The Badge tab on the Badge Group form is used to add and maintain specific badges that belong to specific badge groups.
"Badge" is a generic term to describe a physical device used to identify a person. It may refer to a credit card sized device with some form of memory, a key fob with an integrated memory device, or any other mechanism that is used to uniquely identify a person.
Once you create a badge you can issue it to a person on the Badge tab of the Employee form. Only Available badges can be issued. Note that a badge that has been issued but has since expired will be set to Available when the BADGE_RESET service runs.
See Also:
Badge Type
Indicates whether the badge is Permanent or Temporary.
Permanent = A badge that is intended to be used permanently.
Temporary = A badge that is intended to be used for a short duration. For example, if a person misplaces his badge, he may be issued a temporary badge.
Badge Number
The Badge Number field identifies the character or characters that may display on the terminal when the user swipes/scans the badge.
A badge number may consist of numbers, letters, or any combination of the two. For example, 1001 or 1001A. However, you cannot use the following characters in a Badge Number:
# % \ ' ? = + &
Version Number
A Version Number is used to further identify a badge record. A version number may consist of numbers, letters, or any combination of the two. For example, A or 1A.
Badge State
Indicates whether the badge can be assigned to a person.
Available: The badge has been created and is available for use.
Issued: The badge has been issued to a person.
Lost: The badge had been reported as lost and cannot be used.
Unavailable: The badge has been created but it is not available for use.
Record Status
Indicates if the record is Active or Inactive. This field can only be modified when the Badge State is Issued.
If the Badge State is Available, the Record Status is automatically set to Active.
If the Badge State is Issued, the Record Status can be set to Active or Inactive.
If the Badge State is Lost or Unavailable, the Record Status is automatically set to Inactive.
Note: An Inactive badge cannot be assigned to a person, regardless of the Record Status.
Badge Label
The Badge Label field is used strictly for informational purposes. It is not validated in the application.
Effective Date Range
When you check this box, the badge will only be valid from the specified Start Timestamp to the specified End Timestamp.
Available In Offline
When this box is checked, the badge is available for validation (and use) when terminal is in offline mode. This function applies to the Offline Person Validation feature. It validates data in offline mode locally on data collection terminals.
Start Timestamp
This field applies only if the Effective Data Range box is checked when the badge is created. It identifies the day, month, time and year that this badge record goes into effect.
End Timestamp
This field applies only if the Effective Data Range box is checked when the badge is created. It identifies the day, month, time, and year that this badge record expires. If the field is empty, the badge does not expire.
System Required
When this box is checked the record is system required and cannot be modified.
Date Created
Identifies when the badge was first created.
Created By
Identifies who created the badge.
Update Date, Updated By
These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.
Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Badge Management > Badge Group > Badge.
Select the Badge Group for which you want to find badges.
Navigate to the Badge tab on the lower half of the form.
The existing badge records display.
the record you are searching for is not visible on the form, you can
use the Filter fields to search for it. To do
so, select a Badge Type, Badge Number, Badge State, and/or Record
Status in the applicable filter
Click Find.
The records that match your criteria will display.
Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Badge Management > Badge Group > Badge.
Select the Badge Group to which you want to add a badge.
Navigate to the Badge tab and click Add.
Use the fields in this form to define the badge.
Note: You cannot use the following characters in a Badge Number:
# % \ ' ? = +
If you want to add more than one record, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add window open. Or click Save to save your record and return to the main form.
Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Badge Management > Badge Group > Badge.
Select the Badge Group that contains the badge you want to duplicate.
Navigate to the Badge tab and select the badge you want to copy.
Click Copy.
Modify the fields as necessary.
If you want to copy more than one record, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Copy window open. Or click Save to save your record and return to the main form.
Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Badge Management > Badge Group > Badge.
Select the Badge Group that contains the badge you want to modify.
Navigate to the Badge tab and select the badge record.
Click Modify.
Modify the fields as necessary and click Save.
You cannot delete issued badges.
Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Badge Management > Badge Group > Badge.
Select the Badge Group that contains the badge you want to delete.
Navigate to the Badge tab and select the badge you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click OK to confirm the action.