Date is defined in the employee’s Person record.

Service Date: Date the employee began their service. Defined in the employee’s Person record.

Specific Date: Date specified in the Start Date field (see below).

Note: If a balance period is based on an employee’s hire date, rehire date, or service date, and the ACCRUAL service cannot find these date values, the accrual will fail. Make sure these dates are specified in the employee’s Person record.

Start Date

If you selected Specific Date as your Start Type, enter the date when the balance period begins.

The year in this Start Date is not relevant. The Start Date will be this date in the balance period year.

Note: If you choose February 29 as your Start Date, on years without that date the Start Date will be February 28.

Start Offset, Offset Unit

Use the Start Offset (and Offset Unit) if the balance period will begin a certain distance from the start of the start date.

Select Months, Weeks, or Days as your Offset Unit. Start Offset specifies the number of these units.

For example, the balance period may be defined from July 1 to June 30. The Start Offset would be 6 months from the Calendar Start.

If you want the balance to become effective at the start of the Calendar Year, set the Start Offset to zero.

Effective Start, Start Unit
Effective End, End Unit

The Effective Start/End settings determine the effective dates within the balance period when employees can draw from the balance.

For example, a company may have a Leave Type Code for Floating Holidays, which are only available during the first quarter of the year. The Effective settings would be used to specify this date range when the balance can be used.

Effective Start and Start Unit are used to calculate the start of the effective period. Select Months, Weeks, or Days as your Start Unit. Effective Start specifies the number of these units.

Effective End and End Unit are used to calculate the end of the effective period. Select Months, Weeks, or Days as your End Unit. Effective End specifies the number of these units.

To determine the effective period, the Effective Start is added to the beginning of the balance period and the Effective End is subtracted from the end of the balance period. The balance period is determined by the Effectivity Basis, Start Type, Start Offset, and Offset Unit (see above). If a balance period is for the Calendar Year and the Start Offset is 3 months from the Calendar Start, the balance period starts April 1 and ends March 31. An Effective Start of 3 months means the effective period begins on July 1. An Effective End of 6 months means the effective period ends on September 30.


Adding an Effectivity Record to a Balance Policy

When you add a new Leave Policy, click the Effectivity tab to add your Effectivity record. Make sure you configure the other tabs on the Add Leave Policy form (Leave Type Code, Accrual, Other Properties, Events) before you click Save.

See Add a Leave Policy and Effectivity Field Descriptions for more information.


Modifying the Effectivity Settings in a Leave Policy

When you modify a Leave Policy, click the Effectivity tab to change the Effectivity record. Make sure you make any needed changes to the other tabs on the Modify Leave Policy form (Leave Type Code, Accrual, Other Properties, Events) before you click Save.

See Modify a Leave Policy and Effectivity Field Descriptions for more information.