Occurrence Weight

The Occurrence Weight tab on the Discipline Balance Policy form is used to manage whether the events that will add to a discipline balance count as a single occurrence or a partial occurrence. You can also use the Occurrence Weight tab to configure different Multi-Day Occurrence settings for the events in a discipline balance.

For example, an Early Departure with a 2.0-hour duration counts as 0.5 occurrence and the same event with a duration of 4.0 hours counts as 1.0 occurrence. If an employee clocks out an hour early, this infraction counts as half an occurrence (Occurrence Weight is 0.5). This infraction by itself will not lead to an increase in the discipline balance. However, if the employee clocks out 4.5 hours early, this infraction will count as one occurrence (Occurrence Weight is 1.0) and will lead to an increase in the discipline balance.

Occurrence Weights are optional in a Discipline Balance Policy. If the events that will add to a discipline balance have different occurrence weights or different multi-day occurrence settings, you need to configure the events in this tab. If an event in the discipline balance does not have an Occurrence Weight record, then it will count as 1.0 occurrence and use the Multi-Day Occurrence setting in the master record.

See Also:

Occurrence Weight Field Descriptions

Add, Modify, Delete, or Copy an Occurrence Weight Record


Occurrence Weight Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Displays the name of the Discipline Balance Policy you selected on the main form.

Discipline Balance Code

Displays the name of the Discipline Balance Code in the Discipline Balance Policy you selected on the main form.

Event Group

Event Group that contains the events that will have a particular Occurrence Weight and/or Multi Day configuration.

For example, the Discipline Balance Code will be updated by a person’s Late Arrival, Early Departure, and No Show events. The Early Departure events will have a different occurrence weight depending on their duration, and the No Show events will have a different Multi-day Occurrence setting than the Late Arrivals and Early Departures. The Discipline Balance Policy will therefore have Occurrence Weight records for each of these events (Late Arrival, Early Departure, and No Show). An Event Group will be needed for each of these events.

Minimum Duration
Maximum Duration

The Minimum and Maximum Duration are the number of hours that the events in the specified Event Group must be posted to receive the specified Occurrence Weight.

For example, an Early Departure event with a duration between 0.1 and 3.99 hours may count as half an occurrence, but an Early Departure event that posts for 4 or more hours may count as a single occurrence. The Discipline Balance Policy would have two Occurrence Weight records – one for a Minimum/Maximum Duration of 0.1 - 3.99 and Occurrence Weight of 0.5, and one for a Minimum/Maximum Duration of 4 - 10 and an Occurrence Weight of 1.0.

If the Minimum or Maximum Duration is left blank, then there is no Minimum or Maximum Duration requirement.

When you add or modify an Occurrence Weight record, you will enter the Minimum and Maximum Duration in decimal format. However, these durations will display in Clock or Decimal format on the Occurrence Weight form depending on the Duration Format setting in your Preferences.

Occurrence Weight

Number of occurrences for the events in the Event Group for the specified duration.

The Discipline Balance rules look for occurrences of event postings to determine whether to add a point to the discipline balance, create a ticket, etc. For example, if an employee clocks out an hour early, this infraction counts as half an occurrence (Occurrence Weight is 0.5). According to the Discipline Balance Ruleset in the employee’s Discipline Balance Policy, this infraction by itself will not lead to an increase in the discipline balance. However, if the employee leaves an hour early two days in a row, these infractions combined could lead to an increase in the discipline balance (0.5 + 0.5 = 1.0). Likewise, if the employee clocks out 4.5 hours early, this infraction will count as one occurrence (Occurrence Weight is 1.0) and will lead to an increase in the discipline balance.

Multi-day Occurrence

A multi-day occurrence considers multiple consecutive postings of the same event as one occurrence.

Note: The Multi-day Occurrence setting in the Occurrence Weight record will override the Multi-day Occurrence setting in the Discipline Balance Policy.

The Multi-day Occurrence setting determines whether the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service will look at all days or only scheduled days to find consecutive postings of an event.

Never: Select this option if you are not using multi-day occurrences. Each posting of the event will be a single occurrence.

Scheduled Days Only: Select this option if you only want to include scheduled days when determining an occurrence.

All Days: Select this option if you want to consider all days when determining an occurrence.

See How Multi-day Occurrences Are Determined for an example.

If Multi-day Occurrence is set to Scheduled Days Only or All Days, you will also need to define the Multi Day Event Group (see below) that will be considered part of an occurrence.

Multi Day Event Group

If Multi-day Occurrence (see above) is set to Scheduled Days Only or All Days, the Multi Day Event Group field will appear. Use this field to define the Multi Day Event Group that will be considered part of an occurrence. The DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service will look for multi-day occurrences of events in this group only.


Add, Modify, Delete, or Copy an Occurrence Weight Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Discipline Balance.

  2. Select the Policy Name at the top of the form and click Find. Then select the record with the Discipline Balance Code you want to configure.

  3. Go to the Occurrence Weight tab at the bottom of the form.

To add an Occurrence Weight record, click Add. Enter the appropriate setting values and click Save.

You can modify all the fields in an Occurrence Weight record except the Policy Name and the Discipline Balance Code. Select the record and click Modify. Change the settings as necessary and click Save.

You can copy an Occurrence Weight record and save the duplicate with a new name. Select the record and click Copy. Change the settings (except the Policy Name and the Discipline Balance Code) as necessary and click Save.

To delete an Occurrence Weight record, select it on the Occurrence Weight tab and click Delete.