Deltek Costpoint 8.2.3 Release Notes (Build
Welcome to the Deltek Costpoint 8.2.3 Release Notes, which describe the new features, enhancements, and software corrections introduced in this release.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Costpoint 8.2.3, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Costpoint.
Release notes are available from the landing page and the Costpoint Information Center.
We want the release notes to be as easy to use as possible. To this end, we will continue to analyze and improve upon the format. If you have feedback, please email
The new DeltekCAP.jar file, which fixes the issue that caused conflicts with the Cognos Analytics audit reports in versions 11.2.4 FP1 and FP2, is now available. After installing Deltek Costpoint Business Intelligence 8.2.3, copy the new DeltekCAP.jar file and replace the existing one in your Cognos Analytics server. For every change, Deltek recommends that you make a backup copy of your production environment.
To replace the DeltekCAP.jar file in the Cognos Analytics server:
Go to the installation directory of Costpoint BI 8.2.3 and open the CAP8.2 folder. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Deltek\CostpointBusinessIntelligence\CBI823\zSupport Files\CAP8.2.
Look for the DeltekCAP.jar file and copy the file to {Cognos Server}\C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib.
You can print these release notes or save this page as a PDF. Do one of the following actions:
Desktop (Windows): Press CTRL+P on your keyboard. On the dialog box that displays, you can choose to save this page as a PDF or select a printer to print the release notes.
Desktop (Mac): Press COMMAND+P on your keyboard or click File » Print and select a printer to print these release notes. To save this page as a PDF, click File » Export and select a name and destination for the PDF file.
Mobile Device: Printing settings may differ depending on the browser and device that you are using. You can access these settings through the More link, Share icon, or the browser menu (three vertical dots or three horizontal lines).
Calculation of Federal Income Tax Withheld for Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC
Costpoint now automatically calculates Federal Income Tax Withheld for Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC.
In the previous process, you must manually enter a negative amount for voucher lines which correspond to federal withholding tax, but the negative amounts are not included when calculating the amount for Box 4 of Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC. You must then manually convert the negative amount to a positive amount on the Edit 1099 Information screen for the federal withholding tax to be correctly calculated when you print Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC.
To simplify this process and eliminate manual adjustment, the Create 1099 Information screen has been updated to automatically process and calculate federal withholding tax amounts, and the Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen has been updated to automatically convert the negative federal withholding tax amounts and display them as positive positive values when you print 1099 forms or create magnetic media files.
The new 1099 Type, FEDMIS, has also been added to multiple screens for easier identification and tracking of miscellaneous federal withholding tax, while the existing FED type remains for non-employee compensation federal withholding tax.
The following Accounting screens have been updated to support these enhancements.
Manage Vendors (APMVEND)
In the 1099s group box, the Print 1099-MISC Form has been renamed to Print 1099 Form, and the new FEDMIS option has been added to the Type drop-down list.
Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers (APMVCHR)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field.
Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (POMPOVCH)
On the Account Distribution subtask, the new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field.
Manage Vendor History (APMVENDH)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field of the Voucher Line table window.
Create 1099 Information (APP1099C)
This screen has been updated to automatically process and calculate federal withholding tax and include them in 1099 reports and printed forms, and to include partial payments, voided or reissued checks, and voucher discounts when calculating the Total 1099 Amount and Total Taxable Amount for the Taxable Entity or Pay Vendor, and Calendar Year you entered.
Edit 1099 Information (APM1099)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field of the Edit 1099 Information Detail table window.
Print 1099 Edit Report (APR1099E)
This screen has been updated to display the Total Amount Paid, Total Federal Withholding Tax Amount, and Total Tax Amount on the 1099 Edit Report for the Taxable Entity you entered.
Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media (APR1099)
If you enter 2023 or later as the Calendar Year, Costpoint uses either the FED or FEDMIS code to populate the 1099 forms or magnetic media, depending on the other options you select.
In the 1099 Types to Include group box:
If you select Non-Employee Compensation, Costpoint uses the FED (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate field positions 91-102 for the B (Payee) Record in the 1099-NEC magnetic media file (File Code NE in Issuer 'A' Record).
If you select All Other Types, Costpoint uses the FEDMIS (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate field positions 91-102 for the B (Payee) Record in the 1099-MISC magnetic media file (File Code A in Issuer 'A' Record).
In the Print Format group box:
If you select 1099-MISC Standard or 1099-MISC Self-Mailer, Costpoint uses the FEDMIS (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate Box 4 of Form 1099-MISC.
If you select 1099-NEC or 1099-NEC Self-Mailer, Costpoint uses the FED (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate Box 4 of Form 1099-NEC.
Arkansas Tax Table Update - Reduce Supplemental Tax Rate to 4.7%
Arkansas decreased the tax rate for supplemental payments from 4.9%. to 4.7% effective 06/01/2023.
To support the state requirements, this release sets the Arkansas Supplemental Tax Rate to 4.7% effective 06/01/2023 on the Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI) screen.
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11193.
California Updated Pay Data Report as of 2022 Reporting Year
Costpoint adds the ability to generate a Payroll Employee Report and Labor Contractor Employee Report according to the latest requirements of the California Pay Data Report.
The California Pay Data Report generated by Costpoint’s Print EEO-1 Report application was updated with the following:
The two sections, Payroll Employee Report and Labor Contractor Employee Report, have the following changes:
Mean Hourly Rate and Median Hourly Rate are now included.
The pay band thresholds were updated.
The Row-Level Clarifying Remark that displays if W-2 Box 1 total earnings will be used for at least one employee in the report was updated to “W-2 Box 1 earnings data have been used for at least one employee.” (from “At least one employee uses W-2 Box 1 earnings.”)
The following Race/Ethnicity/Sex combinations were applied to the Labor Contractor Employee Report only:
U10 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Male
U20 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Female
U30 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Non-binary
UU - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Unknown Sex
To identify the particular pay band to count the payroll employee, the earnings shown in W-2c will be used if there is a record; otherwise, the earnings shown in W-2 will be used.
An information message regarding the snapshot period was added.
A California Pay Data Warning Report was added. This report lists all employees with no W-2 or W-2c record for the payroll year and taxable entity who are selected in the snapshot period.
Washington WA Cares Exemption Tracking
Effective October 2023, WA Cares reporting will be fully integrated with Paid Leave reporting. The Paid Leave report using the old format will still be accepted until reporting for WA Cares begins in October 2023.
To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds the ability to track employee exemptions and the corresponding effective dates of the exemption. The Manage Employee Taxes screen provides a new WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox, which allows you to track employees with an approved WA Cares exemption. If an employee is flagged for exemption, the effective dates must be provided.
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
The screen adds a new Other Payroll Taxes group box, which contain the new fields needed for WA Cares exemption tracking.
WA Cares Fund Exemption
Select this checkbox if the employee has an approved WA Cares exemption.
If this is selected, the date listed in the approval letter for an exemption from WA Cares coverage must be entered in the Effective Date field.
The value in this field will be reported in the integrated Paid Leave and WA Cares quarterly reporting.
This field will always be enabled regardless of the SUTA state.
Effective Date
Enter, or click Calendar Lookup to select, the date the employee’s Washington Cares Fund exemption takes effect.
This is the date listed in the employee’s approval letter for an exemption from WA Cares coverage.
This field will be enabled if the WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox is selected, and cleared if the WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox is deselected.
End Date
Enter, or click Calendar Lookup to select, the date the employee’s Washington Cares Fund conditional exemption ended.
This field will be enabled if the WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox is selected, and disabled if the WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox is deselected.
View Employee Taxes (PRQETAX)
The screen adds new fields needed for WA Cares exemption tracking.
WA Cares Fund Exemption
If this checkbox is selected, the employee has an approved WA Cares exemption as of the transaction date/time.
WA Cares Fund Exemption Effective Date
This field displays the date the employee’s WA Cares Fund exemption takes effect.
WA Cares Fund Exemption End Date
This field displays the end date of the employee’s Washington Cares Fund conditional exemption.
Manage Employee Deductions (PRMEDED)
The screen adds validations and defaulting for WA Cares deduction to align with the WA Cares Fund Exemption effective dates on the Manage Employee Taxes screen.
Manage Employee Contributions (PRMECNT)
The screen displays the following warning message if a Contribution code with a WACARE deduction type was saved: "There is no employer share of WA Cares Fund premiums."
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report displays information for the new fields in the EMPL_TAX and EMPL_TAX_ADT tables:
WACARES_EXEMPT_FL (Washington Cares Fund Exemption Flag)
WACARES_EXEMPT_EFFECT_DT (Washington Cares Fund Exemption Effective Date)
WACARES_EXEMPT_END_DT (Washington Cares Fund Exemption End Date)
CSV Option for Importing Accounts Payable Vouchers
You can now import Accounts Payable (A/P) vouchers using a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) input file.
A CSV file is a text file format that uses commas to separate values. It stores table data in plain text, and each line in the file represents one record. Each record consists of the same number of fields which are separated by commas in the CSV file.
You can enter Header, Detail, or Vendor Labor records. You must import a header format file for every detail format file, while vendor labor format files are optional.
You can import both A/P vouchers in your functional currency, or multicurrency A/P vouchers using a CSV input file.
Refer to the Processing Details sections of the Import Accounts Payable Vouchers screen and Import Accounts Payable Multicurrency Vouchers screen help topics to view the format of input files.
Voucher Header input file:
Voucher Detail input file:
Vendor Labor input file:
Screen Updates
To support this enhancement, the new Comma-Separated Values option has been added to the Select Input Format drop-down list of the Import Accounts Payable Vouchers and Import Accounts Payable Multicurrency Vouchers screens.
Share Record
Use the new Share Record feature to share the URL of a Costpoint record. Share Record is available in Table view when you select a record and click the arrow in the column header or right-click the column header. In Form view, right-click the form to access Share Record. When you click Share Record, Costpoint copies the URL to the browser clipboard. You can then paste the link or choose a sharing option on your device or computer.
Costpoint login is required to access the shared record.
Improved Multi-Row Selection Functionality in Table View
Instead of using keyboard shortcuts to select multiple rows in Table View, such as CTRL+click or COMMAND+click, you now can click a column header or click its arrow and select the new Enable Multi-Row Selection Mode feature. In Multi-Row Selection mode, Costpoint displays a checkbox that you can select for each row in the table. To turn off this feature, right-click the column header or click its arrow and select Disable Multi-Row Selection Mode.
MRP Planning Settings for Substitute Parts
Configure Materials Requirements Planning Settings (MRMSET)
A new Use Available Inventory First checkbox has been added to the screen. When you select this checkbox, the planning order process will use available on-hand inventory first for both original and substitute parts before using the supply orders.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application now copies new MRP planning setting values for the planning order process.
Access to the Contributions - Project Distribution Subtask on the Manage Employee Earnings History Screen
Access to the Contributions - Project Distribution subtask on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen is now based on the Direct charge employer contributions checkbox on the Configure Payroll Settings screen. The Contribution - Project Distribution subtask link will display only when you select the Direct charge employer contributions checkbox.
Affirmative Action Race/Ethnicity System Table Update
Costpoint updates the Affirmative Action Race/Ethnicity System Table (AA_RACES) to reflect the current valid list and no longer support the old EO Survey list. Costpoint adds error reports that lists which employees are linked to inactive Affirmative Action codes. This allows you to correct the data of affected employees and accurately report Affirmative Action data. To support this feature, Costpoint applies updates to multiple applications.
Costpoint users who report affirmative action have the ability to link Affirmative Action race codes to their user-defined race/ethnicity codes on the Manage Race and Ethnicity Codes screen. Prior to this enhancement, the Affirmative Action race codes included codes that were used for past EO Survey reporting. Since the EO Survey race codes are no longer needed, they have been removed from the available mapping list. The available affirmative action race codes are now:
Two or more races
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Race missing or unknown
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
The following codes have been removed from the Affirmative Action Race Code list:
Black & White non-Hispanic
American Indian/Alaskan Native & White non-Hispanic
American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black non-Hispanic
Asian & White non-Hispanic
Other Hispanic or Latino
If any of your Race/Ethnicity codes are still linked to old Affirmative Action Race Codes, Deltek recommends that you update the mapping to meet current affirmative action requirements when this enhancement is available.
Manage Race and Ethnicity Codes (LDMRACE)
The AA_RACES table now includes an Active flag, which designates AA records that are currently in use. The value for the active flag for each code in the AA_RACES table is based on the currently used Affirmative Action codes. When you use the Lookup functionality for affirmative action codes, the results will display only codes that are active.
Print New Hire Analysis Report (HARNHIRE)
The application generates an error report to list any employees that are linked to an inactive Affirmative Action Race Code. If you run the error report, the application will not display the regular report.
Print Termination Report (HARTERM)
The application generates an error report to list any employees that are linked to an inactive Affirmative Action Race Code. If you run the error report, the application will not display the regular report.
Print Personnel Action Analysis Report (HARPERS)
The application generates an error report to list any employees that are linked to an inactive Affirmative Action Race Code. If you run the error report, the application will not display the regular report.
Use Supplemental Tax Rate for Leave Payout Wages
Leave payout wages are considered supplemental payments but, currently, these wages are taxed as regular wages. Changes were made to payroll to calculate the taxes of leave payout timesheets using supplemental rates. If your company opts not to use the leave payout application to create leave payout timesheets, then you can now select Leave Payout timesheet type on the Manage Timesheets screen. This will allow you to manually enter a Leave Payout timesheet.
This release also provides the ability to calculate withholding tax on leave payout timesheets as supplemental wages.
Manage Timesheets (LDMTIME)
You can now select Leave Payout from the Type drop-down list.
LV was removed from the error message when selecting Leave Payout from the Type drop-down list.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The existing Timesheet Type label changed to Check Type.
The existing Selection Ranges group box is now the Select group box.
The Deduction Schedule field has been moved to the Options group box.
The screen adds the following Timesheet Type checkboxes, which allow you to select which timesheets to process.
Regular, Correcting, D-Correcting, N-Reversing, Reversing, and Salary Cap
Select this checkbox if you want to process Regular, Correcting, D-Correcting, N-Reversing, Reversing, and Salary Cap timesheets. You can only process Correcting, D-Correcting, N-Reversing, Reversing, and Salary Cap timesheets if the Check Type is Regular.
Select this checkbox if you want to process bonus timesheets. You can only process bonus timesheets if the Check Type is Bonus.
Leave Payout
Select this checkbox if you want to process leave payout timesheets either as regular wages or supplemental wages. Leave payout will be taxed as supplemental wages if you select Bonus as the Check Type. Leave payout will be taxed as regular wages if you select Regular as the Check Type.
Updated Original Pool Base Amount and Original Rate in Retroactive Billing Worksheet
In the Indirect Rate Consolidated Retroactive Billing Worksheet, the values that display in the Original Pool Base Amount column now include burden costs instead of just the direct labor cost. In addition, the Original Rate column values now display the provisional rates entered on the Manage Cost Pools screen instead of the composite rates.
This is in agreement with how the Revised Pool Base Amount and Approved Revised Rate columns are printed on the report.
Performance Enhancement: Summarize Project Ledger
Summarize Project Ledger has been updated to process records more efficiently and reduce the screen's runtime.
Business Intelligence
Updated Contracts and Opportunities Model with UDEFs and Assessment Fields
The new VBI_ALL_UDEF_CT view is now available to capture data in user-defined fields (UDEFs) for contracts, leads, and opportunities. Because of this change, the Contracts and Opportunities model had to be updated to accommodate the new UDEFs.
Updates were also made to the Contracts and Opportunities model to obtain the new Opportunity Assessment and Performance Assessment field values in Costpoint.
Corpay Portal Vendor Listing
The new Corpay Portal Vendor Listing report, which aims to provide key vendor information and support to users of Corpay, is now available. Any change or update made to the vendor information will automatically reflect on the report.
Accounts Payable >> Manage Purchase Order Vouchers
Defect 1969989: When you entered a voucher line with a positive Invoice Quantity and entered a reversal line with the same Invoice Quantity in a negative value, the rounded off negative Invoice Ext Amount was incorrect. This resulted in an incorrect Remaining Bal.
Accounts Payable >> Select Vouchers For Payment
Defect 1945122: You no longer encounter a lengthy processing time when you execute a Select or Validate Pay When Paid process.
General Ledger >> Update Tax Report Tables
Defect 1970190: When you updated tax report tables and printed a Sales/Value Added Tax report, the tax information for sales order invoices with 0 tax rate did not display on line 6 – Sales Order Bill Amounts of the report.
To prevent Costpoint from updating records that were already processed prior to this fix, do any of the following:
On the Update Tax Report Tables screen, enter an Invoice Date range of records you want to update.
On the View Tax Reporting Status by Tax Account or View Tax Reporting Status by Transaction screen, select Y in the Tax Return drop-down list and select the Instrastat Report Flag checkbox of records that must be excluded in future reports.
Multicurrency >> Update Open Accounts Payable Exchange Rates
Defect 1949352: This application has been enhanced to address issues on lengthy processing time, dropped connections, and session time-outs when updating open A/P exchange rates.
Opportunities >> Manage Opportunities
Defect 1971181: You encountered a system error instead of a validation message when you entered an invalid GovWin IQ ID and then clicked the Refresh from IQ button on the GovWin IQ subtask.
Defect 1967112: The View Approval Cases subtask in Approval Workflow Models displayed a Completion Time for an in-process workflow that was rejected back to its previous activity.
Defect 1968205: When you pressed TAB on your keyboard to move to the next row in the table, Costpoint marked that row with an "X" for deletion.
Defect 1975309: When you copied data that included line breaks (ALT+ENTER) from Excel, such as a Notes field, Costpoint created multiple empty lines.
Defect 1976615: The Open File (red exclamation) button did not display correctly in Form view on the Edge browser.
Defect 1979031: The following error was found in the delteke.log file for scheduled jobs:
"Maximum length(30) is exceeded for the field: J___JOB_DESC. Assigned value: Temporary Job: TEMP:CPSU:b31530da2f2f49018346afe4667ea32c"
Defect 1982654: You received an invalid warning message at login that stated you had exceeded the license count when that was not true.
Defect 1984466: SAML users could not log in to Costpoint after the 8.1.22 MR upgrade.
Defect 1965839: When you used a Mac OS and Safari browser, COMMAND+click did not invoke the reverse line function.
Runtime >> Server
Defect 1975229: The initially designated approver could populate a delegated approver, and the delegation occurred behind the scenes when the approver clicked Delegate, but the Approval window did not close. Because of this, the original approvers would click Delegate repeatedly, generating many delegations and notifications to the delegated approver.
Defect 1988506: An occasional java.lang.NullPointerException occurred when loading on a WebLogic server was high.
Bills of Material >> Print Summarized Bills of Material Comparison Report
Defect 1971087: When you manually entered a standard part, used Lookup, and tabbed out, the value of the Revision field reverted to the previous value.
Bills of Material >> Release Documents
Defect 1969995: When you added duplicate documents with the same document ID on the Parts subtask, saved them, and selected the rows to print on the MO Routing Traveler, the report printed the duplicate documents.
Engineering Change Notices >> Manage Engineering Change Notices
Defect 1960740: When you created a provisional part, you were able to save Part and Description with ASCII characters, which were not allowed.
Defect 1970747: When you prepared an XML document to create a new engineering change notice (ECN) and tested it, you encountered the following error: "No approval process has been linked to the Engineering Type. This link must be created before an ECN can use this Engineering Type."
Defect 1974265: You encountered a system error when you deleted an engineering change notice (ECN) with an Add Action Code in ECN Parts Impacted.
Inventory >> Create Mass Inventory Transfers
Defect 1964175: When you ran mass inventory transfer to transfer a serial/lot tracked part to another inventory abbreviation, Costpoint transferred the part even though the part did not have corresponding serial/lot information.
Inventory >> Enter Inventory Transfers
Defect 1974193: When you performed multiple reversals to a transaction, you should have received the following error message: "Reversing Quantity may not be greater than the original quantity."
Inventory >> Enter Issues to Project/Account/Org or PO
Defect 1961087: When you entered an issue from a different location for a serial/lot tracked part, Costpoint did not find the serial/lot number and you encountered the following error: "This serial number cannot be found in the From Location."
Inventory >> Manage Cycle Count Schedules
Defect 1966852: When the ABC Classification by Warehouse checkbox was not selected in Configure Inventory Settings and the Part_Whse table was blank, Cosptoint displayed the following error message: "There are no parts that meet this criteria."
Material Requirements Planning >> Firm Material Requirements Planning Planned Orders
Defect 1970744: When you ran Update Material Requirements Plan, parts with unit of measure conversions and sales order substitute actions had the wrong quantities on the sales order and generated inaccurate need amounts.
Defect 1972491: When you applied a substitute for a sales order (SO) item, Costpoint generated a false demand.
Material Requirements Planning >> Manage MRP Action Messages
Defect 1970745: When you created a reservation, ran Update Material Requirements Plan, and opened the Full Reqmts subtask to view the revision in Manage MRP Action Messages, the Part revision was not displayed. This happened with Make parts but not for Buy parts.
Defect 1970746: When you ran Update Material Requirements Plan, the application returned the key instead of the order reference line number.
Material Requirements Planning >> Update Material Requirements Plan
Defect 1974865: When you ran MRP to plan and execute a substitute part on a manufacturing order (MO), the need date was set incorrectly to the need date of the MO and not the need date of the part it was replacing.
Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions
Defect 1964050: When you combined requistions into an RFQ/Quote, the wrong data was displayed on the Combined Req Line Details subtask.
Procurement Planning >> Compute Vendor Performance
Defect 1974277: You encountered a Nullpointerexception error when you ran the Preprocess Vendor Performance Report.
Product Definition >> Manage Provisional Parts
Defect 1972310: When you created a provisional part, you were able to save Part and Description with ASCII characters, which were not allowed.
Production Control >> Expedite Manufacturing Orders
Defect 1966872: When you deleted a routing line, you encountered a system error.
Production Control >> Manage Manufacturing Orders
Defect 1960737: When you created a manufacturing order (MO) and manually loaded the routing and requirements, you encountered the following error: "ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DB"."INVT"."INVT_ABBRV_CD")".
Defect 1969564: You were able to save a manufacturing order (MO) ID with zero (0) quantity on the Requirements subtask, but when you edited the build quantity, you encountered a system error.
Production Control >> Print Manufacturing Order Documentation
Defect 1975999: When you printed the labels for the manufacturing order (MO), the labels were printed in the default orientation that came from the system settings.
Purchasing >> Print Purchase Orders
Defect 1974803: When you printed the purchase order (PO), the bill To and PO Total Amount were not printed.
Receiving >> Manage Quality Control Inspections
Defect 1972397: In web integration console (WIC): When you imported a WIC file with different lot numbers to perform an inspection, Costpoint did not display an error.
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Sales Orders
Defect 1972493: When you applied a substitute for a sales order (SO) item, Costpoint generated a false demand.
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Sales Orders Supervisor Screen
Defect 1960735: When you set the status of a sales order inventory line with components to Close, you encountered a system error.
Employee Self Service >> Dependents/Beneficiaries
Defect 1988559: A system error displayed when you opened the application.
This issue also affected the following applications:
Affected Applications
Defect No.
Benefits Enrollment
State Withholding
Total Comp/Benefits Statement
Retirement Benefits
Labor >> Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense
Defect 1969305: Project/PLC deletions were not reflected in Deltek Time and Expense when you ran the data transfer on a direct interface.
Defect 1971562: MO/Routing deletions were not reflected in Deltek Time and Expense when you ran the data transfer on a direct interface.
Labor >> Export Timesheets to ADP
Defect 792099: The report truncated long employee names if you set the File Type to PPT, PDF, or Excel in the Print Options.
Payroll >> Compute Payroll
Defect 1976580: If you were set up for multi-state taxes with reciprocal taxes, the application did not record the taxable wages on the Manage Payroll Records screen if the withholding was $0.
Payroll >> Create Accounts Payable Vouchers
Defect 1969332: The application did not populate the Address Code field on adjustment vouchers.
Defect 1969333: The voucher number assigned to an adjustment from the Create Accounts Payable Vouchers screen was not reflected as the Last System Voucher Number on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen. This caused the following error: "The voucher number XXXX has already been used for another voucher."
Administration >> User Maintenance
Defect 1960655: You encountered performance issues when you tried to modify and save records.
Budget Administration
Defect 1501397: The Business Intelligence (BI) table was updated so that Budget YTD included budget detail up to and including the last closed period, but not the current period. This change enables direct comparisons between Budget YTD and Actuals YTD.
New Business Budgets
Defect 1959182: You encountered persistent deadlock issues.
Project Budgeting >> Budget/EAC Status
Defect 1940779: Top level projects did not display in the budget/EAC status report.
Project Budgets / EACs
Defect 1949378: There was a delay when loading projects in Lookup.
Defect 1949379: There was a delay in the initial population of raw data for large indirect projects.
Defect 1949381: There was a delay in creating budgets/EACs for large indirect projects.
Defect 1979030: The system did not calculate revenue for the last period of the project under these conditions:
The PoP end date is at the middle of a period.
The PLC end date is earlier than the PoP end date.
Resource Planning
Defect 1501409: You encountered performance issues when you selected a saved team.
Billing >> Calculate Standard Bills
Defect 1960483: When the cost in excess or total cost in excess amount was equal to the total cost or total bill amount, the retainage amounts were incorrect on retroactive (combination and stand-alone) multicurrency bills with the Use Transactional Currency Billing option not selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.
As a workaround, you can manually edit the retainage amounts on the bill.
Billing >> Print Billing Worksheet
Defect 1949904: When you ran this application with the Detail Invoices checkbox selected, Costpoint was getting data only for detail projects with existing rows in the BILL_EDIT_DETL table. It should have included the rows for the detail project and all levels below it in BILL_EDIT_DETL.
Billing >> Print Standard Bills
Defect 1966058: The font of the VAT/Tax ID Number field on the bill was smaller compared to the other field labels.
Defect 1981343: A critical system error occurred when you tried to print bills with the Detail Invoices checkbox selected on the screen.
Budgeting and ETC >> Configure Interface Settings
Defect 1974452: When you imported a file into the Import Project Budgets screen, Costpoint did not read the file correctly for the direct labor costs. Costpoint read the first row of data for all periods. However, for the second row of data, the system took the amount from period 1 (instead of period 2) and used the same value for all periods.
Budgeting and ETC >> Import Project Budgets
Defect 1962850: When you imported a file into this screen, Costpoint did not read the file correctly for the direct labor costs. Costpoint read the first row of data for all periods. However, for the second row of data, the system took the amount from period 1 (instead of period 2) and used the same value for all periods.
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compute Revenue
Defect 1962845: Index hints were added to improve this application's performance.
Defect 1962847: The application was taking longer than expected to complete processing.
Defect 1972609: When you changed the selection of the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox on the Manage Revenue Information screen and modified the fee amounts in the same period, the markup fee amounts became overstated after you computed revenue.
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Summarize Project Ledger
Defect 1924748: The application was taking longer than expected to complete processing.
Project Setup >> Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects
Defect 1955249: The Rate column did not default to 0.00 when Rate Type was Actual or Standard. When you clicked another row in the Project PLC Rates table window, Costpoint displayed a validation message, which then reset Rate to 0.00. The validation was not triggered when there was only a single line in Project PLC Rates.
As a workaround, you can manually update the value in the Rate column.
Project Setup >> Manage Revenue Information
Defect 1972619: When you changed the selection of the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox, Costpoint updated the value of the checkbox for all prior periods in the PROJ_REV_SETUP_ADT table.
Defect 1975918: This application has been modified to display the following updated warning messages depending on the selection of the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox:
When ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level is selected, the calculations will be the same as in previous versions (7.1, 8.0). Any Fee ceilings at a lower level than the Revenue Level will not include the Other Fee at Revenue Level. It is recommended that all ceilings reside at the Revenue level for this formula.
When ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level is unselected, Burden Fee Overrides will not be used in calculations.
In addition, for existing records, the previous error message that displays when you change the selection of the checkbox has been updated to the following:
If you change the check box, the other fee information will be cleared in the PROJ_SUM table for the Fiscal Year indicated in the screen. Do you want to continue?
These updates apply when the Revenue Formula selected on the screen is ITDCPFC (ITD Fee on Cost).
Subcontractor Management >> Approve Subcontractor Invoices
Defect 1968702: Logic has been updated such that the computed sales tax functional amount matches the value in the SUBC_PROJ_BILL_HS table.
This change affects users with the Multicurrency functionality on.
Subcontractor Management >> Manage Work Assignments
Defect 1938006: Performance has been improved to reduce runtime when a work assignment has more than 500 charge lines.
Business Intelligence
Defect 1947298: The BOM Component Shortage report found in Team Content » Manufacturing had incorrect results for subassemblies. The report did not multiply the subassembly quantities.
Defect 1956282: The following error message displayed when you generated the Project Status Report found in Team Content » Projects » Reports: "Found an internal error java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException." This error occurred regardless of the entries made in the prompts.
Defect 1962780: Relative Time View: The Project Manager Dashboard did not display results when the current reporting period was set to a subperiod that was less than the maximum number allowed. This error occurred with the following conditions:
The selected period was not the maximum number allowed. For example, subperiod 2 out of the maximum 5 was selected.
The future subperiods have not yet been processed.
Patch dbc_820_10806 is required to fix this defect.
Defect 1968711: There was an additional prompt that displayed after you clicked the Finish button on the initial prompt page of the Purchase Order report in Team Content » Procurement.
Defect 1969389: The amounts on the Expense, Trended Revenue, and Labor tabs on the Executive Dashboard in Company Content » Smart AI » Executive had inflated values when a selection was made in the Company ID Name filter. As a workaround, do not select a value in the Company ID Name filter when you open the Executive Dashboard.
Defect 1992253: The Corpay Portal Vendor report displayed Yes or No on the Current Payment Method field instead of the payment method used by the vendor.
Configuration >> Import Master Data
Defect 1974992: Import Charge performance was improved.
Expense >> Expense Authorization
Defect 1967532: After you modified and submitted an expense authorization that included a request for an advance, the task updated and generated a second email alert, even though the advance had already been approved and processed.
Expense >> Expense Report
Defect 1969340: Primary and backup supervisor roles were still receiving emails for tasks even though the Notify on Low checkbox was not selected.
Defect 1969485: When you printed multiple expense reports at the same time, large temporary files were generated.
Expense >> Print Expense Authorizations
Defect 1976589: When you printed an expense authorization, it included project IDs instead of the abbreviation.
Time >> Resource Schedules/Leave
Defect 1978510: After you cleared (deselected) all leave flags in a class, rebuilt, and re-logged in, the Edit Daily Schedule and Edit Day screen buttons were still active and generated a system error.
Time >> Timesheet
Defect 1961119: When you corrected a timesheet, the calculated overtime was incorrectly exported.
Defect 1974250: When UDT02 was linked with UDT07 (link 27) and the PLC (UDT07) description was modified, the Lookup still displayed the older description.
Defect 1981267: When the timesheet period was semi-monthly with Sunday as a class start date and you used a single timesheet line for two different dates, the overtime charge attached to the later date rather than the earlier one.
Defect 1983800: The Start/Stop detail line was disabled when you exported its corresponding timesheet cell and tried to delete it.
Time >> Work Schedule
Defect 1975796: After you cleared (deselected) all leave flags in a class, rebuilt, and re-logged in, the Edit Daily Schedule and Edit Day screen buttons were still active and generated a system error.
There are no security enhancements or security issues addressed in this release.
Database Change documents detail data dictionary changes from one release to the next. To see the Database Change document for this MR, refer to 8.2.x Data Dictionary Updates.
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