

Use this subtask to view on-screen detail information for the selected subcontract purchase order line. This subtask is available only for subcontract PO lines. Otherwise, the Line Detail subtask will display.  These values will display for the PO in the Enter POs screen, and can be updated in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.


This field displays the subcontract purchase order ID.


This field displays the release number of the subcontract purchase order.

Change Order

This field displays the latest change order number of the subcontract purchase order.


This field displays the subcontract purchase order line number.

Line Status

This field displays the line status of "P" (Pending), "O" (Open), "V" (Void), "C" (Closed), or "S" (System-Closed).

Misc Type

This field displays the miscellaneous charge type for the subcontract PO line.

Note: Subcontract POs can contain only "S" (Service) and "M" (Miscellaneous) line types. 

Due Date

This field displays the due date for the subcontract PO line.

Orig Due Date

This field displays the original due date for the subcontract PO line.

Desired Date

This field displays the desired due date for the subcontract PO line.

Trans Curr

This field displays the transaction currency for the subcontract PO line. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.


This field displays the service ID for the line; otherwise this field will be blank for "M" (Miscellaneous) line types. The service or miscellaneous (i.e., Misc Type) description assigned to the line will display to the right of the Rev field.


This field displays the service ID's revision for the line; otherwise this field will be blank for "M" (Miscellaneous) line types. The service or miscellaneous (i.e., Misc Type) description assigned to the line will display to the right.


The fields in this group box display all applicable amounts related to the subcontract PO based on the most recent update from the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.  The values in this group box display in the selected transaction currency in the Exchange Rates subtask in the Enter POs screen.


This field displays the Subcontract Order Amount, which indicates the current order amount of the subcontract PO line after all changes. The value in this field is originally entered as the Ext Cost Amount for the PO line in the Enter POs screen. However, this field displays the most recently updated amount if any additional change orders were entered.

Completed Work

This field displays the Completed Work amount, which indicates the actual work completed (i.e., cumulative from inception to date) for the subcontract PO line. The Completed Work Amount is calculated as Percent Complete * Subcontract Order Amount for the PO line.

Stored Materials

This field displays the Stored Materials Amount, which indicates the value of the materials (cumulative from inception to date) that have been supplied to a site for use on a subcontract PO line item job.  This amount is also included during payment voucher calculations.

Bal to Complete

This field displays the Balance to Complete Amount, which is calculated as Subcontract Order Amt – Completed Work Amount – Stored Materials Amt (i.e., Subcontract Order Amount – Subcontract Accepted Amt) in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.

The value in this field indicates the remaining amount of the subcontract order against which service is yet to be received in terms of work completed or stored materials, including retention amounts. 


This field displays the Requested Work Amount, which is the total amount of work that the vendor has stated as completed against the subcontract PO (from inception to date).

Compl Work Retn

This field displays the Completed Work Retention Amount, which is calculated as Completed Work Retention Pct * Completed Work Amount in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.

The value in this field indicates the actual value of completed work retention amount (cumulative from inception to date) that has been withheld from payment.  This amount cannot be greater than the completed work amount for the PO line.  Updates to this field will automatically modify the Completed Work Retention Pct in order to keep both fields synchronized.  Consequently, the Eligible for Voucher Amt and Incremental Work Retention Amt will also be updated.

Stored Matl Retn

This field displays the Stored Materials Retention Amount, which is calculated as Stored Materials Retention Pct * Stored Materials Amt in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.

The value in this field indicates the actual value of stored materials retention amount (cumulative from inception to date) that has been withheld from payment.  This amount cannot be greater than the stored materials amount for the line.  Updating the value in this field will automatically modify the value in the Stored Materials Retention Pct field. Consequently, Eligible for Voucher Amt and Incremental Stored Materials Retention Amt will also be updated.

Prev Vouchered

This field displays the Previously Vouchered Amount, which indicates the value of accounts payable vouchers that have been created (cumulative from inception to date) against the subcontract PO line.  These vouchers include those based on progress payment request updates (via the Create Subcontract PO Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable), along with those manually created vouchers that are not related to any progress payment request.

Eligible for Voucher

This field displays the Eligible for Voucher Amount, which is calculated as Completed Work Amount + Stored Materials Amt - Completed Work Retention Amt - Stored Materials Retention Amt - Prev Vouchered Amount in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.

The value in this field indicates the net amount for which additional accounts payable vouchers can be created.  This value is equal to the amount still payable to the vendor less retentions.  If the Eligible for Voucher Amt is negative, this field will display zero instead.

Sales Tax/VAT Payable

This field displays the Sales Tax/VAT Amount Payable Amount, which is calculated as Eligible for Voucher Amt * Sales Tax/VAT Rate in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.

The value in this field indicates the amount of sales tax/VAT due based on the line's voucher amount that is eligible for payment for the particular update.  This field is calculated if the line is taxable (i.e., the Tax field is "Y" for the PO line in the Enter POs screen), and the Sales Tax/VAT Code, Sales Tax/VAT Rate and amount payable are populated. The Sales Tax/VAT Code is based on the Ship ID on the subcontract PO line.

Posted to G/L

This field displays the amount of the subcontract PO that has been posted to the General Ledger.

Table Window

Use this table window to view charge number information for each subcontract purchase order line.  The information in this screen is display-only, and is originally established in the Account Distribution subtask in the Enter POs screen.


This field displays the project assigned to the subcontract PO line in the Account Distribution subtask in the Enter POs screen.

Project Name

This field displays the project name assigned to the project ID.


This field displays the organization ID assigned in the Account Distribution subtask in the Enter POs screen. The organization indicates how charges are received for the line item.

Organization Name

This field displays the organization name that is assigned to the organization ID.


This field displays the account ID assigned in the Account Distribution subtask in the Enter POs screen.  If the subcontract PO line has an inventory abbreviation in the Account Distribution subtask in the Enter POs screen, the associated account ID displays in this field.

Account Name

This field displays the account name that is assigned to the account ID.

Trans Amount

This field displays the amount of this line item to be charged to the selected Account/Organization/Project based on the allocation percentage. This amount displays in the transaction currency for this subcontract purchase order based on the settings and the value in the Trans to Func field in the Exchange Rates subtask in the Enter POs screen. If the transaction currency and functional currency are different for the subcontract PO (and an exchange rate value greater or less than "1" exists in the Trans to Func field), this field displays the in the Exchange Rates subtask in the Enter POs screen.

Func Amount

This field displays the amount of this line item to be charged to the selected Account/Organization/Project based on the allocation percentage. This amount displays in functional currency for this subcontract purchase order.


This field displays the percentage amount of this line item to be charged to the selected account/organization/project. In the Account Distribution subtask in the Enter POs screen, this default percentage can be deleted and an amount entered in the Amount column instead.

Ref 1

This field displays the reference 1 value assigned in the Account Distribution subtask in the Enter POs screen.

Ref 2

This field displays the reference 2 value assigned in the Account Distribution subtask in the Enter POs screen.

Ln Txt Codes

Select this pushbutton to view information on the subcontract PO line item's line text codes.

Line Notes

Use this pushbutton to view on-screen line notes associated with the selected subcontract PO line.