Deltek Costpoint 2025.2 Release Notes (DRAFT)
Welcome to the Deltek Costpoint 2025.2 Release Notes, which describe the new features, enhancements, and software corrections introduced in this release.
Note: These Release Notes are in draft form and will be updated continuously until the release date on April 11, 2025. To ensure that you have the most current version, please refresh this page in your browser.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Costpoint 2025.2, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Costpoint.
The Build Deployed In and Dependent Files lines for defects and the list of required files included in enhancement descriptions are meant to support the Pick and Choose deployment model. If your company or system supports Pick and Choose, refer to the Downloading and Deploying Pick and Choose Hot Fixes section of these release notes for more information.
If you do not support Pick and Choose, you may ignore the deployed and dependent files listed in this document. Updates are still packaged as cumulative releases for MRs.
Using These Release Notes
Use the following guidelines in navigating through this page:
Table of Contents: Links to the different sections of the Release Notes are indicated at the top. Click the link to jump to a specific section of the page.
Search: To search for a specific application, keywords, or phrases within this document, press CTRL+F (Windows) or COMMAND+F (Mac) on your keyboard, and then enter your search words.
For example, you may enter the application name (Manage Project User Flow), the application ID (PJMBASIC), or the hot fix ID number (pjmbasic_001) to quickly locate the specific description for that item.
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Updates to the New Costpoint Release Methodology for On-Premises Customers
This section provides the latest updates to the new Costpoint Release Methodology for On-Premises customers originally announced with the release of Costpoint 8.2 in June of 2023. The new release methodology allows the Costpoint team to deliver new features faster, while ensuring a higher level of quality and stability.
As a reminder with the launch of Costpoint 8.2 in June of 2023, Deltek has moved to a Quarterly Release methodology. Quarterly Releases (QRs) will include new features, defect fixes, and regulatory updates. Deltek will continue to provide monthly Maintenance Releases (MRs), except for months when a QR is provided, which will include fixes for high severity defects and regulatory updates. Deltek will provide a separate release for the Calendar Year End (CYE) updates.
Costpoint 8.2 is referred to as Deltek’s Innovation Release and will adhere to the following Product Lifecycle Phases schedule (see Product Lifecycle Phase Descriptions). With the release of each Quarterly Release, the previous Quarterly Releases will move into Maintenance Support. Quarterly Releases will remain in Maintenance Release for nine months beyond their release date. After this nine-month period, they will move into Sustaining Support.
Costpoint 8.1 is referred to as Deltek’s Long-Term Support release and moved into Maintenance Support (see Support Lifecycle: Deltek Costpoint Product Family) on June 1st 2023 and will remain in Maintenance Support thru April 1st 2026. As a reminder, in Maintenance Support, Costpoint 8.1 will not receive any new features while continuing to receive new tax, legal, and regulatory updates and hot fixes for severity 1 issues.
Costpoint 8.2 customers should apply, at a minimum, two QRs each calendar year. This allows for customers to skip a QR when planning their annual upgrade schedule. Following this upgrade schedule ensures customers can request individual hot fixes for critical defects.
This information is also available in KB Article 114963.
Project Role Security Replaces Project Manager Security in Costpoint Business Intelligence
Access to secure project data has been greatly enhanced by Project Roles Security, which expands access to other roles beyond the Project Manager. If the necessary configurations are set, any project role, including project managers, can view project data at their level and in the lower project levels.
In Costpoint Business Intelligence 8.2.9 or later, Project Role Security replaces Project Manager (PM) Security. PM Security is no longer supported and has been removed.
If you use Project Manager Security and will upgrade to version 8.2.9 or later, Project Role Security will be applied seamlessly without performing extra steps. The system will follow the BI settings you had before the upgrade and transfer users in CER__PM_MGR to the CER__ROLE_SEC user group. In addition, you can extend role security to other project roles.
Important: If you have users in the CER__PM_MGR user group but have disabled Project Role Security before upgrading to 8.2.9, the users will be transferred to the CER__ROLE_SEC user group after the upgrade and Project Roles Security will be automatically turned on. It is important that your BI administrator selects No in the Use Project Roles Security field on the Manage BI Settings screen after the upgrade if needed. The Manage BI Settings screen is located in Report & Analytics » BI Controls.
For more details in setting up Project Role Security, see the Project Roles Security Setup section in Deltek Costpoint Business Intelligence 8.2.9 Post Installation and Configuration Guide for On-premises Users. Additional information is also available in KB article #115682.
This change requires patches 11322 and 11323.
Costpoint Authentication Provider (CAP) in Costpoint Business Intelligence
The file in Costpoint Authentication Provider (CAP) was updated to address the issue with Project Role Security in a multi-company setup. If you are an existing Costpoint Business Intelligence and CAP user, Deltek recommends that you reinstall CAP to get the latest files. You can see instructions in installing CAP in the Costpoint Business Intelligence 8.2.12 New User Installation Guide or the Costpoint Business Intelligence 8.2.12 Upgrade Installation Guide.
Downloading and Deploying Pick and Choose Hot Fixes
If your company or system supports the Pick and Choose deployment model, see the following document for instructions on downloading and deploying the Deltek Costpoint 8.2 individual Pick and Choose hot fixes: Deltek Costpoint 8.2 Deploying Pick and Choose Hot Fixes
Note: The Build Deployed In and Dependent Files lines are included in every defect description under the Software Issues Resolved section. These indicate the files that you need to install to apply the fix for the defect. For Regulatory Enhancements and Enhancements, required files are listed towards the end of the feature description.
Checking if the Hot Fix is Installed
Follow this procedure to see if the hot fix is correctly installed:
Open the application that was updated.
Click Help » About from the Costpoint global menu. This will display a screen that shows you the latest hot fix files applied to the application that is open.
Checking if the Feature is Installed
Follow this procedure to see if the feature is correctly installed:
Click Help » About from the Costpoint global menu.
Open the Features subtask and click the feature that was just installed.
Open the Libraries subtask. Check the list of libraries and see if they are correct and have been successfully deployed.
Open the Patches subtask. Check the list of patches and see if they are correct and have been successfully deployed.
Custom Programs Affected
Sometimes, an update can cause custom programs and reports to stop working as expected. Before applying an update, consider whether you have any custom programs or reports in the application area affected by the update. If so, contact Deltek Support Center at before you install the update.
Accessing Deltek Support Center
If you need assistance installing, implementing, or using Deltek Costpoint, you can access Deltek Support Center through the following:
Go to
Enter your Deltek Support Center Username and Password.
Click Login.
Note: If you forget your username or password, you can click the Login Help? button on the login screen for help.
1099 Updates for 2024
The Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen has been enhanced to adhere to the 2024 updates to forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC. When you print 1099s, the calendar year now displays in YYYY format, and the print alignment has been optimized for 2024 pre-printed papers.
You can still print 1099s on blank stock or plain paper, but you can print Copy C only if the Calendar Year is 2023.
2024 FUTA Credit Reductions
For 2024, employers in California, New York, and U.S. Virgin Islands will be assessed a general FUTA credit reduction on wages paid to employees for work attributed to any of these states and territory. This Costpoint release adds records on the Manage Federal Taxes screen for the corresponding states:
Final 2024 FUTA Credit Reduction
New York
U.S. Virgin Islands
This enhancement requires the following:
2025 401(k) Limits
The following are the 401(k) limits for 2025:
401(k) Deferral Limit: $23,500
401(k) Wage Limit: $350,000
To support the federal update, this release adds records to the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
2025 ACA Affordability Threshold
The IRS sets the 2025 ACA affordability threshold as 9.02%. This release sets the safe harbor affordability rate for payroll year 2025 on the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
2025 Social Security Wage Base
The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance taxable wage base increases from $168,600 to $176,100 in 2025.
To support the federal update, this release adds records to the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
This enhancement requires the following:
ACA 2024 1094-C/1095-C Substitute Form Fillable PDF Update
The 2024 PDF template file for 1094-C and 1095-C forms is now available in Costpoint, which will let you create PDF files with data for the calendar year 2024. You can then use the PDF files to print the forms on plain paper.
To support this update, the following screens were updated:
Print 1094-Cs
Print 1095-Cs
Attention: For more information, refer to:
This enhancment requires the following:
ACA 2024 Electronic Filing
Costpoint now provides the ability to generate manifest and data files that comply with the latest tax year 2024 schema for the UI transmission channel. This release updates the Create 1094-C and 1095-C Electronic File screen to support the following requirements for the data file transmission:
The following data was inserted into the S_SOFTWARE_ID system table:
CAL_TY_NO = 2024
SOFTWARE_ID = 24A0020251
FIRST_NAME = <carry over the value from 2023>
MID_NAME = <carry over the value from 2023>
LAST_NAME = <carry over the value from 2023>
NAME_SFX_CD = <carry over the value from 2023>
PHONE_ID = <carry over the value from 2023>
The tax year in all applicable namespaces was updated to "ty24" in the manifest and data files.
The following are used to generate manifest and data files for Calendar Year 2024 if Government Agency is “Federal”:
Manifest file from tax year 2024 schema package
Form data file from tax year 2024 schema package
PaymentYr value “2024”
Software ID for 2024
This enhancement requires the following:
Allow Selection of Safe Harbor for ACA 1095-C Report
When you create your data for the Affordable Car Act (ACA) 1095-C report, Costpoint now allows you to select Affordable Care Act Safe Harbor method that will be used for all employees or for a category of employees based on employees’ rate type and GLC. The Create 1094-C and 1095-C data screen provides a new Affordability Safe Harbor Option subtask where you can select one or more of the following affordability safe harbors:
The W–2 safe harbor
The federal poverty line safe harbor
The rate of pay safe harbor
Affordability Safe Harbor Option Subtask
On the header of the subtask, you can select the affordability safe harbor options that will be used for the taxable entity. All three safe harbors under which an employer can determine affordability for all employees are selected by default. You must select at least one option in the header. This subtask is not available if Reporting Type is 1094-C Data.
Affordability Safe Harbor Option by Employee Categories Table
On the Affordability Safe Harbor Option by Employee Categories table, you can select the employees’ rate type/GLC combination to use a safe harbor option for specific employee categories. If this table is blank, the affordability safe harbor selected in the header will be used for all employees, when applicable. Likewise, if you did not select a rate type/GLC combination for an employee category, then the application will also use the affordability safe harbor selected in the header. This subtask is optional.
Note: Currently, the Create 1094-C and 1095-C data screen has the following issues which will be fixed in a future release:
When you clear all the Affordability Safe Harbor Option checkboxes and click Preview or Print/Process, the screen displays the "You must select at least one of the affordability safe harbors" error message, but it is not clickable.
When you query a parameter that does not exist, the screen states that "An action is requested but no row has been selected. Please select a row and re-execute the action." Instead of this message, the screen should state that no rows met your criteria.
This enhancement requires the following:
Combine Multiple Deductions and Local Taxes for the Same W-2 Box 14 Line
You can now combine multiple deductions and local taxes assigned to the same W-2 box 14 line. When you run the Create W-2 Table process, a warning will display if more than one deduction and/or locality are assigned to the same box 14 line. The message will display the list of deduction codes and locality codes assigned to the same box 14 line number and the amounts of these codes will be summed up when W-2s are created. You can opt to manually remove the box 14 line number assignment from a deduction code or locality code listed in the warning message if it should not be included in the summation.
This enhancement requires the following:
Federal W-2 2024 Electronic Filing
For tax year 2024, the layout of the Federal W-2 includes the following record changes:
RO (Employee Optional) Record and RU (Total Optional) Record were updated to add Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments (IEMWP-II).
RCO (Employee Optional) Record and RCU (Total Optional) Record were updated to add Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments (IEMWP-II).
The Create Federal W-2 File screen now supports the updated record layouts for the EFW2 and EFW2C files.
EFW2 File Changes
Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RO Record positions 144-154.
Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RU Record, positions 190-204.
EFW2C File Changes
Originally reported Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RCO Record, positions 277-287.
Correct Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RCO Record, positions 288-298.
Originally reported Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RCU Record, positions 371-385.
Correct Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RCU Record, positions 386-400.
This enhancement requires the following:
Form W-2 Support for Tax Year 2024
Costpoint’s Print W-2 screen has been fully tested to support the pre-printed forms W-2 and W-2c from Deltek’s partner form vendors for the 2025 filing. If you encounter alignment issues when you print on pre-printed forms, you may need to adjust the margins on your printer settings or Costpoint’s page setup. Refer to your printer’s documentation for information on how to configure the margins of your printer.
Report Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Account in Form W-2
Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Accounts (PLESA) are introduced under the SECURE 2.0 Act, specifically section 127. These accounts allow employers to add emergency savings accounts to a defined contribution plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b), or governmental 457(b) plan. Employees can make designated Roth contributions to these accounts, which can be withdrawn under certain conditions.
Contributions must be reported on Form W-2, box 12, using specific codes depending on the type of plan:
Code AA for 401(k) plans
Code BB for 403(b) plans
Code EE for governmental 457(b) plans
Contributions to pension-linked emergency savings accounts are also reported in Box 12 of Form W-2.
The existing Emergency Savings Account (ESA) deduction type does not indicate if it was linked to a 401(k), 403(b), or 457(b). To address this issue, the ESA deduction type can no longer be assigned to new deductions or contributions. Instead, three new deduction types for PLESA have been added on the Manage Deductions screen to replace the ESA deduction type.
Manage Deductions (PRMDED)
You can now select the following from the Deduction Type field:
ESA401 (401(k) linked ESA)
ESA403 (403(b) linked ESA)
ESA457 (457(b) linked ESA)
An error message will display if you assign the old ESA deduction type to new records. A warning message will be displayed on existing deduction records if the deduction type is ESA.
Create W-2 Table (PRPCW2)
The calculation for following Box 12 code amounts were updated:
The code AA amount now includes ESA401 deduction types.
The code BB amount now includes ESA403 deduction types.
The code EE amount now includes ESA457 deduction types.
ESA deduction types will not be included in codes AA, BB, and EE.
The screen will display an error message if there is at least one deduction in employee earnings deduction having an ESA deduction type.
This enhancement requires the following:
Secure Act 2.0 Updates
Under the SECURE Act 2.0, employers can offer participants of Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) and Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRA the option to have their contributions under the respective plan be made to a Roth SEP IRA or a Roth SIMPLE IRA. Salary reduction contributions made to a Roth SEP IRA or a Roth SIMPLE IRA are included on Form W-2 in boxes 1, 3, and 5 (or box 14 for railroad retirement taxes). They are reported in box 12 using code F for a SEP or code S for a SIMPLE IRA.
To support this update, Costpoint adds new retirement plan deduction types which will be included in the calculation of the box 12 amount in the W-2.
Manage Deductions (PRMDED)
You can now select the following from the Deduction Type field:
RTHSEP (Roth SEP Deferred Comp)
RTHSIM (Roth SIMPLE Deferred Comp)
408(P) (408(p) Deferred Compensation)
Create W-2 Table (PRPCW2)
The calculation for the Box 12 Code F amount will now include the RTHSEP deduction type. The Box 12 code S amount shall be automatically calculated based on the newly added 408(p) and RTHSIM deduction types.
Total Comp/Benefits Statement (ESQCOMPBEN)
The Company Paid Retirement Benefits – Annual Amount will now include the new retirement plan deduction types.
Print Employees Eligible for Retirement Catch-Up (PRPCATCHUP)
The deduction type Lookup values will now include the new retirement plan deduction types.
This enhancement requires the following:
USERRA Make-up Amounts
You can now select USERRA make-up amounts for 2023, 2022, and 2021 on the Box 12 subtask of the Manage W-2s screen. The Code field lookup now lists the following new Box 12 codes:
Box 12 Code
Box 12 Description
D 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals to a section 401(k) cash or deferred arrangement
E 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals to a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
F 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals to a section 408(k)(6) salary reduction agreement
G 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals and employer contributions (including nonelective deferrals) to a section 457(b) deferred comp plan
H 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals under a section 501(c)(18)(D) tax-exempt organization plan
S 21
USERRA 2021 make up employee salary reduction contributions under a section 408(p) SIMPLE
Y 21
USERRA 2021 make up deferrals under section 409A nonqualified deferred compensation plan
AA 21
USERRA 2021 make up designated Roth contributions to a section 401(k) plan
BB 21
USERRA 2021 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
EE 21
USERRA 2021 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 457(b) plan
D 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals to a section 401(k) cash or deferred arrangement
E 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals to a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
F 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals to a section 408(k)(6) salary reduction agreement
G 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals and employer contributions (including nonelective deferrals) to a section 457(b) deferred comp plan
H 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals under a section 501(c)(18)(D) tax-exempt organization plan
S 22
USERRA 2022 make up employee salary reduction contributions under a section 408(p) SIMPLE
Y 22
USERRA 2022 make up deferrals under section 409A nonqualified deferred compensation plan
AA 22
USERRA 2022 make up designated Roth contributions to a section 401(k) plan
BB 22
USERRA 2022 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
EE 22
USERRA 2022 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 457(b) plan
D 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals to a section 401(k) cash or deferred arrangement
E 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals to a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
F 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals to a section 408(k)(6) salary reduction agreement
G 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals and employer contributions (including nonelective deferrals) to a section 457(b) deferred comp plan
H 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals under a section 501(c)(18)(D) tax-exempt organization plan
S 23
USERRA 2023 make up employee salary reduction contributions under a section 408(p) SIMPLE
Y 23
USERRA 2023 make up deferrals under section 409A nonqualified deferred compensation plan
AA 23
USERRA 2023 make up designated Roth contributions to a section 401(k) plan
BB 23
USERRA 2023 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
EE 23
USERRA 2023 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 457(b) plan
This enhancement requires the following:
W-2 2024 Blank Stock Forms and PDF Templates
The 2024 PDF template file for W-2, W-2c, W-3, and W-3c forms are now available in Costpoint, which will let you create PDF files with data for the calendar year 2024. You can then use the PDF files to print the forms on plain paper. The 2024 data for W-2, W-2c, W-3, and W-3c should print correctly on the SSA-provided blank ink PDF templates for copy A and on the IRS-provided fillable PDF for copies 1, 2, B, C, and D.
Attention: For more information, see updated forms:
The following screens will now support the updated forms:
Print W-2s (PRRW2)
This enhancement requires the following:
W-4 2025 Updates
The IRS adds a new TIP section in Step 1 of the W-4 form for 2025. The new information advises employees on how to determine the most accurate withholding numbers. In compliance with government regulations, Costpoint reflects this update on the Federal Withholding screen by adding a TIP button which allows you to view the new tip information from the 2025 W-4.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the 2025 W-4, this release updates the following screens:
Federal Withholding (ESMFEDWH)
Life Events/New Hires (ESMLIFEEVENTS)
This enhancement requires the following:
2025 SUTA Wage Base
This Costpoint release adds tax table records effective January 1, 2025, on the Manage State Taxes screen for states where the unemployment-taxable wage base has been updated for tax year 2025.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $23,800 to $27,200.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $25,000 to $26,100.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $10,500 to $12,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from 38,200 to $39,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base decreases from $10,000 to $9,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $40,600 to $41,800.
New Jersey
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $42,300 to $43,300.
New York
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $12,500 to $12,800.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $14,300 to $14,800.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $68,500 to $72,800.
This enhancement requires the following:
Alabama Overtime Exemption Reporting in Accordance with the FLSA
In 2023, Alabama passed a law exempting overtime compensation from state income taxes from Jan. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The exemption applies to overtime compensation paid during the exemption period to employees paid on an hourly basis for work performed in excess of 40 hours in a week.
Starting October 1, the exemption will instead apply to any overtime compensation provided in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), under HB 407. This change will remain in effect until the exemption expires on June 30, 2025.
HB 407 also amends employer reporting requirements to conform with the exemption modification.
When reporting Alabama’s overtime paid beginning October 1, 2024, the Print State Overtime Wages Report will only include employees with an FLSA Classification of Non-Exempt on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen regardless of their rate type. In addition, the report will no longer check the employee eligibility seting on the Manage Pay Types screen.
This enhancement requires the following:
Alabama Overtime Exemption Reporting in Accordance with the FLSA in Export Payroll Taxes
In 2023, Alabama passed a law exempting overtime compensation from state income taxes from Jan. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The exemption applies to overtime compensation paid during the exemption period, to employees paid on an hourly basis for work performed in excess of 40 hours in a week.
Starting October 1, the exemption will instead apply to any overtime compensation provided in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), under HB 407. This change will remain in effect until the exemption expires on June 30, 2025.
HB 407 also amends employer reporting requirements to conform with the exemption modification.
The Export Payroll Taxes application will now report overtime exempt wages in the STEE tax type to use the FLSA rule effective Oct 1, 2024. The following fields were updated for this functionality:
Field 88: CHECK Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
Field 89: QTD Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
Field 90: YTD Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
This enhancement requires the following:
California 2025 Tax Table Updates
California provided the following tax updates effective January 1, 2025:
The annual low-income exemption threshold increases to $18,368 or $36,736, up from $17,769 or $35,538, depending on the employee’s filing status and, for married employees, the number of allowances claimed.
The annual standard deduction increases to $5,540 or $11,080, up from $5,363 or $10,726, depending on the employee’s filing status and, for married employees, the number of allowances claimed.
The value of a state allowance increases from $158.40 to $163.90 annually.
The tax rates used in Method B continue to range from 1.1% to 14.63%. Tax brackets in Method B were adjusted.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Delaware 2025 Paid Leave Calculation
Delaware requires employers to report quarterly paid family leave information and calculate the contribution based on the Delaware percentage of FICA wages. To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds a calculation method to properly compute contribution amount. This has been added to the Manage Local Taxes screen and in all payroll calculations/recalculations.
Manage Local Taxes (PRMLTI)
You can now select a new State % of SS Taxable Wages option from the Tax Based on drop-down list. The application will calculate the percentage of Social Security wages that belong to the local tax state and then use that as the tax calculation basis.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The application will now use the new State % of SS Taxable Wages calculation method for local tax calculations, if applicable.
Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The application will now use the new State % of SS Taxable Wages calculation method for local tax calculations, if applicable.
Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
The application will now use the new State % of SS Taxable Wages calculation method for local tax calculations, if applicable.
This enhancement requires the following:
District of Columbia DCETS Wage File Format (SUTA File) Activation Date Removal
Currently, there is no indication when the District of Columbia will transition to the new file format (DCETS Wage File Format) from the old ESSP Wage File Format. For now, the Costpoint Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen has been updated to continue supporting the ESPP Wage File Format.
Prior to this release, the new DCETS Wage File Format was scheduled to be automatically supported in Costpoint for payroll year 2025. Since the DCETS Wage File Format is yet to be implemented, this release updates Costpoint so that the new format will not be applied automatically in 2025.
This enhancement requires the following:
Iowa 2025 Tax Table Updates
Iowa released the individual income tax withholding formula effective January 1, 2025. The updated formula includes the following changes:
A flat rate of 3.8% will be used
The standard deduction will now depend on the following:
The version of the state’s withholding certificate an employee has filed
The employee’s filing status (previously the amount of state allowances claimed)
Attention: For more information, see:
State Filing Status Table
The State Filing Status table was updated:
A new filing status MARRIED FILE JOINT DUAL INCOME (Married filing jointly, spouse with earned income) was added.
The description of MARRIED filing status was updated to “Married filing jointly, spouse no earned income.”
Iowa W-4 Setup in Costpoint
For employees with an IA W-4 from 2024 or 2025 on file, and who have selected “Married filing jointly or qualified surviving spouse” and “Yes” for “Does your spouse also have earned income?”, you must update their filing status to MARRIED FILE JOINT DUAL INCOME (Married filing jointly, spouse with earned income). By default, all married employees are currently set to MARRIED (Married filing jointly, spouse no earned income).
For employees with an IA W-4 from 2023 or earlier, calculate the Credit Amount on the Manage Employee Taxes screen by multiplying the number of allowances claimed on the IA W-4 by $40. For instance, if an employee claims 6 allowances, enter a credit amount of $240 (6 x $40).
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Kentucky 2025 Tax Table Updates
Kentucky released the 2025 withholding tax formula. The standard deduction increases from $3,160 to $3,270.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Maine 2024 W-2 Electronic Filing
Maine Revenue Services updated the specifications and instructions for electronically filing original wage and withholding information (Forms W-2) with Maine Revenue Services (MRS). This includes the following RS Record Changes for Tax Year 2024:
Employee Zip Code Extension will be reported in positions 146-149.
Blank location changed to 150-154.
Foreign State/Province will be reported in positions 155-177.
Foreign Postal Code will be reported in positions 178-192.
Previously (Tax Year 2023), RS record, positions 146-192 were blank.
To support the state requirements, this release updates the Create State W-2 File screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Maine 2025 Tax Table Updates
Maine provided the following state tax updates effective 01/01/2025:
The value of a state allowance increases from $5,000 to $5,150.
The maximum standard deduction increases from $11,750 to $12,150 for single employees and from $26,350 to $27,150 for married employees.
The standard deduction decreases according to a formula for single employees who earn more than $100,000 annually, up from $97,150, or for married employees who earn more than $200,050 annually, up from $194,300.
The deduction reaches zero when a single employee earns at least $175,000 annually, up from $172,150, or when a married employee earns at least $350,050 annually, up from $344,300.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were also adjusted.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Vermont 2024 W-2 Electronic Filing
The 2024 Vermont Specifications for Electronic W-2 (EFW-2) Filing has been updated. The employee's contribution to the Child Care Contribution will be reported in RS record, position 338-348.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
To support the state requirements, this release updates the Create State W-2 File screen.
This enhancement requires the following:
Print Signatures on PO
This feature allows you to print signatures on the purchase order (PO) similar to Print/Void Checks (APRCK) functionality.
Configure Purchase Order Print Options (POMPOPTS)
You can now print the original due date on the purchase order using the Print Original Due Date checkbox. This option is used as default when printing POs from the Manage Purchase Orders screen and in the Manage Supplier Actions screen. The value of this checkbox defaults to the Print Purchase Orders and Print Purchase Order Change Orders screens.
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
When you print a purchase order (PO) or PO change orders from the screen, an option to print or not to print the original due date will be available from the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen (POMPOPTS).
Print Purchase Order (PORPPO)
The default for the Print Original Due Date checkbox is retrieved from the Manage Purchase Orders Print Options screen.
Manage Supplier Actions (SPMSPACT)
If the Print Original Due Date checkbox is selected from the Manage Purchase Orders Print Options screen, the Manage Supplier Actions screen’s Due Date will display the original due date from the PO line original due date, otherwise the PO line due date.
Setup Company (SYMCOMP)
The application now copies the new option from the Manage Purchase Orders Print Options screen when you create a new company.
Improved Audit Functionality in People Processing Applications
The processing applications in Costpoint People will now consistently update all fields in the audit tables. This enhancement ensures comprehensive and accurate data tracking during each process run.
This feature updates the following applications:
Update Employee Salary Based on Review (HSPECOMP)
Update Employees for Manager Change (HSPMGR)
Delete Timesheet Payroll Computed Flags (PRPCLRTS)
This release also adds the following changes to the Delete Timesheet Payroll Computed Flags screen:
You can now select an All Timesheet Types option from the Timesheet Type drop-down list. All timesheets that have not been payroll-posted will be included in the process.
You can now select N-Reversing and RV-Reversing options from the Timesheet Type drop-down field. Previously, the Reversing option included both RV-Reversing and N-Reversing timesheets. You can now include them in the process, separately.
This enhancement requires the following:
View Employee Salary History in Employee Self Service
You can now give employees the the ability to view their historical salary and job title data in ESS. This allows you ask questions about historical salary information to Dela, your AI-powered intelligent business companion in Costpoint.
Employee Personal Info (ESQEMPLPERINFO)
A new Salary History subtask provides you with the following fields:
Effective Date
This field displays the date on which a salary change became effective.
Detail Job Title
This field is the employee’s job title at the time of the effective date.
Annual Salary
This field is the annual salary amount for salaried employees and the annualized salary amount based on the hourly amount for hourly employees at the time of the effective date.
Hourly Amount
This field is the hourly wage for salaried employees based on their annual salary and the hourly wage for hourly employees at the time of the effective date.
Rate Type
This field is how the employee was classified for payroll purposes at the time of the effective date.
Configure Self Service Settings (ESMESS)
The screen provides the following new checkbox:
Show Salary History in Employee Personal Info
Select this checkbox to display the employee’s historical salary information in the Salary History subtask on the Employee Personal Info screen.
Total Compensation Summary (ESQCOMPBEN)
Total Compensation Summary column heading was renamed from Annual Amount to Estimated Annual Amount.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now provides information on the new Show employee salary history in Employee Personal Info column on the Employee Self Service Configuration (ESS_CONFIG) table.
This enhancement requires the following:
Ability to Display Total Hours and Costs in Header for Selected FY
Note: Release notes for this feature are preview only. The final version will be available in Q1 of 2025.
In Project Budgets/EACs, you will have the ability to view total raw cost and burdened cost values in the header areas of the budget and subtasks (Hours and Amounts) for a selected fiscal year.
This enhancement requires the following:
Calculate Pending Revenue, Costs, and Burdens in Costpoint Core
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
This enhancement requires the following:
Create Budget Without Pre-populating Actuals
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
An option to create a first budget without pre-populating existing actuals will be added.
This enhancement requires the following:
EUSER Table Removed
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
An underlying system table will be removed.
This enhancement requires the following:
Hours and Amount Based ETC Report
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
A new report will enable you to view the Estimate to Complete (ETC) in relation to the Total and Inception-to-Date (ITD) amounts.
Manage Distribution Methods Updates
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
The Manage Distribution Methods application will be updated with new methods, and the Active drop-down list will be enabled.
This enhancement requires:
New Spread Methods Added
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
The Manage Distribution Methods application will be updated with new methods.
This enhancement requires the following:
Recalculate Option Added to Mass Utility
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
A recalculate option will be added to the Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities.
This enhancement requires the following:
Support of Alternate Project in Planning
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
Planning customers will be allowed to run the Alternate Project report.
This enhancement requires the following:
Costpoint Multicurrency Tables Utilized within Time & Expense
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
Time & Expense will utilize multicurrency tables within Costpoint.
Miscellaneous Updates to Notifications
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
Notifications will be updated with miscellaneous improvements.
Regulatory Update
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
To comply with a change in California regulations, rounding functions for Start/Stop detail will be updated.
This enhancement requires the following:
Updates to Quick Entry Expense Report
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
Quick Entry Expense Report will be updated with additional features.
Accounts Payable >> Import Purchase Order Vouchers
Defect 2206657: When you attempted to import PO vouchers, the process stalled at 20% if the project's Start and End Date Period of Performance (POP) had no value.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can add Start and End Date POP to the affected project.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Accounts Receivable >> Import Cash Receipts
Defect 2125714: When you attempted to import a cash receipt without a customer and invoice, an error message requiring a customer ID displayed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
System Administration >> Configure User Preferences
Defect 2274021: When you accessed the Default My menu subtask, it displayed apps from the highest priority across all profiles, instead of showing apps from the highest priority specific to the user's profile.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
System Administration >> Enable Traces Configuration
Defect 2266189: When you attempted to save changes where the application has multiple records but different User IDs, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2266190: When you deleted a single record on the Enable Traces Configuration screen, all records associated with the same application but different User IDs were also deleted.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Contracts >> Manage Subcontracts
Defect 2210391: When you tried to save a record on the Manage Subcontracts screen, a critical error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2210916: You experienced slow performance when saving records in the UI or Web Interface Console (WIC). As part of the fix to address this issue, Manage Subcontracts now opens with a blank record instead of autoloading records. This enhancement helps the application launch faster.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2241256: The computed amount displayed in the Remaining Funded Value field was incorrect.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2149207: When you saved a record in Table View in the Manage Savings Bonds Treasury File Data application while in Offline Mode, a new line displayed. This issue also occurred in the Manage W-2s application.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2154266: When you navigated between records in the Multi-New Business Budget Consolidation (Revenue/Cost) application, the system could enter an indefinite loop, leading to out-of-memory errors.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Import Bills of Material
Defect 2260286: When you attempted to change the bills of material(BOM) type from standard to phantom using the preprocessor, an error message stating that the line could not be found was displayed. The workaround before the fix was to manually change the BOMs.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Bills of Material >> Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material
Defect 2125614: When you used the Copy function, the Component Line reset the Scrap % value to its default value, rather than saving the updated value.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2288962: When you attempted to integrate with TIPQA, TIP_DEL_MFG_BOM had mismatched fields in MSS.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Apply Engineering Change Notices
Defect 2189310: When you printed the ECN traveler, Costpoint displayed an incorrect information.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Manage Engineering Change Notices
Defect 2173286: When you entered a revision ID ending with the letter 'D', the Change-To Rev's New Revision value was incorrect. The workaround before the fix was to manually update the Change-To Rev's value.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2198467: When you attempted to save the ECN without a valid ORIG_PART_KEY value, an error message displayed and prevented the saving of the ECN.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2275544: When you attempted to generate an ECN to change a part in an EBOM, an error message stating 'This assembly part/rev does not exist and is not scheduled to be created in this ECN' displayed, even when the part was autoloaded into the subtask. This issue prevented ECN generation without significant manual intervention.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can delete the assembly from the ECN.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Print Engineering Change Notice Impact Report
Defect 2189307: When you printed the ECN traveler, Costpoint displayed an incorrect information.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Print Engineering Change Notice Travelers
Defect 2179712: When you printed the ECN traveler, Costpoint displayed an incorrect information.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> View Engineering Change Notice Status
Defect 2175774: When you entered a Scrap value greater than 999.99%, a blank value displayed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Inventory >> Enter Issues to Project/Account/Org or PO
Defect 2265289: When you updated the Unit Cost and Direct Material Cost while creating a manual negative Issue Quantity, the values reverted to the original amounts.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can enter an adjustment.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Inventory >> Enter Quantity Adjustments
Defect 2252439: When you entered a quantity adjustment for a restricted part in Manage Security Groups, Costpoint allowed the action despite the user not being authorized for that part.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Inventory >> Enter Scrap Adjustments
Defect 2255285: When you entered a quantity adjustment for a restricted part in Manage Security Groups, Costpoint allowed the action despite the user not being authorized for that part.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Inventory >> Import Inventory Transactions
Defect 2271114: When you imported inventory transactions after an upgrade, performance tuning was required.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Inventory >> Manage Locations
Defect 2222539: When you attempted to update the Location Type from incoming inspection to On-hand for a specific location ID, the update was not successful.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Inventory >> Print Stock Status Report
Defect 2201175: When you used the Print Option Export to Excel 2010 on the Print Stock Status Report with merged cells, an error occurred due to the BIRT update 14.1.1.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Inventory >> Reconcile Inventory Balances
Defect 2220461: The Serial/Lot Qty reconciliation functionality has been updated to add missing INVT_TRN_LN_SR_LT row(s) for parts that were serial or lot tracked or both.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Master Production Scheduling >> Firm Master Production Schedule Planned Orders
Defect 2222093: When you reserved a part that no longer existed, the application substituted the original part's reservation.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Master Production Scheduling >> Manage Master Production Schedule Action Messages
Defect 2290008: When you ran MRP, Costpoint did not display the delivery schedule line on the line resultset as well as the PO and Requisition subtasks.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Master Production Scheduling >> MSPMPS >> Update Master Production Schedules
Defect 2205830: The functionality of the application has been updated so that the MRP allocation now includes a status report of the material availability for each build, including on hand or current order.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Master Production Scheduling >> Update Master Production Schedules
Defect 2256809: When you expanded the MRP_ALLOCATION table to include planned order supply, it only included the allocation of existing supply.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can use scripts to populate planned order data.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe
Defect 2267870: When you fulfilled the requirement with an inventory or supply order, the gross requirement for the tables REQD_QTY and REQD_QTY2 displayed as zero.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe
Material Requirements Planning >> Firm Material Requirements Planning Planned Orders
Defect 2195591: When you firmed a "Released" Substitute Part MRP message in MRPFPO, you encountered issues.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2221385: When you reserved a part that no longer existed, the app substituted the original part's reservation.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2291571: When you ordered a unit of measure different from the inventory unit of measure and applied a conversion factor, the quantity on the resulting order calculated correctly, but the unit price did not. It used the cost of the inventory unit of measure.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2294984: When you ran the MRPFPO process, it stopped due to a failure with the error message "MO ID has already been used as reservation".
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2295715: When you ran the application, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Firm Materials Requirements Planning Planned Orders
Defect 2272052: When you ran the MRPFPO process, it stopped with a failure indicating "MO ID has already been used as reservation".
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Manage Detailed Part Schedule
Defect 2175766: When you entered a scrap value exceeding the maximum precision (9999.99%), a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2248013: When you reopened the application after saving a criteria, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2275663: When you attempted to pull manufacturing order (MO) information, some parts of the MO demand subtask failed to retrieve the data.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2275678: When you ran MRP, Costpoint did not indicate that the requisiiton line was for a delivery schedule line.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Manage MRP Action Messages
Defect 2166764: When you opened the screen, not all subtasks aligned properly. Instead, some floated over the top of the main window, disabling the ability to scroll through all records and observe or edit the details for that subtask. This issue affected the following subtasks: Warehouse Inventory, Inventory Details, Orders, Requirements, Full Requirements, Substitutes. As a result, you had to close the floating subtask to scroll to the next record, leading to unnecessary keystrokes or mouse clicks and inefficient message review.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2275679: When you ran MRP, Costpoint did not display the delivery schedule line on the line resultset as well as the PO and Requisition subtasks.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Update Material Requirements Plan
Defect 2178041: When you ran Net Change with multiple ECNs existing for a part, the ECN Pending Messages were duplicated.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a
workaround, you can run a full regen to remove the duplicates.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2204009: The functionality of the application has been updated so that the MRP allocation now includes a status report of the material availability for each build, including on hand or current order.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2243165: When you expanded the MRP_ALLOCATION table to include planned order supply, it only included the allocation of existing supply.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a
workaround, you can use scripts to populate planned order data.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2262050: (Oracle) When you attempted to create a planned order message, it failed because the reservation Need Date was not set up in the Shop Floor Calendar.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a
workaround, you can extend the Shop calendar after the Need date.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2267039: When you fulfilled the requirement with an inventory or supply order, the gross requirement for the tables REQD_QTY and REQD_QTY2 displayed as zero.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2277133: When you didn't set the default RM abbrev on the Manage Inventory Projects screen, safety stock was ordered to the first raw material abbrev in the Inventory Abbrev subtask. It ordered to that abbrev regardless of whether it was outgoing only or active. Before the fix, you had to set the reorder RM abbrev to an active value to generate safety stock supply.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions
Defect 2256724: When you attempted to save a purchase requisition with more than 1500-line items, the process took more than 30 minutes.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Approve Purchase Requisition Lines
Defect 2206789: When you attempted to reject a purchase requisition (PR) after the organization/account exceeded the period of performance date at the time of approval, Costpoint did not allow it.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:;; deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2291656: When you rejected back to a previous approver, the steps shown on the approval did not update with the changes past the rejection or by the original rejector, even though the process allowed the approvers to finish their approvals. This issue impacted Costpoint Users.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround reject back to the first approver.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Approve Purchase Requisitions
Defect 2206788: When you attempted to reject a purchase requisition (PR) after the organization/account exceeded the period of performance date at the time of approval, Costpoint did not allow it.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:;; deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Procurement Planning >> Create Purchase Orders
Defect 2224353: The application has been updated to not execute the SQL query the while loop based on the record on the RQ_PO_DTL table to improve performanc.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2242601: When you created a purchase order, the Print DPAS option in Manage Purchase Orders did not default to selected.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Procurement Planning >> Manage Purchase Requisitions
Defect 2179398: When you rejected a requisition and changed it to pending status, Costpoint reported incorrect On-Req Quantities. The workaround before the fix was to run Reconcile Inventory Balances (INPRECON).
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Request for Quotes by Item
Defect 2275630: When you referenced pending requisitions in RFQs by item, it was not allowed. However, the same purchase requisition could be used in RFQs by vendor.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions
Defect 2192957: When you changed the default item in Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions, the value of the Rev field did not change and an error stating 'This item/rev combination does not exist' displayed. The workaround before the fix was to remove the value of the Item ID and Rev first, before changing the information.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Vendor Quotes by Vendor
Defect 2208500: When you updated Alt Parts of a vendor quote linked to an RFQ with 20 or more lines, the number of connections requested by the application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20. The workaround before the fix was to update less than 20.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Product Definition >> Import Items
Defect 2249288: When you used the item preprocessor template to update substitute parts, the template failed to update. The 'Modified by' field on the template appeared to be incorrect. When this field was removed, the template uploaded successfully.
The template and online help were updated to reflect the correct columns and position.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Product Definition >> Manage Parts
Defect 2294991: You can now do a query of a paired Labels and Value fields values (User-Defined Info subtask).
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Production Control >> Enter Manufacturing Order Issues
Defect 2190909: When you serialized a phantom component on a BOM and backflushed the components, an error message appeared if the option to allow serial/lot tracking for backflush components was selected or not selected. If selected, an error stating 'no serial/lot required' displayed, and if not selected, an error stating 'serial/lot not allowed for backflush' displayed. The workaround before the fix was to avoid serializing phantom subs.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Production Control >> Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs
Defect 2201930: When you attempted to reject a manufacturing order (MO) relief with quality control validation, Costpoint did not allow it.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2221962: When you used the application to add product into inventory, the Original Trans Date field in View Serial/Lot Information (INQSRLT) did not populate as expected.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2224822: When you attempted to perform a Manufacturing Order Relief for orders of 20 or more, a critical system error occurred. The error message indicated that the number of connections requested by the application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Production Control >> Manage Inventory Abbreviation Peggings
Defect 2264991: When you changed the inventory abbreviation on the requirement line after autoloading the requirements, an error message displayed, even if the new inventory abbreviation belonged to the same Inventory project. This prevented you from changing the requirement line inventory abbreviation to another abbreviation belonging to the same inventory project after autoloading the requirements.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Production Control >> Manage Manufacturing Orders
Defect 2207113: When you attempted to backflush lot and serial tracked parts, an error occurred even if the part was not serial or lot tracked. The workaround before the fix was to delete line 61, manually add the part back, and save without error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2213149: When you changed the inventory abbreviation on the RMA requirement line, an error message displayed. This also prevented the maintenance of additional items on the requirement line such as Inventory Abbreviation and Need Date. As a result, you were unable to maintain requirement line elements for the RMA requirement line.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2243366: When you generated requirements on a Manufacturing Order (MO) with effectivity later than the effective end date on the Bill of Materials (BOM), items on the operational routing that had effective end dates on the BOM still generated requirements. This resulted in incorrect requirements for customers.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround correct the routings to exclude components that were no longer effective on the BOM by revising the routing.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2259544: When you cloned multiple MO's, the system also cloned the res_id. As a result, when you set Costpoint to have the reservation set to the MO_ID, it failed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2283989: When you reloaded Requirements through Autoload and then undeleted a previous requirement line, a RES_LN row was missing. For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround delete all previous requirements when reloading requirements with Autoload.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2288445: When you created a Rework type order in Costpoint, the BOM loaded upon saving the record, despite both the Autoload Requirements and Operationalized BOM options being selected. The BOM still loaded upon saving. The workaround before the fix was to select the Rework MO type before entering any other data in the MO.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Production Control >> View Manufacturing Order Status
Defect 2269020: When you used the application and the Assy Serial/Lot subtask, it only displayed one record for the first relief of a lot number. It should have shown all the lots and quantities relieved.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Purchasing >> Approve Pending Purchase Orders
Defect 2196648: When you opened multiple purchase orders, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Purchasing >> Compute/Print Purchasing Commitments
Defect 2190919: When you modified more than 20 parameters, an error stating ""MasterBean: the number of connections requested by this application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20"" displayed. The workaround before the fix was to modify less than 20 parameters at one time.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Purchasing >> Import Purchase Orders
Defect 2098579: When you uploaded an import file with an expired exchange rate, the application proceeded to import the file instead of displaying an error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2265487: When you imported a purchase order with a due date and order date greater than the current date, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Purchasing >> Manage Purchase Orders
Defect 2177469: When you validated the project ID using the PoPoLnAcctObjValidate.validateProjId() class, a fatal framework exception occurred due to changes in a context row during line validation.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2177581: When you updated the PO line, the NAICS business size changed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2193883: When you entered a purchase order (PO) for a part with multiple revisions, one of which was prereleased, a hard error displayed stating 'This item/rev combination has a status of Pre-release'.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2199299: When you added notes to the serial/lot notes field, the notes were not saved. They were saved if initially added, but not if added afterwards. The workaround before the fix was that notes would save as changed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2206584: When you deleted lines from an approved work assignment's purchase order, the charge lines were cleared from the work assignment UI but not from the WA_CHG_LN table. The workaround before the fix was to change the work assignment first, then delete from the PO line.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2219447: When you updated the item or account on the Manage Purchase Orders, the standard text was removed from the line text. This should have only occurred if the standard text was associated with the source that was updated.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2221774: When you reduced the purchase order to less than the vouchered amount, Costpoint allowed it.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2224354: When you compared the behavior between Application level and Field Level Validation of the applicaiton, you observed a difference, which should not be the case.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2226705: When you filled in the Schedule Amount field with alphanumeric characters, you encountered a critical system error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2248073: When you bypassed PO line account validations in the Web Integration Console (WIC), it resulted in incorrect data.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2275654: When you initiated a two-step process for a change order, the last action did not allow for 'Pending Supplier Acknowledgment' or 'Change Request by Buyer', which would have enabled the supplier to acknowledge.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can make changes to the purchase order and save it, then query the purchase order and change the status to 'Pending Supplier Acknowledgment' or 'Change Request by Buyer' and save it.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2291588: When you attempted to void a release line that had not been received or vouchered, it was no longer possible. The workaround before the fix was to close the release line.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Purchasing >> Print Purchase Order Activity Report
Defect 2210189: When you accessed the vendor setup, the business size did not default as expected.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2279999: When you generated the purchase order activity report, it did not include large business spending.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Purchasing >> Print Purchase Orders
Defect 2213007: When you generated the purchase order (PO) print report, the Mfg Part label was printed even when the field had no value.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2277181: When you generated the PO Print report, the Order Reference Number label was included even though the field had no value. This occurred regardless of whether the PO Print Option to print Order Reference Number was selected or not.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Purchasing >> View Purchase Order Status
Defect 2245978: When a part was received and rejected for credit, the system changed the open amount to the rejected amount instead of showing 0.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2265893: When you clicked the Intracompany JE subtask link, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Receiving >> Enter Miscellaneous Inventory Receipts
Defect 2203929: When you reversed a Misc receipt and changed the quantity to positive 1, Costpoint allowed the disposition of the serial lot. This occurred for any quantity up to the Receipt Qty of the misc receipt. For instance, if the misc receipt was for 10, the reversal could be changed to a positive 10 and disposition 10 serial numbers. The same behavior was observed with the lot number in Misc Receipts.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Receiving >> Manage Purchase Order Receipts
Defect 2163052: When you entered PO Receipts and left the Shelf Life Exp Date blank on the PO Receipt line, Costpoint failed to display an error message.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2203288: When you entered a receipt for a purchase order (PO) with payment schedule that was fully vouchered, Costpoint did not reduce the On Order Quantity. This occurred regardless of whether the last receipt was total or partial.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can run an inventory reconciliation for On Order.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2209469: When you clicked into received quantity or amount for a purchase order with a change order that had no changes and had been received, a warning message displayed. This message indicated that the transaction would make the amounts for the PO line exceed the order amount beyond the overshipment tolerance, even if the receipt did not exceed the quantity/amount. This issue occurred on Service and Miscellaneous, 3 way amount or quantity.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2248071: When you viewed more than 100 rows in the receipt lines, items displayed as blank.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2264919: When you attempted to delete a line or an entire receipt on an old receipt record, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Receiving >> Manage Quality Control Inspections
Defect 2182116: When you entered a receipt via web service integration, duplicate serial numbers displayed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2195925: When you saved the inspected quantity in the inspection, it truncated to six (6) decimals.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2225907: When you updated an MRB transaction, Costpoint created a new transaction line instead of updating the original line.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2239366: When you attempted a QC inspection with two lines containing the same item number in the Web Integration Console (WIC), the transaction failed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Sales Order Entry >> Create Invoices
Defect 2267958: When you displayed the packing slip ID in issue detail for drop shipment lines in the invoice, Costpoint did not allow a shipping transaction for a non-inventory SO issue for a drop shipment/goods type SO line. This is related to Defect 2266273.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2275922: When you attempted to create an invoice with a shipment status of 'On Hold' or 'Pending' for Dropshipment Lines, it was incorrectly allowed, instead of displaying an error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Import Sales Orders
Defect 2260317: When you imported a Sales Order (AOPSOPP) with a Service type line item, the Make/Buy field was set to null/blank instead of defaulting to 'Buy' as in the User Interface. This caused the Create Purchase Requisitions from Sales Orders (OEPGRQ) to fail, triggering a ServerAPI under certain conditions and resulting in an incomplete requisition.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues
Defect 2256847: When you attempted to delete Issue ID or Issue Lines where the line number was greater than or equal to 20, you encountered a system error. As a worksround related to the Issue ID, users could reverse the Issue ID instead of deleting it.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Sales Orders
Defect 2255787: When you entered a sales order for an RMA return and selected the RMA line, the lookup returned a selection for each company instead of just one record.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2267413: When you created a new sales order with a Pending status, the RMA field was non-editable and disabled.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> View Sales Order Status Information
Defect 2291694: When you issued a Sales Order Line, the screen issue information was not available.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Supplier Portal >> Manage Invoices
Defect 2243367: When you used the autoload feature, Costpoiint failed to populate all required fields in the Vendor 1099 group box.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Employee >> Import Employee Data
Defect 2228183: If the past adjusted hire date (ADJ_HIRE_DT) falls on or after the current hire date (ORIG_HIRE_DT), the application should generate an error on the report and not import that employee record.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2228189: When you imported changes to Work Hours in Year and/or Estimated Hours without including a rate and rate type in the file, the payroll salary amount and annual amount fields were not recalculated.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee >> Manage Employee Benefit Elections
Defect 2189193: When the employee and company premium amount was calculated, it was based on the employee's coverage start date instead of the Benefit Deduction Method assigned to the employee's pay cycle.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2210920: When you clicked the display information icon, the screen displayed different coverage option and dates. The information card for benefit plan needed to be removed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2292662: A system error occurred when you saved an employee with more than 20 benefit records or queried only one employee with 20 or more records in Manage Employee Benefit Elections (This did not happen when querying multiple employees).
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee >> Manage Employee HSA Elections
Defect 2209835: When you left the Start Date field or End Date field blank and then saved the record, a system error occurred.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can close the system error and populate the missing date(s).
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee >> Manage Employee Medical Care FSA Elections
Defect 2209906: When you attempted to save a new record with an election amount less than the plan year's minimum amount, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee Self Service >> ESMFEDWH >> Manage Federal Withholding
Defect 2249225: When you clicked the Sign button, the application did not automatically save your changes. The button's label did not indicate that you still need to save you changes afterwards.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Employee Self Service >> Manage Life Event Elections
Defect 2218367: An error displayed when you manually entered a non-HDHP medical election while there was an existing HSA ending with the life event.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee Self Service >> W-2s
Defect 2264402: When you selected the Include W-2c data in ESS W-2 screen checkbox on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen, the W-2s screen on ESS displayed the Box 12 value from the W-2Cs.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Labor >> Create Auto-Pay Timesheets
Defect 2259362: When you processed a large amount of data (for example, 3,000 employees), the application did not respond for several hours and created multiple timesheets for each individual.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2260859: When you processed multiple employees eligible for auto-pay with the Use defaults on this screen as first level of default option selected, a system error displayed. This issue occurred when you clicked Preview or Print/Process.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Labor >> Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense
Defect 2209534: When you imported a file into Time and Expense that contained commas, single quotes, and double quotes in the UDT02 Name field, an error displayed stating the import file has a row that has an invalid number of fields.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Labor >> Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense
Defect 2039277: When you imported a timesheet, multiple fringe lines combined into one if they were identical. Consequently, one line was replaced with only one line, specifically with the fringe from the last line on the timesheet.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Labor >> Manage Correcting Timesheets
Defect 2187581: The application incorrectly generated a negative leave without pay (LWOP) line. The incorrect amount on the negative LWOP timesheet line was caused by the auto-adjust functionality which was set up for salaried employees.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Labor >> Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults
Defect 2209694: When you attempted to save employee project timesheet defaults that linked to an account or organization outside the projected period of performance, an error occurred. However, the same project, organization, or account could be set up on the Manage Project Timesheet Defaults screen.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Labor >> Post Timesheets
Defect 2259639: When you posted a loss due to exchange rate fluctuations, the correct amounts were posted to the General Ledger, but not to EMPL_LV_HIST table. The full labor cost plus the loss adjustment are posted to the LV_USED_AMT (functional amount) column on the EMPL_LV_HIST table.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Payroll >> Manage W-2Cs
Defect 2200832: When you accessed the Query function, the screen displayed the table name for previously reported fields for Alabama Exempt Overtime Wages.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Payroll >> Manage W-2s
Defect 2223831: You were able to enter negative numbers in the Alabama exempt overtime wages amount field.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Payroll >> Print State Overtime Wages Report
Defect 2242585: The Alabama exempt overtime wages amount still displayed even if the earnings amount was not under the State of Alabama for a multi-state setup.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Payroll >> Print W-2s
Defect 2189103: The employer's address in the W-3 and W3c forms were not in sync with the address in the W-2 form.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2190020: When you printed the W-2 on blank stock, the employer and employee address details were not aligned properly.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2198813: When you printed the test pattern for 4-part laser form using the Test 4-Up option, more than four Box 12 codes displayed. This resulted in the second page to print in an incorrect format.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Payroll >> Update Employee Package Deductions
Defect 2250357: When the employee's termination date was the same as the HSA or medical/dependent FSA election start date, the report printed an unnecessary error stating that the employee was terminated prior to FSA or HSA plan year start date.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:; deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.15.5009.exe;deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Administration >> Maintain Generic Staff
Defect 2262647: A generic staff code could not be modified or shared after it was used in a budget.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Administration >> Maintain Project Budget Security
Defect 2209689: The User ID and User Name fields failed to populate when the details were sourced from Manage Project User Flow in Projects.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2258917: The User ID lookup included user security groups instead of only displaying user IDs.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Administration >> Manage Security Org Rights
Defect 2218398: Organization IDs did not display in the Organization ID Lookup dialog box.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Administration >> Post Install Setup
Defect 2245105: When you selected the Refresh Process tab during post-installation, you received an index error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Administration >> Report Table Update Process
Defect 2222121: When you refreshed the work assignment charge line for the resource, duplicate rates caused a failure at Time & Expense line 1385.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Administration >> User Maintenance
Defect 2288854: As part of an enhancement to update security within Planning, the User Maintenance application was removed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Budgeting >> BNP_BGMBP >> Project Budgets
Defect 22210178: After you changed the hours in a cell on the Hours subtask for a Working status budget, you received an error after you clicked the Tab button.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Budget/Outlook Resource Schedule
Defect 2255092: When the integrated method was used, the final version of the EAC did not automatically populate the report unless you first ran the Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets utility. To correct this, a Budget Source drop-down field was added. The field displays only for the integrated method. Choose from the following options:
Latest Org BUD/Outlook: Select this option to run the report using the latest org budget that has a status of complete.
Final Project BUD/EAC: Select this option to run the report using the final EAC or the final budget if an EAC does not exist.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Organization Budgeting >> Maintain Budget Groups
Defect 2259628: When you created a new Budget Group, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Organization Budgeting >> Org Budgets/Outlooks Mass Utilities
Defect 2224272: After you ran the Commit process on all Working status budgets, you received a system error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Organization Budgeting >> Organization Budget Cycle Initialization
Defect 2227098: After you manually edited rates for a specific year, the rate was applied to other prior years.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Organization Budgeting >> Rate Analysis by Org
Defect 2239755: Labor rates were doubled due to new burden amounts that should not have been included in the calculation.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Organization Budgets / Outlooks
Defect 2208505: After you created an outlook from an org budget, the labor, non-labor, and overhead amounts on the Profit & Loss details subtask were doubled in the prior closed periods.
Note: This occurred if Planning was configured to use the integrated method for calculating org budget revenue.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2247213: When you created a top-level budget or outlook, the rollup outlook was missing indirect actual costs.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Import Budget/EACs from Excel
Defect 2191861: When you used the Budget Period of Performance, it did not include the Period End Date.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2222951: When you set up a duplicate revenue record, a merge error occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Labor Analysis
Defect 2251270: When you attempt a merge operation, an error occurred if a target row matched more than one source row.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Project Budgets/EAC Mass Utilities
Defect 2252917: The application did not include an option to recalculate the budget or EAC. To correct this, a Recalc option was added to the Process drop-down list, which displays when the Budget or EAC has a status of Working.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Project Labor Analysis
Defect 2227078: The PLC did not populate with the default description, when one was not already specified in Manage Project Labor Category.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Project Status
Defect 2271478: When you selected Alternate Project as the Report By option, the Ending field did not validate correctly.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Transaction Analysis
Defect 2135223: The report did not indicate the source (GL or PSR) of the transaction details. To correct this, a Source column was added to the Transaction Analysis Details table.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Update Multiple Project Budgets/EACs
Defect 2249272: When the application was reintroduced in an earlier release, it did not include the option to recommit project budgets or EACs. To correct this, a Recommit button was added to the screen, which is enabled for budgets or EACs that have a status of Complete or Incomplete.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2266550: A warning message associated with the Recommit process was updated to remove an unnecessary instance of the word "recommit."
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Update Project Budget Report Tables
Defect 2072653: When you selected a wide range of projects, or 'ALL' for Projects, a performance issue occurred.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgets / EACs
Defect 2127105: A REVFXD entry in the Cost Table of the source NB budget caused duplicate records for fixed revenue.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Defect 2131626: When you tried to create an EAC, you received a hard error if a duplicate PLC rate existed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2203963: You received a Null Pointer Exception error after you added a line with no values to the Amounts subtask.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2209879: After you committed either a budget or EAC, an incorrect number of hours displayed due to duplicate records that existed in the table for pending hours.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2210422: Top Level projects were missing when you ran the Cost report type.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2213127: After you changed the hours in a cell on the Hours subtask for a Working status budget, you received an error after you clicked the Tab button.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2227071: When an EAC had a Working status, pending timesheets did not include the default PLC even though it existed.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2242820: When you changed the project ID in the header, the query ran sluggishly, taking up to eight minutes to execute.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2248081: Though the PLC subtask was designed to allow you to input modifcations, in the case of one specific project, the Project Labor Categories, it was not editable. With this correction, Project Labor Categories is now always editable.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2257773: When you copied lines in the Hours or Amounts subtasks, they included actuals from prior periods instead of zeros.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2268323: When labor entries from the general ledger did not include an effective billing rate, you received an unexpected merge error.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Resource Planning
Defect 2105601: When you added a new assignment, PLC did not display by default.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Billing >> Calculate Standard Bills
Defect 2255959: When you ran this application, you encountered a system error. The threshold for arithmetic overflow in two work tables has been increased from 999,999 to 9,999,999 to fix this issue.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Billing >> Post Standard Bills
Defect 2193978: When you posted standard bills, the MU Billed Amount on Manage Project Bill summary included sales tax.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can change the MU Billed Amount value. However, this would not be feasible for multiple invoices.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Billing >> Print Progress Payment Bills
Defect 2221417: The expiration date and revision number on the Standard Form 1443 in Costpoint has been modified to 6/30/2027 and 10/2023 respectively to be consistent with the form’s current version.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Billing >> Update Billing Tables Bill Labor Category Description
Defect 2206654: The locking method for the Update Billing Tables Bill Labor Category Description application has been changed to user locking.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compare Project Ledger to General Ledger
Defect 2221928: When you ran this application, the process failed to complete.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compute Revenue
Defect 2195903: You encountered a performance issue when running the Compute Revenue screen.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Group Duplicates in Labor History
Defect 2226699: When you ran this toolkit, you encountered the following error message: “Number of rows to delete not the same as the number of duplicates found. No changes were made.”
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can update the VEND_ID to a single value like “XXXXX” for the duplicate records, run the toolkit again, and then set the VEND_ID back to NULL.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Load Labor Rates
Defect 2206653: The locking method for the Load Labor Rates application has been changed to user locking.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Cost and Revenue Processing >> PJPCHORG >> Process Organization Changes
Description: Getting an Error when trying to Approve an Owning Org change journal entry regarding Exchange Rate cannot be zero
Customers Impacted: Costpoint Users
Workaround Before Fix: A work around is to go approval Settings and uncheck Approval Required for AJEs.
Additional Notes:
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Post Revenue
Defect 2268862: You encountered a performance issue when you ran this application.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Create Project Report Tables
Defect 2212088: When you printed the Revenue Worksheet with ITD selected in Select Report Period on the Print Revenue Worksheet screen for accounts with SALCAP function code, the revenue amount was incorrect for the project with negative unallowable costs.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2239725: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2244899: When there were net negative YTD costs for an account or organization, the allowable amounts on the printed Revenue Worksheet were incorrect.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2251112: When you created project report tables, the Prior Year Adjustment Period revenue fields (SUB_PYREV_TGT_AMT/SUB_PYREV_ACT_AMT) were populated for subperiods other than the subperiod in which the revenue was recognized.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Print Revenue Worksheet
Defect 2249199: When you selected Subperiod from the Select Report Period drop-down list and ran this application, the Prior Year Adjustment Period Revenue was not included in the generated report.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can select the Hours By Employee checkbox in the Show group box before running the report.
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Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Setup >> Manage Prior Year Billable Value
Defect 2275365: When you updated the Billing Value of an existing record, you encountered the following error message: “This record already exists. This combination of columns ('Fiscal Year (Hidden)','Project (Hidden)','Organization','Account','General Labor Category','Project Labor Category','Employee','Vendor','Vendor Employee') must be unique.”
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can:
Paste all rows into an Excel spreadsheet and make the value changes there.
Copy a row on the Manage Prior Year Billable Value screen.
Update the value in the copied row.
Delete the original row, which also deletes all other rows except for the new copied one.
Paste the remaining rows back from the Excel spreadsheet.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Setup >> Manage Project User Flow
Defect 2213120: When you added multiple project levels simultaneously, Costpoint allowed the saving of project levels that were not set up at the top-level project.
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Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Subcontractor Management >> Manage Work Assignments
Defect 2209426: When you changed a work assignment’s Approval Status to Closed on the Charges subtask of the Manage Work Assignments screen and changed the PO Status to Closed on the Manage Purchase Orders application, the charge lines on the work assignment did not appear. However, when you closed the work assignment but kept the PO Status set to Open, the charge lines on the work assignment remained visible.
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Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Configuration >> Resource Information
Defect 2271823: When you changed the login ID for a new employee record after having added and saved it, tabbing cleared out the email address unexpectedly.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Expense >> Expense Batch Type
Defect 2264047: When you clicked Correct but did not make any changes, a message should have displayed after you saved that informed you that the timesheet was not modified.
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Dependent Files:
Expense >> Expense Classes
Defect 2184357: Infocards for Expense Report Types Code and Description were blank.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Expense >> Expense Report
Defect 2074079: The default charge type was only populating the Account and ORG fields when you incorrectly deleted a charge from the charge tree.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2115165: When you added an Entertainment expense with meals and attendees, and then a single meal for the same day, no error displayed for already claimed meals.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2208417: After you revised an expense report notification, an email was sent to the employee even though it was not configured to be sent.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2209819: The primary supervisor did not received an email notification after the first approver approved an expense report task.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2258386: When you loaded expense reports for subcontractor (SubK) user approvals, the labor support subtask did not recognize work assignment timesheets and caused an error.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2265209: When you updated the pay method for an expense on another user's expense report, the selection was not saved and reverted to Submitted status.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2265829: After you clicked Submit in Wizard mode, the number of attachments that displayed on the Attachments tab doubled. This happened when one attachment was marked as Missing and an overall attachment was also present.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2268293: When you updated the Comments field for an expense after submission, the comment was not saved.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2271420: Though Enable Time & Expense Interactive Email in System Settings and Use Interactive Email for Notifications for Overall Approval Task were not selected, interactive emails for Expense Report approvals were still being sent.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Expense >> Expense Settings
Defect 2211555: You encountered this system message: "Internal environment message: Invalid rs EPMCONFIG_HDR metadata. Client side Primary/Logical keys should uniquely identify rows .Found duplicates : 0$X| based on keys : COMPANY_ID|" when accessing the Expense Settings application.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Expense >> Quick Entry Expense Report
Defect 2272035: When you used unclaimed expenses and no additional unclaimed expenses existed, voiding the original claims on the expense report did not immediately display those expenses in the Quick Entry Expense Report. The expenses only appeared after saving the new Quick Entry Expense Report.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Time >> Change Timesheet Status
Defect 1949853: When a supervisor rejected a Processed timesheet at the same time as the employee corrected it, the timesheet status changed to Rejected, but the button did not change from Correct to Undo Correct.
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Dependent Files:
Time >> Daily Floor Check
Defect 2243498: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Daily Floor Check application.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Time >> Manage/Approve Timesheets
Defect 2203117: When a timesheet is ready for approval, if the role add or changes a UDT, but does not save the record and clicks approve, the change is recorded without a revision.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2244092: Mismatch in S_STATUS_CD between TS and TS_SUMMARY tables when approve a timesheet through Mass Approve TS, or reject a timesheet launched from Desktop
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2244973: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Manage/Approve Timesheets application.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Time >> Timesheet
Defect 2160750: You received a system error when you entered lunch hours after clearing the Time Out field in the Time In/Out subtask of a timesheet.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2194589: When setting the new class setting to check schedule changes and a specific TS schedule, a system error is given.(Nullpointer Exception)
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2210448: You received an error when a work assignment charge row with a GLC and PLC is selected, while rows without a GLC and PLC can be saved without error.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2221797: When Delegation is selected, the delegate role does not receive email notifications for leave requests.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2225801: When Event set to send TS save Notifications to Primary Supervisor, the user has a PS role over a different group, the save email is still sent to themselves.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2254409: Interactive Timesheet duplicates Projects upon Save, when hours are entered in the Favorites section of the Timesheet. Duplicated Projects are then viewable in Web as well.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2257866: When Time was configured to use the Project abbreviation and the UDT02 was a manufacturing order (MO), you received an error after you selected it from Favorites on the timesheet.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2265933: When you added a row of cost-only values, they were incorrectly included in the total hours on the home dashboard.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2269024: When you corrected a timesheet without making any changes and then signed the timesheet, a task to approve the timesheet was incorrectly generated.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Time >> Timesheet Reminder
Defect 2244974: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Timesheet Reminder application.
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Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Time >> Timesheet Status
Defect 2222695: When the current period was the same as the specific period that you selected, the results were not identical, when they should have been.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2244003: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Timesheet Status application.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Time >> Work Schedule
Defect 2200745: You encountered a system error when you clicked Apply to request for a new leave on the Work Schedule screen.
Build Deployed In:
Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
There are no security enhancements or security issues addressed in this release.
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